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Re-filming Episodes 4-6

Posted: 2006-02-21 08:35pm
by Cos Dashit
I've heard rumor that Lucas is planning to do SW episodes 4-6 over again with new actors, better visuals, the works. Does anyone know if there is any truth to this? Lucas is keeping mum about it.

If he did, would you be against it or for it? Why or why not? (I sound like a textbook.)

Personally I would be for it, only if he didn't add anything to the story except for better looks.

Posted: 2006-02-21 08:51pm
by Vympel
What? Huh? Where did you hear that? Sounds like BS.

And I'd be against it. I'm ambivalent about say, replacing the effects with RotS-standard, however. The old actors are just too good. It'd be a blasphemy.

Posted: 2006-02-21 08:57pm
by Cos Dashit
Vympel wrote:What? Huh? Where did you hear that? Sounds like BS.
Around. Whispers on the wind. Scribbled on bathroom walls.

I would much rather him make a 7, 8, and 9. I don't think I could stand it without Harrison Ford.

Don't get me wrong, I'll appreciate the bettered visuals. But there is so much nostalgia in the films, any attempt to remake them would probably end up with me starting a riot and beating random people with my plastic lightsaber.

I'm torn.

Posted: 2006-02-21 09:15pm
by Noble Ire
You read the OS boards too much, I think. :wink:

I don't think there's ever been any credible news to back up the idea that Lucas plans to complete redo the OT. And for that, I'm quite grateful; as Vympel says, it would be blasphemy. Some new effects, maybe, but new actors? No. I'd rather a film or mini-series interpritation of some of the better EU books, actually (but not a 7,8,9. That part of the saga is over, deal with it).

Re: Re-filming Episodes 4-6

Posted: 2006-02-21 09:42pm
by Galvatron
Cos Dashit wrote:I've heard rumor that Lucas is planning to do SW episodes 4-6 over again with new actors, better visuals, the works. Does anyone know if there is any truth to this? Lucas is keeping mum about it.

If he did, would you be against it or for it? Why or why not? (I sound like a textbook.)

Personally I would be for it, only if he didn't add anything to the story except for better looks.
Yeah, I heard SuperShadow is starring as Han Solo.

Posted: 2006-02-22 02:20am
by loomer
You know, I think it could work. As a comedy. Especially if you reused the actors. Anyone seen Mark Hammil recently? He looks like an alcoholic gnome.

Posted: 2006-02-22 03:33am
by Cykeisme
Cos Dashit wrote:Around. Whispers on the wind. Scribbled on bathroom walls.
Right. Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention :roll:

Anyway, back to reality, Lucas has stated in no uncertain terms that he's closing the chapter on cinematic Star Wars, putting it behind him. Why not we talk about the upcoming series instead of stupid SuperShadow rumors?

Posted: 2006-02-22 05:07am
by VT-16
Around. Whispers on the wind. Scribbled on bathroom walls.
In other words, unsubstantiated bullshit. :P

I can only see some new scenes and effects added to the OT once again, but not a total remake.

Posted: 2006-02-22 06:50am
by Raw Shark
The following anecdote may seem off-topic initially, but bear with me because it illustrates why I would oppose Lucas redoing 4-6 no matter how good the effects are:

My current girlfriend is not a sci fi fan at all. Yes, she was the archetypical Girl Who Had Never Seen Star Wars, oblivious to the most basic expectations of the genre. In the process of convincing her to watch ANH with me, I talked it up quite a bit from my fond memories of the original edition, making no specific mention of the new material except that there was some and that it was mostly crap. Lo and behold, Netflix only had the new version (I know, I know, don't make me explain what happened to mine) and upon watching it for the first time with no related experience she was able to pick out some of the stuff that came straight from Lucas without the benefit of the editorial process, and derided its effect on the narrative flow.

Posted: 2006-02-22 08:01am
by Mange
No need to worry, George Lucas will never redo the OT. He has already refuted the idea of a sequel trilogy because of his age and why on Earth would he redo the OT?

Posted: 2006-02-22 01:06pm
by VT-16
pick out some of the stuff that came straight from Lucas
That's not hard, since he wrote and directed it. :P

Yeah yeah, you're talking about the new stuff. Wow, that's really hard, all you need to know is that there were no real CG characters or sets prior to the early 90s and you can almost pick out anything.

In other words, I'm not impressed.

Posted: 2006-02-22 03:33pm
by Cykeisme
VT-16 wrote:
pick out some of the stuff that came straight from Lucas
That's not hard, since he wrote and directed it. :P
Hehehe :lol:

Posted: 2006-02-22 04:46pm
by DesertFly
What? Refilm the OT? That's ridiculous.

Seriously, if anything, ol' Georgy will probably redo some of the battles and add some more CG everywhere, but I firmly believe there will be no new Star Wars least, not made by George Lucas. When he dies may be a different story.

Posted: 2006-02-22 04:52pm
by LadyTevar
If he does ReDo it, then dammit, make Han Shoot First again! :evil:

Posted: 2006-02-22 04:57pm
by Cykeisme
LadyTevar wrote:If he does ReDo it, then dammit, make Han Shoot First again! :evil:
Amen to that, sister.

Posted: 2006-02-22 05:20pm
by Stile
Cykeisme wrote:
LadyTevar wrote:If he does ReDo it, then dammit, make Han Shoot First again! :evil:
Amen to that, sister.

Posted: 2006-02-22 06:46pm
by Raw Shark
VT-16 wrote:That's not hard, since he wrote and directed it.
Funny, but I think we all know far greater creative control is possible. :wink:
VT-16 wrote:Yeah yeah, you're talking about the new stuff. Wow, that's really hard, all you need to know is that there were no real CG characters or sets prior to the early 90s and you can almost pick out anything.

In other words, I'm not impressed.
I'm not trying to scare you guys, but try to picture for a second somebody who is not only unaware of the fact in the second sentence above, but doesn't care. Also, she picked up on "Wait, that's Jabba the scary crime boss' hitman? He missed from two feet away!"
Various wrote:They won't really do it.
I know, just treating it as a "What if?"

Posted: 2006-02-22 07:20pm
by Cos Dashit
The whole "Han Shot First" thing was before my time. But that scene always looked corny to me. Han's head jerking to the side like it's falling off. Please.

One thing that I could see Lucas' successor changing resulting in mass pandemonium is the fight scene between Obi-wan and Vader. They might make it so that Obi-wan puts up a fight at the end, and Vader takes him down with skill. That would piss me off, and the sad thing is I could see someone doing that.

Posted: 2006-02-22 07:43pm
by Bill_Dunaway
I have nightmare visions of his children at some point after his death, redoing the whole trilogy using nothing but CGI characters.

Posted: 2006-02-22 08:13pm
by Palantas
That would be pretty bad if he did. I'm not sure there's a series of movies that is more ingrained in American culture than Star Wars. You don't just go remake that. It'd be like remaking The Godfather or...well, I can't really think of anything else. There's an episode of South Park (6x09) where they criticize filmakers for trying to remake their movies, movies which in a way belong to the public.

Posted: 2006-02-22 09:05pm
by Knife
I don't even want Lucas to 'redo' the FX's. Really, I like the models and the FX of the OT. They were wonderful and still hold up to FX scrutiny today (well maybe not digital...but....).

Posted: 2006-02-22 09:16pm
by Cos Dashit
Bill_Dunaway wrote:I have nightmare visions of his children at some point after his death, redoing the whole trilogy using nothing but CGI characters.
Like he said, once Lucas kicks the bucket, whatever his kids do to the Star Wars legacy, it's probably not going to be a good thing. At all. Oh well, at least it's going to be interesting.

I think I'm going to start bracing for the ride.

Posted: 2006-02-22 09:53pm
by Palantas
I bet you feel really old when they start remaking movies that were new in your prime.

Posted: 2006-02-22 10:20pm
by Molyneux
Bill_Dunaway wrote:I have nightmare visions of his children at some point after his death, redoing the whole trilogy using nothing but CGI characters.
Well, if they did that, but actually kept the vocal tracks from the original, it might be watchable...

Posted: 2006-02-22 11:44pm
by PayBack
Knife wrote:I don't even want Lucas to 'redo' the FX's. Really, I like the models and the FX of the OT. They were wonderful and still hold up to FX scrutiny today (well maybe not digital...but....).
I thought that up until episode III. Usually CGI doesn't come close to looking a real and solid as model based FX but E III doesn't look bad at all.. I'd hate the whole thing redone, but would love to see at least one Star Destroyer main guns broadside in my lifetime :(