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Posted: 2006-01-09 06:52pm
by Anguirus
^ It's not as frightening as some of the cross-species love going on in the Star Wars EU...notably in the works of Stackpole. Perhaps he's trying to make some point about tolerance, but I have serious difficulty imagining an intense attraction between members of species that look vastly different.

Posted: 2006-01-09 08:45pm
by Noble Ire
Anguirus wrote:^ It's not as frightening as some of the cross-species love going on in the Star Wars EU...notably in the works of Stackpole. Perhaps he's trying to make some point about tolerance, but I have serious difficulty imagining an intense attraction between members of species that look vastly different.
I only recall references to mating with Bothans and Twi'lek (and Faleen, in Xizor's case). While the former is a bit odd, the latter pretty much seems the norm, and what the species is largely bred for. Every other reference I can think of deals with near-humans, who are, as the name suggests, near human in appearance, and may even be sexually viable with humans (ie, Kiffar, Haruun Kal, possibly Miraluka and Chiss).

Posted: 2006-01-10 12:06am
by Anguirus
Well, Twi'lek and human makes sense, and to a lesser extent Falleen. (But WHO on earth would be turned on by SCALES?)

Bothans, on the other hand, I can't see. And then you have Mon Calamari-Quarren sexual relationships. Look, they may be from the same planet, but they look nothing alike.

I could have sworn there was another bonding in the Stackpole books that made me go, "WTF?" but I can't recall it now. Something about a human or near-human crew chief marrying a Quarren or some other odd-looking alien.

Posted: 2006-01-10 12:23am
by Uraniun235
Anguirus wrote:Well, Twi'lek and human makes sense, and to a lesser extent Falleen. (But WHO on earth would be turned on by SCALES?)
There are people on this very planet, at this very moment, who would find someone with scales the most attractive person alive. This is with a population of a mere six billion.

The people of Star Wars, vast a galaxy as it is, probably have perversions we have not even dreamt of yet.

Posted: 2006-01-10 12:42am
by Anguirus
^ Good point. Allow me to retort by quivering in helpless, mindless fear all night.

Posted: 2006-01-10 02:50am
by Lord Revan
Anguirus wrote:Well, Twi'lek and human makes sense, and to a lesser extent Falleen. (But WHO on earth would be turned on by SCALES?)
the Falleen have unique phermones, that allows them to manipulate the feelings of other species.

Posted: 2006-01-10 08:29am
by Elheru Aran
Also, the Falleen aren't scaly per se; their scales form more of a smooth skin than something obvious. They're more like snakes, with much smaller scales, than lizards.

Discussion is getting a bit more SW than ST though... :wink:

Posted: 2006-01-10 01:41pm
by General Soontir Fel
Anguirus wrote:Well, Twi'lek and human makes sense, and to a lesser extent Falleen. (But WHO on earth would be turned on by SCALES?)

Bothans, on the other hand, I can't see. And then you have Mon Calamari-Quarren sexual relationships. Look, they may be from the same planet, but they look nothing alike.

I could have sworn there was another bonding in the Stackpole books that made me go, "WTF?" but I can't recall it now. Something about a human or near-human crew chief marrying a Quarren or some other odd-looking alien.
Bothan/Human I could buy. And unlike Trek writers, Stackpole at least knows what a species is, and both Gavin and Asyr knew there would be no children.

On the other hand, Stackpole also mentioned a relationship between Corran Horn and a Selonian... which ended because Corran's sweat was too acidic... right.

Posted: 2006-01-10 02:51pm
by Anguirus
^ Yeah, I remember that. It *was* a funny story, I have to admit. He was allergic to her, too. Supposedly the best sex ever, but they both felt like they were "sunburned all over."

Posted: 2006-01-10 04:06pm
by Zed Snardbody
Anguirus wrote:^ Good point. Allow me to retort by quivering in helpless, mindless fear all night.
If you can think of it, someone is whacking to it.

Posted: 2006-01-10 07:13pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Elheru Aran wrote:Also, the Falleen aren't scaly per se; their scales form more of a smooth skin than something obvious. They're more like snakes, with much smaller scales, than lizards.
I thought the only real remnant of scales for the Falleen was the spinal ridge down their backs, while the rest was essentially actual skin.

Posted: 2006-01-10 07:22pm
by Noble Ire
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:
Elheru Aran wrote:Also, the Falleen aren't scaly per se; their scales form more of a smooth skin than something obvious. They're more like snakes, with much smaller scales, than lizards.
I thought the only real remnant of scales for the Falleen was the spinal ridge down their backs, while the rest was essentially actual skin.
The SWEG: Species is a bit vague on that, noting "scaly skin" but then refering to regular skin as well. From the picture of the female, though, I would suspect the scales are largely confined to their backs and spinal area. While reviewing that book, I also remembered the Zeltrons, who seem to mate with virtually ever humanoid species as it strikes their fancy (the entry indicates most of their culture is based on enjoyment, partying, and sexual experimentation), and have phermones similar to those of the Falleen.

Posted: 2006-01-10 11:07pm
by Ghost Rider

Posted: 2006-01-10 11:13pm
by Lord Revan
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:
Elheru Aran wrote:Also, the Falleen aren't scaly per se; their scales form more of a smooth skin than something obvious. They're more like snakes, with much smaller scales, than lizards.
I thought the only real remnant of scales for the Falleen was the spinal ridge down their backs, while the rest was essentially actual skin.
what I've seen in some comics is that Falleen do have scales all over their body but they're so small that they're almost like real skin.

Posted: 2006-01-11 03:13am
by Cykeisme
Aren't there folks here (on our dear Earth) that are referred to as "furries" or something? Some weird fetish shit.. I don't know much about it, but I recall there was an episode of CSI about it.
If there's such people here on Earth with only 6 billion humans, I'm sure there'd be "furries" among the SW galaxy's human population, and having real life anthropomorphic animals would probably be good for them.

Btw... Twi'Leks... mmm :)

Posted: 2006-01-11 04:23am
by Lord Revan
besides it's a bit different to have relationships with near- or pseudo (as Saxton calls them) humans, then something truly alien like a Kaminoan (or heaven forbid a Hutt)

Posted: 2006-01-11 05:29am
by Ar-Adunakhor
There are people on this very planet who draw and/or get off to pornographic pictures of uh... well... just about *everything*. If you find it repulsive and taboo, then someone gets off to it. If you need examples of this, visit /d/ on 4chan. If you want your mind to be truly ravaged by the weird fetishes that exist on this planet *alone*, visit FurryChan or GuroChan. And the exotic ones are just.... *shudder*.

Anyway, everyone has different tastes. Given the number of people in the SW universe, I have zero doubts that while most people would keep to their own species, there would be exceptions. Add in the fact that some aliens look so much like humans (Twi'lek = Hawt) and you begin to have exceptions to the general same species sentiment. If High Human Society could have a place for the most human-like demi-humans (albiet a small one), it would follow that "normal" people would generally have an understanding of relationships between demi-humans and humans. I personally think they would be viewed much as homosexual relationships are viewed in the US today. Different, but not ZOMGZ WTF KILL THEM!!!11eleventyone!1!

I also have no doubts what-so-ever that somewhere along the line a SW human married a Quarren. Probably several thousand somebodies, as I have seen both Quarren and Illithid fetishes readily displayed on /d/ en masse. And we are just one measly little planet. More people just means more fetishes. Then there are the aliens to consider. What kind of a fetish would a *Hutt* have for instance? What of the Ithorians? Combine that with the number of beings in the SW-verse, and the perversions and fetishes are infinte.

You know, on second thought, I don't really want to know what fetishes a Hutt would have.... *runs off to gouge out his mental eyes*

Posted: 2006-01-11 05:34am
by Elheru Aran
Lord Revan wrote:
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:
Elheru Aran wrote:Also, the Falleen aren't scaly per se; their scales form more of a smooth skin than something obvious. They're more like snakes, with much smaller scales, than lizards.
I thought the only real remnant of scales for the Falleen was the spinal ridge down their backs, while the rest was essentially actual skin.
what I've seen in some comics is that Falleen do have scales all over their body but they're so small that they're almost like real skin.
Yes, that's what I was getting at.





Note the difference?

Posted: 2006-01-11 12:13pm
by Anguirus
Yeah, I guess it does make sense when you think about it. i just was not prepared to think about it.

I mean, even in the movies, we have Jabba's humanoid fetish. And humans have been around so long they've even influenced the development of other races, like the Falleen. A truly alien race would be fundamentally different from humans in nearly every way, macro- and micro-, and as Austin powers would say, "the mechanics of it are mind-boggling." But in the case of the Star Wars universe, there has been so much inter-species mixing on so many planets it's probably quite a different situation from the first thought that popped into my head.

Posted: 2006-01-11 01:05pm
by Cykeisme
Saxton terms Jabba's slave girls as "pets". I think this is a more probable view that Hutts have of their humanoid slaves.. just cute pets.

I think inter-species relationships would probably be frowned upon in more close-minded, backwater regions in much the same way inter-racial relationships are frowned upon in some cultures here on Earth. On metropolitan places like Coruscant, however, I think anything goes.

Posted: 2006-01-11 02:20pm
by Anguirus
Saxton terms Jabba's slave girls as "pets". I think this is a more probable view that Hutts have of their humanoid slaves.. just cute pets.
A.C. Crispin's Han Solo books make it clear that it's a sexual thing, and considered quite perverse by other Hutts.

Posted: 2006-01-11 04:12pm
by Doctor Doom
Is there any canon evidence of humans and some of the other humanoid species (i.e. Twileks, etc.) being able to actually produce offspring? Or can it be left to educated conjecture?

Posted: 2006-01-11 04:15pm
by Noble Ire
Blackjack Simmons wrote:Is there any canon evidence of humans and some of the other humanoid species (i.e. Twileks, etc.) being able to actually produce offspring? Or can it be left to educated conjecture?
None that I recall, although there are some vague references to minor characters with "non-human lineage." However, there are numerous species thought to be decendants of ancient human generation ship colonists, changed externally, but still functionally human, who may rationalize this.

Posted: 2006-01-11 07:54pm
by Anguirus
Shug Ninx is described as "half-human," but I don't believe we ever see what his other parent looked like.

Posted: 2006-01-11 10:14pm
by Kurgan
Jawas and Tuskens are related aren't they? At least I thought they were according to the ANH novel.

Also, Ewoks and Jawas have some of the same voices, so perhaps there is a connection (I'm thinking it has something to do with Yoda's "good relations" with the Wookiees)...

In any case, I'm sure none of this stuff would stop erotic fan fiction writers. The bigger, scarier question is, how close will the EU authors come to immitating Star Trek?