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I need some quotes/info

Posted: 2005-12-31 09:29pm
by OmegaGuy
I need to know the page and the quote from the ROTS novelization about the turbolasers not being at full power, and I need to know the source that said that Dodonna's quote applied to the superlaser itself, not the turbolaser batteries of the DS.

If anyone could help me out, that would be great.

Posted: 2005-12-31 09:48pm
by Vympel
RotS novelization:
The vast semisphere of the view wall bloomed with battle. Sophisticated sensor algorithms compressed the combat that sprawled throughout the galactic capital's orbit to a view the naked eye could enjoy: cruisers hundreds of kilometers apart, exchanging fire at near lightspeed, appeared to be practically hull to hull, joined by pulsing cables of flame. Turbolaser blasts became swift shafts of light that shattered into prismatic splinters against shields, or bloomed into miniature supernovae that swallowed ships whole.
Not the sort of firepower you'd want to use at close-range, which is why we don't see it in the film.

Further- Grievous:
"Concentrate fire on Indomitable," he told the senior gunnery officer. "All batteries at maximum. Fire for effect. Blast that hulk out of space, and we'll make a hyperspace jump through its wreckage.

But- the forward towers are already overloading, sir." The officer's voice trembled on the edge of panic. "They'll be at critical failure in less than a minute-"
The fleets had been battling for hours by the time the film started- this is made obvious by Grievous comment to Tyranus that Palpatine should've been taken out system "hours ago". Grievous orders to fire the batteries at maximum combined with his gunnery officer's protestation as to the overload of the forward towers shows that Invisible Hand's guns were certainly not at maximum prior to this. Seeing what a full power turbolaser bolt does to an unshielded ship, its not surprising we don't see that at the close ranges we see in the film.

As for the quote re the superlaser:
"No other weapon produced during the Galactic Civil War proved as devastating as the awesome Imperial superlaser. The superlaser was created by several turbolaser pulses, produced by amplifications crystals around the cannon's circular well. These pulses were fused over the central focus lens, resulting in a devastating energy beam with more firepower than half the Imperial starfleet".
From the Behind the Magic CD.

Posted: 2005-12-31 10:13pm
by OmegaGuy
Thanks, these will help because I'm preparing for a debate. What level of canon is the behind the magic CD?

Posted: 2005-12-31 11:14pm
by Publius
OmegaGuy wrote:Thanks, these will help because I'm preparing for a debate. What level of canon is the behind the magic CD?
It is canonical enough. Do not be tricked into thinking that you must justify the evidence; Behind the Magic is canonical and authoritative in the absence of a clear and explicit contradiction in the films or the direct adaptations thereof (i.e., the novelizations, the radio dramatizations, and the screenplays). Unless one of those sources clearly and authoritatively states that the Dodonna quote does not refer specifically to the superlaser weapon rather than the Death Star's total firepower, the evidence of Behind the Magic stands.