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The Sith cheated even their own allies...
Posted: 2002-12-18 02:37am
by Boba Fett
Well, maybe it's been beaten to death before but did you realize that Sidious and Dooku cheated even their allies on Geonosis?
I mean the geonosisians, the Trade Federation etc., never knew about the existence of the clone army.
What was the purpose of this?
Weaken every possible later opposition?
Simply just to start the clone war and create chaos? Further weaken the Republic?
Posted: 2002-12-18 02:39am
by Shinova
Probably to spark a more escalated war between the republic and the separatists.
Re: The Sith cheated even their own allies...
Posted: 2002-12-18 02:42am
by Pcm979
Boba Fett wrote:Well, maybe it's been beaten to death before but did you realize that Sidious and Dooku cheated even their allies on Geonosis?
I mean the geonosisians, the Trade Federation etc., never knew about the existence of the clone army.
What was the purpose of this?
Weaken every possible later opposition?
Simply just to start the clone war and create chaos? Further weaken the Republic?
The Sith are playing both sides against the middle. You expect them to admit it?

Posted: 2002-12-18 02:44am
by neoolong
Looks like they were playing both sides against the middle. If the Seperatist movement didn't work they can take power after taking care off the "rebels."
That and it would be easier to take over if there is an excuse to get say, emergency powers which can then be used to take control of the entire Republic.
Re: The Sith cheated even their own allies...
Posted: 2002-12-18 02:46am
by Boba Fett
Pcm979 wrote:The Sith are playing both sides against the middle. You expect them to admit it?

No...I'm just curious what's your opinion on this matter?!
What was the reason?
Re: The Sith cheated even their own allies...
Posted: 2002-12-18 02:52am
by neoolong
Boba Fett wrote:Pcm979 wrote:The Sith are playing both sides against the middle. You expect them to admit it?

No...I'm just curious what's your opinion on this matter?!
What was the reason?
To take over the universe. Duh.

Posted: 2002-12-18 02:54am
by Darth Fanboy
Palpatine uses the separatists to get the emergency wartime powers he needs within the Republic. Why he doesn't just lead the separatists as opposed to using the Republic? As Chancellor, Palpatine is the #1 guy in the Republic and he can consolidate his power much easier. If the Separatists were victorious then who leads in the Aftermath? I'm sure the last thing these powerful organizations want to do is hand over control, which is why they are at war in the first place.
Posted: 2002-12-18 03:15am
by Boba Fett
It's ok, everything is as I thought.
Then think about that:
Palpy, with the skillful clone army manage to destroy the separatists...
How many clone troopers were available...1.000.000? 200.000 were in growing period? I don't remember...
Anyways Taun-wee said it will take time to create more...
How will Palpy rule over the galaxy with that amount of troopers?
Please consider most of the planets have their own local army or militia and not every opponent is as weak as geonosisians and droids.
He must start to recruit in order to maintain his army...than we arrived to the fact that later troopers are not just clones or none at all!
Maybe the cloning continues but a completely new generation needs 10 years!
Yes there will be hundreds of planets that will support his New Order but the alein species rather went to slavery, they didn't gave persons to the army, they rather gave their industry, resources etc.
So who would man those TIE fighters, Star Destroyers, garissons?

Posted: 2002-12-18 03:23am
by Vympel
Boba Fett wrote:
How many clone troopers were available...1.000.000? 200.000 were in growing period? I don't remember...
So who would man those TIE fighters, Star Destroyers, garissons?
We don't know how many more batches in what stages of readiness were coming after that. We see clonetrooper kids, no way are these part of the 1,000,000 more "well on the way"- it's quite obvious that Sifo-Dyas (whoever he really is, all we know is that he wasn't Sifo-Dyas) ordered a massive batch IMO.
No one's ever said that the entire Imperial military is made up of clones, The entire crews of the Imperial Starfleet aren't clones, which is made quite obvious throughout the OT.
Only stormtroopers are clones. I have no problem with this. I quite like it actually.
Posted: 2002-12-18 03:41am
by Boba Fett
Vympel wrote:Boba Fett wrote:
How many clone troopers were available...1.000.000? 200.000 were in growing period? I don't remember...
So who would man those TIE fighters, Star Destroyers, garissons?
We don't know how many more batches in what stages of readiness were coming after that. We see clonetrooper kids, no way are these part of the 1,000,000 more "well on the way"- it's quite obvious that Sifo-Dyas (whoever he really is, all we know is that he wasn't Sifo-Dyas) ordered a massive batch IMO.
No one's ever said that the entire Imperial military is made up of clones, The entire crews of the Imperial Starfleet aren't clones, which is made quite obvious throughout the OT.
Only stormtroopers are clones. I have no problem with this. I quite like it actually.
I'd like to debate with you Vympel! You're a good opponent!
However it was made clear that it was Dooku who hired Jango for the cloning job on one of the moons of Bogden. So probably he was imitating "Syfo-Dyas" on Kamino. (Maybe Sidious but I doubt that.)
Lama-su said these troopers are already done and more -approx.- 200.000 are on the way.
Taun-wee said when Obi-wan was leaving that it takes time to complete new orders. (10 years according to the discuss in the tunnel among the cloning cylinders)
You're right the Navy personells are not clones...
There are two topics currently on the matter wether stormtroopers are clones or not.
This is the third one, so don't say nobody claimed that they're all clones.

Posted: 2002-12-18 03:56am
by Vympel
Boba Fett wrote:
However it was made clear that it was Dooku who hired Jango for the cloning job on one of the moons of Bogden. So probably he was imitating "Syfo-Dyas" on Kamino. (Maybe Sidious but I doubt that.)
Yup that's likely.
Lama-su said these troopers are already done and more -approx.- 200.000 are on the way.
Taun-wee said when Obi-wan was leaving that it takes time to complete new orders. (10 years according to the discuss in the tunnel among the cloning cylinders)
He said that 200,000 units were ready, with 1,000,000 more well on the way. However, we see countless numbers of small pods with clone embryos in them all around them when they're taking Obi-Wan on tour of the facilities, and we see clonetrooper kids training at consoles- these are obviously not part of the 1,000,000 more well on the way. When he said that more would take time that's precisely what he meant- on hand right now we have 1,200,000 for your use. These are the first batch, there's no reason to assume that the next batch would be 10 years however, or how big that next batch could be.
You're right the Navy personells are not clones...
There are two topics currently on the matter wether stormtroopers are clones or not.
This is the third one, so don't say nobody claimed that they're all clones.

Well, I think all stormtroopers are clones, nothing more; they'd have to be foolish to think that every Imperial we see is a clone

Posted: 2002-12-18 04:16am
by Boba Fett
Yup, you're right I've changed the numbers!
But still not enough to maintain the New order...
...I support the idea of several cloning "factories" spread across the galaxy although.
Posted: 2002-12-18 07:59am
by Pcm979
After Palpy "beats" the seperatists, he absorbs most of what's left directly into the republic(as done in ww1 & 2). He now has the resourses of the largest corperations in the galaxy directly under his control, and proclaims himself Emperor.
The sneakiest thing is that he does it all legally.

Posted: 2002-12-18 11:51am
by David the Hutt
Maybe Palpatine wanted to have the droid army weakened so when he did beat them, he would look like a hero and get enough support that way so then he could get away with proclaiming himself Emperor. Then maybe all the ruined droids were melted down to help make the armor for the Star Destroyers. Highly unlikely, but possible. Also melt down those control ships also.