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Can Jedi fly?
Posted: 2002-12-19 03:58pm
by Darth Valdemar
This is something I've wondered about at times..
On the one hand, they have the ability to lift things telekinetically, and most of them seem capable of lifting an object of similar or somewhat greater weight than a normal human body. One would think that they would be able to do this to their own body as well, thus flying.
But on the other hand, there are the multiple falls taken by Jedi, such as Obi-Wan on Kamino, Darth Maul when punched down by Qui-Gon, Palpatine falling to his death etc.
Posted: 2002-12-19 04:09pm
by FireNexus
It takes mucho concentration for a jedi to lift an object. During a fall, said concentration is broken.
Posted: 2002-12-19 05:58pm
by kojikun
its also known that living objects are considerably harder to manipulate compared to nonliving objects. youll notice, we see ships, droids, lightsabers, ceiling, and tank things be levitated, but never do jedi levitate people or their enemies. the best theyve got is a force push which Maul did in TPM. Apparently lifting others is rather hard, so lifting oneself may be even harder.
Posted: 2002-12-19 06:20pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Not only that, it would be corny as hell.
"Look in the sky! it's a bird! It's a plane! It's Darth Vader!
Posted: 2002-12-19 06:24pm
by StarshipTitanic
Luke managed to float to the ground after his fighter exploded in The Courtship of Princess Leia.
Posted: 2002-12-19 06:35pm
by Master of Ossus
For some reason, Jedi seem to expend an inordinate amount of energy in levitating themselves or others. Ganner Rhysode comments that he can float himself and Corran Horn across some sand dunes, but is reluctant to attempt it because he would get very tired in the process. This is confirmed by other books, such as Jedi Search.
Posted: 2002-12-19 06:42pm
by Sir Sirius
In the novelization of AOTC Obi-Wan though he was going to die after Zam shot the assassin droid he was clinging on to, he even prepard to use the force to help himself accept his fate.
So it would appear that at least Obi-Wan can't fly and Obi-Wan would appear to be quite powerfull for a jedi.
Posted: 2002-12-19 06:46pm
by Master of Ossus
Sir Sirius wrote:In the novelization of AOTC Obi-Wan though he was going to die after Zam shot the assassin droid he was clinging on to, he even prepard to use the force to help himself accept his fate.
So it would appear that at least Obi-Wan can't fly and Obi-Wan would appear to be quite powerfull for a jedi.
Two things: Obi Wan demonstrates a considerable ability to guide his own fall. This may or may not be Force-assisted. In
Black Fleet Crisis it is revealed that the Force requires something to push against, when it is propelling an object or moving something. Kenobi had nothing to push off of to assist him in his efforts to fly, and by the time he was near enough to the surface of Coruscant to use that to push off of it would be too late and he would be killed by the deceleration, anyway.
The second thing is that Kenobi is not a particularly powerful Jedi, though he is a powerful Jedi KNIGHT. Look at how easily Mace Windu defeats Jango Fett, and recall how much difficulty Kenobi had in attempting to capture him. Note how much more easily Yoda stands up to Dooku than Obi-Wan. It is clear that Kenobi is a promising Knight, but that he is not as powerful right now as some of the Jedi Masters on the Council.
Posted: 2002-12-19 07:04pm
by Sardaukar
Master of Ossus wrote:Look at how easily Mace Windu defeats Jango Fett, and recall how much difficulty Kenobi had in attempting to capture him.
Obi-Wan didn't kill/capture Jango because he lost his lightsabre before Jango lost his Jetpack, Mace killed Jango because his Jetpack failed.
So I wouldn't say that Mace killed him "easily" or with any great amount of skill. But rather... luck

Posted: 2002-12-19 07:09pm
by Master of Ossus
Sardaukar wrote:Master of Ossus wrote:Look at how easily Mace Windu defeats Jango Fett, and recall how much difficulty Kenobi had in attempting to capture him.
Obi-Wan didn't kill/capture Jango because he lost his lightsabre before Jango lost his Jetpack, Mace killed Jango because his Jetpack failed.
So I wouldn't say that Mace killed him "easily" or with any great amount of skill. But rather... luck

Obi-Wan was incapable of charging Jango, while deflecting fire from his weapons. Mace Windu was able to manage this feat easily.
Posted: 2002-12-20 01:02am
by Sardaukar
Master of Ossus wrote:Sardaukar wrote:Master of Ossus wrote:Look at how easily Mace Windu defeats Jango Fett, and recall how much difficulty Kenobi had in attempting to capture him.
Obi-Wan didn't kill/capture Jango because he lost his lightsabre before Jango lost his Jetpack, Mace killed Jango because his Jetpack failed.
So I wouldn't say that Mace killed him "easily" or with any great amount of skill. But rather... luck

Obi-Wan was incapable of charging Jango, while deflecting fire from his weapons. Mace Windu was able to manage this feat easily.
Jango only had 1 blaster at the time, and Obi-Wan wanted to capture him, so he was on the defensive.
Plus Boba also helped out when fighting Obi-Wan.
Posted: 2002-12-20 01:42am
by Joe
Anakin's fall had to be force-assisted as well, there is no way he could have successfully timed it well enough to come into contact with Zam's speeder at the exact moment that he did without the Force.
hey what about luke
Posted: 2002-12-20 01:48am
by omegaLancer
Hey let not forget about luke. In both ESB and ROTJ we see him perform leap that would have made a pole vaulter blush.
Luke he rocketed out of the Carbonite trap. and easily jump back out the sail barge. Jedi may not fly, but they can sure jump....
Posted: 2002-12-20 01:59am
by Sea Skimmer
In Traitor it was specifically stated that Jedi can't fly, but they can make Matrix sized jumps. Course once that huge reservoir of force energy got unleashed Nyax could fly, but that’s clearly not a remotely normal situation.
In Star By Star I believe the Jedi where carrying along Anakin via the force for quite a while, but that was the combined effort of the whole group and was tiring them.
What I'd conclude is that the stronger you are in the force the long you can jump and such till finally you do get the ability to fly, but Jedi don't normally reach that level. I'd suspect Yoda might be able to fly at least short distances if he didn't have to worry about combat at the same time.
Posted: 2002-12-21 12:53am
by ArmorPierce
If they needed to have something for the force to push against to lift something wouldn't they be crushed to the floor when trying to lift up heavy objects?
Posted: 2002-12-21 03:49pm
by Darth Yoshi
The Force doesn't act on them; it acts on the object being moved and whatever handy surface is nearby. For example, to lift you, the Force pushes against you and the floor.
Posted: 2002-12-21 05:19pm
by Perinquus
Master of Ossus wrote:Sardaukar wrote:Master of Ossus wrote:Look at how easily Mace Windu defeats Jango Fett, and recall how much difficulty Kenobi had in attempting to capture him.
Obi-Wan didn't kill/capture Jango because he lost his lightsabre before Jango lost his Jetpack, Mace killed Jango because his Jetpack failed.
So I wouldn't say that Mace killed him "easily" or with any great amount of skill. But rather... luck

Obi-Wan was incapable of charging Jango, while deflecting fire from his weapons. Mace Windu was able to manage this feat easily.
Look again. He
was charging him. As soon as he comes out onto the platform he activates his lightsaber. Jango opens fire as Obi Wan is moving toward him. Fett activates his jetpack to get out of Obi Wan's range. He has to do this because Obi Wan is nearly close enough to strike him at that point, and would doubtless have taken off an arm.