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Intersting quote found in ICS
Posted: 2002-12-17 05:59am
by His Divine Shadow
most people seemed to have missed it:
Pg. 6: The speeder was designed for scouts exploring the wastelands of worlds lacking complex native life. Zam acquired hers on one of the billions of anonymous, young, high-metallicity planets dominated by the resource-hungry Mining Guild in the galaxy's spiral arms.
-Episode II Incredible Cross-Sections
I bet the Mining Guild, after the clone-wars was nationalized by the Empire and became their main resource supplier.
The mining guild was also in the OR era the single largest mining corporation, a total monopoly, like the Trade Federation
Also I suspect it took them nearly up until ANH to get their resource and industrial base solidified, and possibly repaired due to massive war damage from the clone-wars, hence why they picked up such incredible manufacturing abilities by the movie era, and I figure it was destabilized again with the fall of the Empire.
Posted: 2002-12-17 11:46pm
by ViciousMink
It's possible that the Mining Guild (as well as the Banking Clans and the Techno Union (WhereTF did this things COME from?!) is eventually folded into the Corporate Sector Authority, depending upon the canonicity of the CSA, of course.
Posted: 2002-12-18 02:24am
by Currald
Nah, the Corporate Sector Authority was responsible for administering a particular region of space (the Corporate Sector). The Mining Guild would have had authority over Lando's tibanna gas mine on Bespin (which wasn't, I think, in the CS) if it had been big enough to attract their notice.
Posted: 2002-12-18 02:20pm
by His Divine Shadow
ViciousMink wrote:It's possible that the Mining Guild (as well as the Banking Clans and the Techno Union (WhereTF did this things COME from?!) is eventually folded into the Corporate Sector Authority, depending upon the canonicity of the CSA, of course.
I believe these organizations came from the Visual Dictionary by Dr. Reynolds.
Posted: 2002-12-18 06:38pm
by Sardaukar
His Divine Shadow wrote:ViciousMink wrote:It's possible that the Mining Guild (as well as the Banking Clans and the Techno Union (WhereTF did this things COME from?!) is eventually folded into the Corporate Sector Authority, depending upon the canonicity of the CSA, of course.
I believe these organizations came from the Visual Dictionary by Dr. Reynolds.
If by Visual Dictionary, you mean the AOTC script, then yes, you are correct
Posted: 2002-12-18 08:00pm
by ViciousMink
I was mostly wondering just what role these guys played in the Republic.

I mean, okay... I can understand the Trade Federation. I can understand the Minding Guild. I can even understand the Banking Clans (just not their name.) But what in the world is the 'Techno Union?' Besides 'bizarre.'

Posted: 2002-12-18 08:06pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Maybe a conglomerate of several massive technology corporations?
Posted: 2002-12-18 08:10pm
by Sardaukar
ViciousMink wrote:But what in the world is the 'Techno Union?' Besides 'bizarre.'

A bunch of technocrats that like playing with their technology and making cool robots.
Posted: 2002-12-18 08:13pm
by Sardaukar
Sardaukar wrote:ViciousMink wrote:But what in the world is the 'Techno Union?' Besides 'bizarre.'

A bunch of technocrats that like playing with their technology and making cool robots.
update: ... index.html
Why don't people ever check this site?
Posted: 2002-12-18 08:15pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Because they're dumb and lazy.

Posted: 2002-12-18 08:17pm
by ViciousMink
Because I didn't think that the databank would mention anything about the TU. Phooey! Thanks for the link. =)
Posted: 2002-12-18 08:35pm
by Utsanomiko
I would have paid serrious money to have seen a representative from the Holy Ugor Trash Collection Agency in those scenes. But that's just me and the only EU thing on my prequal wish-list. That and a Verpine, which Nilo-Rodis Jamero did a picture of for RotJ.

Posted: 2002-12-19 02:11pm
by Publius
Although the Mining Guild survived in one form or another at least until the time of The Empire Strikes Back, its status is ambiguous: Is it an apparatus of the state, or does it remain an independent organ of commerce and industry?
Baron-Administrator Calrissian explains to Captain Solo that Cloud City is too small an operation to attract the interest of the Mining Guild, which is somewhat interesting in that it suggests that, whatever the form the Mining Guild takes at this point in time, it is only interested in large operations.
The Empire's degree of involvement is wholly unknown. Whilst the Empire is known to be friendly to certain large corporations (The Tagge Company, Kuat Drive Yards, Sienar Fleet Systems, and other Corporate Sector sponsors), it also appears to practise a sort of punitive corporatism (Incom Corporation was Imperialised when its loyalty was suspect; Kuat of Kuat had a lingering fear that the Empire would attempt the same to KDY).
The Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Authority Sourcebook indicates that those corporations such as TaggeCo., Bank of the Core, and KDY who had demonstrated their loyalty to President Palpatine were generously rewarded, and implies that the Corporate Sector sponsors were the most prominent loyalist corporations.
This information, combined with the more recent knowledge that there was a significant separatist movement, clarifies the matter: Perhaps the corporations that benefitted most under the Imperial aegis were those corporations that demonstrated their loyalty to Surpeme Chancellor Palpatine by remaining with the Republic. This interpretation is implicitly supported by the knowledge that both TaggeCo. and KDY remained loyal to the Republic.
(Conversely, the SoroSuub Corporation is known to be a prominent member of the Commerce Guild, and perhaps supported that organ in its separatism. This could quite possibly account for the Dark Empire Sourcebook's indication of SoroSuub's continued failure to become one of the first class interstellar corporations -- that its loyalty was officially in question due to prior disloyal acts.)
The Corporate Sector was reformed by the Galactic Corporate Policy League, a cabal of plutocrats who secretly supported and backed Senator and then Supreme Chancellor Palpatine in his implementation of the New Order. It is clear that the GCPL is composed of his most reliable and generous allies, and was therefore rewarded with the Corporate Sector. It is interesting particularly to note that the GCPL was informally led by none other than the Lord Tagge, head of TaggeCo., conceivably the most pro-Imperial corporation in existence.
It is interesting, then, to wonder if the Mining Guild participated in the formation of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The other participants -- the Trade Federation, the Corporate Alliance, the InterGalactic Banking Clan, the Commerce Guild, and the Techno Union -- are conspicuous by their absence from the Imperial era, possibly broken up by the Empire in order to neuter their political and economic influence. In any event, given their separatist connexions, it is clear that these industrial colossi were not involved in the GCPL and the Corporate Sector Authority.
If the Mining Guild joined the CIS, and persists in existence unto The Empire Strikes Back, it is likely that it does so in a greatly reduced fashion. Perhaps it is a glorified third-party regulatory agency? In any event, it is doubtful that its political influence is anything comparable to that it might have enjoyed in the pre-Imperial era; the only corporations which appear to have retained or increased their influence were those associated with the GCPL -- those who were long supporters of the New Order, even before it was socially acceptable to be such.
Posted: 2002-12-19 08:54pm
by Currald
A masterly summation, Publius.