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Are Jedi Stunts Realistic?

Posted: 2006-02-21 08:43pm
by Cos Dashit
Do the amazing stunts Jedi pull go too far? Are they realistic even for a Jedi?

In AotC, a Jedi is in a free-fall through traffic dropping tens of stories before landing on the desired vessel. I know they use pre-cog, but can they use it for such intricate acts that require perfect timing?

Same with the elevator scenes in RotS, both on the way up and down.

Again in RotS, when Obi-wan and Anakin swing miraculously a great distance to land on small, moving surfaces.

Too much?


Posted: 2006-02-21 08:54pm
by Vympel
They're realistic for a Jedi by definition, how could they possibly be "unrealistic"?

Posted: 2006-02-21 08:59pm
by Cos Dashit
Even for a Jedi, it seems some of the stuff they pull is far too video-gameish. And it only happens in the new films, never in the OT. I mean, c'mon. Falling into your cruiser from hundreds of feet in the air? Even for a Jedi...

Posted: 2006-02-21 09:08pm
by Surlethe
Cos Dashit wrote:Even for a Jedi, it seems some of the stuff they pull is far too video-gameish. And it only happens in the new films, never in the OT. I mean, c'mon. Falling into your cruiser from hundreds of feet in the air? Even for a Jedi...
In suspension of disbelief, it doesn't matter how outlandish they are; those are the characteristics we associate with Jedi, because that's what Jedi do. Now, if you really want outlandish wanking, try Mace Windu vs. Entire Droid Army in Clone Wars.

Posted: 2006-02-21 09:10pm
by Noble Ire
Cos Dashit wrote:Even for a Jedi, it seems some of the stuff they pull is far too video-gameish. And it only happens in the new films, never in the OT. I mean, c'mon. Falling into your cruiser from hundreds of feet in the air? Even for a Jedi...
And what did we see in the OT? A virtually untrained farmboy limited by his feelings about his father, an old man long past his prime and ready to die, a self-exiled master subdued by age, enviorment, and the destruction of everything he'd worked nearly a millennia for, a twisted and emotionally torn cyborg who was a mere shadow of his former self, and a Sith master overcome by the belief in his own invicibility. Even with the power potential there, none of them are going to be pulling the showy feats used by Jedi and Sith in their prime.

I don't see anything wrong with what's shown in the PT.

Posted: 2006-02-21 09:10pm
by SCVN 2812
Cos Dashit wrote:Even for a Jedi, it seems some of the stuff they pull is far too video-gameish. And it only happens in the new films, never in the OT. I mean, c'mon. Falling into your cruiser from hundreds of feet in the air? Even for a Jedi...
Falling out of a city and grabbing onto a conveniently placed weather vane at the last possible second with your one good arm after leaping several times your own height to get out of a hole your dad, whose boss can shoot lightning out of his fingers, just tried to freeze you in is so very realistic compared to the stunts in the PT.

Posted: 2006-02-21 09:19pm
by Cos Dashit
SCVN 2812 wrote:Falling out of a city and grabbing onto a conveniently placed weather vane at the last possible second with your one good arm after leaping several times your own height to get out of a hole your dad, whose boss can shoot lightning out of his fingers, just tried to freeze you in is so very realistic compared to the stunts in the PT.
1. The weather vane looked like it sucked him in, he didn't conviently fall in.

2. Force-lightning is a characteristic of Jedi (Sith), falling into a cruiser from hundreds of feet up isn't.

3. Jumping ten feet up is far more realistic (for a Jedi) than falling down hundreds of feet landing directly where you intend to.

Posted: 2006-02-21 10:24pm
by Surlethe
Cos Dashit wrote:2. Force-lightning is a characteristic of Jedi (Sith), falling into a cruiser from hundreds of feet up isn't.
Why not? Because you say so?
3. Jumping ten feet up is far more realistic (for a Jedi) than falling down hundreds of feet landing directly where you intend to.
So? We've seen both in the movies; thus, both are perfectly realistic for Jedi.

Posted: 2006-02-21 10:41pm
by Darth Yoshi
Suspension of disbelief dictates that anything we see a Jedi do on screen is something that they can do, and thus they are obviously realistc feats for the Jedi.

Posted: 2006-02-22 12:38am
by Knife
You have a problem with jumping feats, when these guys deflect laser bolts? Something is wrong with your believeability meter.

Posted: 2006-02-22 01:17am
by NRS Guardian
You're forgetting not only was a Jedi falling, another Jedi was piloting said vehicle Obi fell into. Ani was piloting the speeder into a position to catch Obi, if Ani hadn't been around Obi would have gone splat. With the teamwork of two Jedi it really isn't all that far-fetched. Especially with precog, and as mentioned the ability to deflect c-speed beams.

Posted: 2006-02-22 02:05am
by ngc7293
There is also the fact tha in every one of these situations, you are dealing with the best of the best.

Joe Average? In RotS, at the Academy slaughter scenes there was one kid who managed to deflect many blaster bolts, but was eventually cut down.

As far as the part in Cloud City where Luke fell, he may have had Obi-Wan-Ghost to lend a helping.......something. But you get the idea.

Though I really hated Phantom Menace, when Anikan took off in that fighter and accidentally did everything right.

Posted: 2006-02-22 03:25am
by Cykeisme

Problem with jumping feats? Pssht.

Posted: 2006-02-22 05:53am
by Sarevok
As Obiwan said there is no such thing as luck. It appears that the Jedi affect the world around them. Probability does not happen around them as it should in the real world. For example in OT the Tantive IV is ambushed right above the planet where Luke is hidden and the 2 droids survive to land within walking distances of Luke. What are the chances of that ? Yet it happened. It is all part of the Force guiding everything in the SW galaxy. As Jedi are Force users I suppose they subconsciously affect how future events happen. Speeder cars conveniently fly by when they are needed and vanes are similarly placed for them to catch. Well that’s how I try to justify what is other wise a plot device. :D

Posted: 2006-02-22 07:23am
by Batman
Sarevok wrote:As Obiwan said there is no such thing as luck. It appears that the Jedi affect the world around them. Probability does not happen around them as it should in the real world. For example in OT the Tantive IV is ambushed right above the planet where Luke is hidden and the 2 droids survive to land within walking distances of Luke. What are the chances of that ?
Too bad that never happened. The droids landed somewhere, walked across the desert for an unspecified amount of time, were taken in by the Jawas, and after another unspecified amount of time sold to Uncle Owen. 'Within walking distance of Luke' my ass.
It is all part of the Force guiding everything in the SW galaxy. As Jedi are Force users I suppose they subconsciously affect how future events happen. Speeder cars conveniently fly by when they are needed
'Conveniently fly by' my ass. That speeder was piloted by another Jedi actively trying to catch Obi-Wan who rather more likely as not was trying NOT to fall to his death.
and vanes are similarly placed for them to catch.
Except that Luke couldn't possibly avoid that vane as it was directly beneath the hole he fell out of.

Posted: 2006-02-22 07:55am
by Anguirus
For example in OT the Tantive IV is ambushed right above the planet where Luke is hidden
...because Leia was going there to recruit Kenobi for the attack on the Death Star.

Posted: 2006-02-22 09:26am
by NoXion
Anguirus wrote:
For example in OT the Tantive IV is ambushed right above the planet where Luke is hidden
...because Leia was going there to recruit Kenobi for the attack on the Death Star.
You know, I think it's this sort of garbled misinterpretation of events (no disrespect) that leads to things like legends and myths EG hercules diverting a river. A relatively normal event gets mutated into a divine miracle by an intergenerational game of Chinese Whispers.

Posted: 2006-02-22 01:16pm
by AK_Jedi
NRS Guardian wrote:You're forgetting not only was a Jedi falling, another Jedi was piloting said vehicle Obi fell into. Ani was piloting the speeder into a position to catch Obi, if Ani hadn't been around Obi would have gone splat. With the teamwork of two Jedi it really isn't all that far-fetched. Especially with precog, and as mentioned the ability to deflect c-speed beams.
I think he's talking about when Anakin jumped down onto Zam's airspeeder. Ani catching Obi is completely beleivable, even for a normal human, But Zam was traveling fast horizontally, and Anakin was probably falling at probably around 30 or 40m/s (human freefall on earth is about 50m/s). That needs some serious Jedi strength in order for his arm to not be ripped out.

Posted: 2006-02-22 02:56pm
by Batman
AK_Jedi wrote: I think he's talking about when Anakin jumped down onto Zam's airspeeder. Ani catching Obi is completely beleivable, even for a normal human, But Zam was traveling fast horizontally, and Anakin was probably falling at probably around 30 or 40m/s (human freefall on earth is about 50m/s). That needs some serious Jedi strength in order for his arm to not be ripped out.
Not only do Jedi HAVE that strenth but who says he was in freefall? Telekinesis is an incredibly handy power to have :D

Posted: 2006-02-22 03:35pm
by AK_Jedi
Even if he is not falling very fast, Zam was flying very fast. The sudden horizontal accelaration alone would be enough seriously damage a normal human. I mean, would you consider grabbing onto a speeding car as it went past you?

One interesting point is that Palpy was able to grab onto Ani's leg while falling in the elevator shaft. This should have been a pretty big hint that he was a force user.

Posted: 2006-02-22 03:45pm
by Cykeisme
Regarding Tatooine.. well, the droids ending up in Luke and Uncle Owen's possession on Tatooine is a bit of a coincidence. Tatooine is an entire planet.. the droids may not have landed on the right hemisphere. Even if they did, they may not have been picked up by the right group of Jawas, those Jawas may not have come to the Lars homestead, and they may not have purchased C3PO.
"Cinematic license" isn't a valid SoD explanation, so it's either pure chance, or the guidance of the Force. Anyway, isn't it already fact that the Force does guide events in the SW galaxy? I think there's a significant chance that it wasn't coincidence, though I suppose there's no way to prove it either way!

Under Bespin, Luke grabbing on to avoid falling from Cloud City is pretty impressive. The deceleration must have been considerable. As an aside, consider that he had only one good hand to do this with.
I think the Jedi ability to shrug off huge acceleration/deceleration is consistent throughout the PT and OT.

As an aside, I strongly suggest that Embracer of Darkness' post should be split off to a separate thread (possibly on a different sub-forum), where he can be given an opportunity to substantiate his claims.

Posted: 2006-02-22 06:03pm
by SirNitram
Embracer Of Darkness' 'YOU ALL HAVE DOUBLE STANDARDS! Q! Q! Q!' tangent has been removed. Please have a nice day and tip your moderators.

Posted: 2006-02-22 06:09pm
by Batman
*tips the moderators*
AK_Jedi wrote:Even if he is not falling very fast, Zam was flying very fast. The sudden horizontal accelaration alone would be enough seriously damage a normal human. I mean, would you consider grabbing onto a speeding car as it went past you?
I do that on a regular basis. But then again I am a comic book character so maybe my frame of reference is a little twisted. :P
And who says there was any sudden accelleration? Telekinesis, remember?

Posted: 2006-02-22 06:10pm
by Crazedwraith
How does TK change the fact he went from no horizontal motion to speeding along on a car?

Posted: 2006-02-22 06:14pm
by Batman
Crazedwraith wrote:How does TK change the fact he went from no horizontal motion to speeding along on a car?
Do we know there was no horizontal motion? If we do I'll gladly withdraw the claim but TK means Whineakin need not be in freefall.