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Jedi of certain species.
Posted: 2006-01-25 02:55pm
by Darth Cronos the Proud
I seem to remember one of the books in the EU having a Hutt Dark Jedi. If this is true, and not a figment of my imagination, does the EU contain Dark Jedi from other "bad" species (like Gamorreans) or, less likely, Light Jedi from those species?
Posted: 2006-01-25 03:10pm
by The Grim Squeaker
I seem to remember one of the books in the EU having a Hutt Dark Jedi.
It's true, Bellasarius the hutt from the sand planet with the Death seed plague, in "Planet of twilight".
Do you mean EU charatcers, or do they exist? There is a mention that there are jedi of every specie and race, including tree's, howeverunless I'm mistaken there are no Gammorean Jedi or force adepts.
What do you mean by "bad" species? There was an Anzaati [Brain suckers who eat peoples "soup"/life essence] jedi [Who turned evil] in the Republic comic series. [Niko tyros:?:, He founded the Jensaari force cult]
Posted: 2006-01-25 03:21pm
by Darth Cronos the Proud
DEATH wrote:What do you mean by "bad" species?
I was thinking about species that are seen as being morally bankrupt (like the Hutts) or too primitive and/or aggressive to either not be able to adhere to the Light Jedi Code or just become Dark Jedi through their culturally aggressive actions (like Gamorreans.)
Do you mean EU charatcers, or do they exist?
I wanted to know if anyone has ever come across any canon source that specifically mentions a Jedi (Light or Dark) from one of the afore mentioned species types.
Posted: 2006-01-25 03:40pm
by Lord Revan
IIRC there's no "bad" species that would automatically become Dark Jedi (hell there's even a Tusken Jedi actually a human raised by tuskens but that's not the point) but some species (and/or cultures) have increased possibility of falling to the dark side.
Posted: 2006-01-25 03:52pm
by Darth Kalgarath
I seem to remember the Huttese Dark Jedi, too, so maybe you didn't dream it. Visas Marr, from KOTOR2, was a Sith Miraluka, a species who IIRC produced ALOT of jedi before Ossus was destroyed.
I, Jedi, Korran Horn has a vision/nightmare where he sees how his grandfather died. It included a Gand(?) Dark Jedi who used a two-handed reverse lightsaber style. (Old Man Halcyon slices it's head off
Darth Maul was a Zabrak, but there were plenty of Zakraks in the Jedi Order, one was even on the Council.
Jedi Master Sora Bulq was a Weequay, even though most Weequay are generally considered thugs.
Posted: 2006-01-25 03:56pm
by Lord Revan
Darth Kalgarath wrote:I seem to remember the Huttese Dark Jedi, too, so maybe you didn't dream it. Visas Marr, from KOTOR2, was a Sith Miraluka
then there's Jerec who is said to be Miraluka (and also was a Jedi Master before his fall).
Darth Maul was a Zabrak, but there were plenty of Zakraks in the Jedi Order, one was even on the Council.
2 in fact (the from TPM and one Palpatine kills)
Posted: 2006-01-26 08:34am
by Cykeisme
Darth Cronos the Proud wrote:I was thinking about species that are seen as being morally bankrupt (like the Hutts) or too primitive and/or aggressive to either not be able to adhere to the Light Jedi Code or just become Dark Jedi through their culturally aggressive actions (like Gamorreans.)
Are species that are very primitive and/or aggressive able to even reach a state where they're able to connect with the Force?
The Zabraks were Agen Kolar and Eeth Koth. They were both Jedi Masters, and if I'm not mistaken, they were both on the Jedi Council (Koth was, at least).
Outside SoD, has anyone noticed that there aren't any dark side Force users in the movies aside from Sith Lords? Is this to avoid drawing attention away from the main villains, or is it because Lucas simply doesn't have any non-Sith dark siders in "his" world?
Personally I'd expect there to be fallen Jedi, though, especially failed Padawans. They probably wouldn't all have hearts as black as night, and running around with red lightsabers, like in the EU, tho.
Posted: 2006-01-26 08:48am
by Lord Revan
Cykeisme wrote:Outside SoD, has anyone noticed that there aren't any dark side Force users in the movies aside from Sith Lords? Is this to avoid drawing attention away from the main villains, or is it because Lucas simply doesn't have any non-Sith "Dark Jedi" in his world?
Personally I'd expect there to be fallen Jedi, though, especially failed Padawans. They probably wouldn't all have hearts as black as night, and running around with red lightsabers, like in the EU, tho.
it's probably to not draw attention away from the main villians (there's 1 extra in TPM (in addition of Jedi Master Vos) who may or may not use the dark side) and there's mentions of other dark jedi in ROTS novelization
ROTS Novelization pg. 58 (Hardcover) wrote:I have no dout of that. Just remember that Dooku is no mere Dark Jedi like that Ventress woman; he is a Lord of the Sith.
Posted: 2006-01-26 11:34am
by Darth Cronos the Proud
Cykeisme wrote:Are species that are very primitive and/or aggressive able to even reach a state where they're able to connect with the Force?
I was always under the impression that there wasn't a need to reach a state in which one could connect to the force. I figured that if the force "surrounds all living things" and penetrates them, then wouldn't a primitive being that was force sensitive be able to do rudamentry things (like have precognitive powers, like Anakin in TPM, even though Anakin wasn't primitive, he was by no means in a state like those padawans in Yoda's class in AotC) with the force, and should a member of a primitive/aggressive species be force sensitive, he/she/it might kill another sentient being in a fit of rage, thereby opening him/her/itself to the dark side.
Posted: 2006-01-26 07:34pm
by Doctor Doom
Just because the Force surrounds all things does not mean all living things are potential Jedi. It is entirely possible a non- or semi-sentient being is unable to become a Forceuser because their minds are not developed enough.
Posted: 2006-01-26 07:40pm
by Noble Ire
Doctor Doom wrote:Just because the Force surrounds all things does not mean all living things are potential Jedi. It is entirely possible a non- or semi-sentient being is unable to become a Forceuser because their minds are not developed enough.
Though I can recall no cases of non-sapients actually using the Force, some are still Force-sensitive, namely the Vyrskers (sp?) of Myrkr, and the Ysalamari (if in a different capacity).
Posted: 2006-01-26 07:45pm
by Doctor Doom
Were the Vyrskers actively Force Sensitive, though? As I recall, they simply had a sixth sense that allowed them to "detect" Force users, which doesn't necessarily indicate sensitivity. Remember, the biological mechanism (midichlorians) is an unknown so it is quite possible the Vyrskers were simply using a biological factor that we don't know about.
Of course, that is a very convoluted theory with absolutely no evidence and violates Occam's Razor to boot, so I concede.
Posted: 2006-01-26 07:46pm
by Base Delta Zero
Doctor Doom wrote:
Just because the Force surrounds all things does not mean all living things are potential Jedi. It is entirely possible a non- or semi-sentient being is unable to become a Forceuser because their minds are not developed enough.
Though I can recall no cases of non-sapients actually using the Force, some are still Force-sensitive, namely the Vyrskers (sp?) of Myrkr, and the Ysalamari (if in a different capacity).
I seem to recall that the Ysalamari evolved their blocking ability to combat a creature that hunted using the force... non-sentients can't use it in the same way a Jedi can - i.e., they can't manipulate it.[/quote]
Posted: 2006-01-26 07:50pm
by Noble Ire
I seem to recall that the Ysalamari evolved their blocking ability to combat a creature that hunted using the force... non-sentients can't use it in the same way a Jedi can - i.e., they can't manipulate it
It was evolved to counter-act the abilities of the Vryskers, yes. And I'm not saying that the Ysalamari can use the Force conciously, simply that a being does not have to be sapient to be in contact with it on more than a basic level.
Posted: 2006-01-26 07:52pm
by Old Plympto
Apart from the more visible vornskr and ysalamiri, there's a whole bunch of force sensitive creatures featured in the Power of the Jedi Sourcebook.
Posted: 2006-01-26 08:51pm
by Elheru Aran
Let us note, however that Force-sensitive =!= Force-user. There is a rather important difference. The Miraluka did not all become Jedi as a race, did they?
Posted: 2006-01-26 09:19pm
by Lord Revan
Indeed Ehuru has a point there's a distinct difference between those who can sence and perhaps even use the Force in some limited way and the "true" Force users. what causes this difference is the makes some people Force users and others not.
it's highly likely that members of primitive species that are Force sensitive become seers or an equilevant (they can after all see the future in from) rather then a warrior and it's also highly likely that no matter how agnry he/she/it gets he/she/it won't able access the dark side apart from some low level skills/powers (all really powerfull Dark side users are not self trained).