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Massive capital-ship sized torpedoes seen in RC

Posted: 2006-02-26 08:23pm
by Cykeisme
I never really gave them much thought (beyond "woah") when I played Republic Commando previously, but are those gigantic torpedoes seen on the Accamator contradicted by any higher sources? I mean, they're huge.. the torpedoes themselves are as big as a small ship. The torpedo tube through which you board the Prosecutor is wide enough to land a starfighter in!

Do we see (or hear mentioned) capital ship torpedoes of this size anywhere else?

Re: Massive capital-ship sized torpedoes seen in RC

Posted: 2006-02-26 08:40pm
by Ender
Cykeisme wrote:I never really gave them much thought (beyond "woah") when I played Republic Commando previously, but are those gigantic torpedoes seen on the Accamator contradicted by any higher sources? I mean, they're huge.. the torpedoes themselves are as big as a small ship. The torpedo tube through which you board the Prosecutor is wide enough to land a starfighter in!

Do we see (or hear mentioned) capital ship torpedoes of this size anywhere else?
Yeah, the Accalmator entry of the AOTC ICS :D

Also, the Victory class had capital grade torpedo launchers.

Posted: 2006-02-26 08:42pm
by Sea Skimmer
AOTC ICS mentions and shows the Accamator class is armed with four ‘strategic’ missile/torpedo tubes, and the tubes protrusion beyond the hull is quite large. So they are real. Considering the scale of warships and fortifications in Star Wars, they make some sence.

Posted: 2006-02-26 08:47pm
by Elheru Aran
The Galaxy Gun's missile was as large as Luke's starship in Dark Empire II, IIRC.

Posted: 2006-02-26 09:19pm
by Cykeisme
Ender wrote:Yeah, the Accalmator entry of the AOTC ICS :D
I can practically hear people thinking "Ackpth, some fan you are, you don't even have the ICS." :(

So the mappers in Republic Commando faithfully recreated the torpedo tubes and bays like the cutaway pictures in the ICS? That's pretty damn cool, really.
What about the rest of the Prosecutor? Are any other parts of the mission's maps based on the ICS? The huge landing gear, or the data core chambers, perhaps?

Also, what sort of range and yield are we looking at when it comes to these beastly torpedoes? I assume there must be a reason for incorporating such a system instead of stuffing in more hypermatter reactors/fuel and turbolasers.

Posted: 2006-02-26 09:30pm
by 000
Torpedo Spheres were designed to crack planetary shields, so I'd imagine the yield of capship grade torpedos is pretty high.

I still think the "mass drivers" on the Providence-class are torpedo launchers. It makes the most sense.

Posted: 2006-02-26 09:33pm
by Ender
Cykeisme wrote:
Ender wrote:Yeah, the Accalmator entry of the AOTC ICS :D
I can practically hear people thinking "Ackpth, some fan you are, you don't even have the ICS." :(

So the mappers in Republic Commando faithfully recreated the torpedo tubes and bays like the cutaway pictures in the ICS? That's pretty damn cool, really.
No idea how faithfully, we see the tubes, but they are not cut away.
What about the rest of the Prosecutor? Are any other parts of the mission's maps based on the ICS? The huge landing gear, or the data core chambers, perhaps?
Don't have an X box, and even then I'm not much of a gamer. I'd need screen caps to compare.

Also, what sort of range and yield are we looking at when it comes to these beastly torpedoes? I assume there must be a reason for incorporating such a system instead of stuffing in more hypermatter reactors/fuel and turbolasers.
Well, with missiles range is "how far are you from the edge of the universe?" what with Newton's laws and all. But if you mena effective range, we don't know the delta V so we can't say. They are used for surface bombardment, so I'd guess that they can home on targets atleast 45,000 km away (high geostationary orbit). As for yield, again unknown, but some rough estimates and assumptions let me estimate the missiles on a Vicotry class at 16 TT, though that depends on fusion efficiency and missile fuel supplies.

Posted: 2006-02-26 09:47pm
by Ender
000 wrote:Torpedo Spheres were designed to crack planetary shields, so I'd imagine the yield of capship grade torpedos is pretty high.

I still think the "mass drivers" on the Providence-class are torpedo launchers. It makes the most sense.
No, we coverd this here, and then me and connor got into it with some knuckle heads on SB. The torpedo launchers are elsewhere on the cutaway; and though thier behavior is itself odd, the mass drivers don't match any torpedo behavior. They do however mostly match with flak shots. It appears they are the source of the anti fighter flak described in the novel, and seen in ANH and ESB.

Posted: 2006-02-26 11:21pm
by 000
Ah, I hadn't considered the flak angle. That makes more sense.

The torpedo launcher angle occurred to me because the ICS:OT reveals that starfighter-launched torpedos have a long casing similar to those ejected from the mass-drivers.

Re: Massive capital-ship sized torpedoes seen in RC

Posted: 2006-02-27 09:44am
by apocolypse
Cykeisme wrote:I never really gave them much thought (beyond "woah") when I played Republic Commando previously, but are those gigantic torpedoes seen on the Accamator contradicted by any higher sources? I mean, they're huge.. the torpedoes themselves are as big as a small ship. The torpedo tube through which you board the Prosecutor is wide enough to land a starfighter in!

Do we see (or hear mentioned) capital ship torpedoes of this size anywhere else?
Funny you mention this. I recently replayed RC myself a couple weeks ago and remember thinking the same thing when I was in the bay. Something like "holy shit, these fuckers are big!" :D

What was also interesting was when you're in the area where you have to hack the turbolaser controls to fire on the Lucrehulk. If you look down, it looks like there's several long turbolaser feeds running to the guns.

Posted: 2006-02-27 09:46am
by Vympel
Screenshots, goddamit!

Posted: 2006-02-27 02:52pm
by Cykeisme
Delta-38 has just jumped out the airlock of a Republic CR-25 transport, and is floating through space toward the torpedo tube.

Inside the torpedo tube. The blast door is closed. It's big!

The blast door is now open. You can now see into the torpedo bay. Look at the size of that thing!

This is a view from behind the torpedo in the firing position. You can see the torpedo tube (that I was in earlier) ahead of it, and look out into space. Two more torpedoes are visible on the left (yes, that thing taking up the entire lower left corner is a torpedo).

Five torps visible here, clamped to a sort of giant conveyor system.

From almost the same place as the fourth image, but I scooted over to the far left.

Sorry about the darkness of the images. I was using Windows' screenshot function, and aparently gamma correction happens further down the line. If someone can get brighter screenshots, I'll leave it to them.

If no one else is willing to, then I'll post shots of the turbolaser gunnery station. It's great.. you can see a quad turbolaser pointing out from under the windows, and if you look left and right, you can see more quad turbolaser emplacements. Under the control platform, leading to the quad turbolaser, you can see huge power conduits of some exotic nature. They glow intensely each time the emplacement fires.
Other locations of note you get to go to on the Acclamator are the hangar bays, data cores and command bridge.

Should probably get a better screengrabbing app, though, it's a bitch alt-tabbing out to paste after each shot.
Ender wrote:Don't have an X box, and even then I'm not much of a gamer. I'd need screen caps to compare.
The game's available on the PC.
There are a lot of interesting places on the ship. Many of the locations on the Acclamator are too cramped to take good pictures of (it's a warship, after all), and I'm sure you'd prefer to walk around them yourselves.
In the earlier mission, you get to run around a Lucrehulk coreship, and go to the bridge as well. Toward the end of the game I was so hoping you'd get to board the Recusant-class CIS ship, but alas, you don't.

I doubt many gamers have a similar level of interest in the technical aspects of SW that I love this forum for, so I recommend Republic Commando to all the regulars here.

Posted: 2006-02-27 04:03pm
by apocolypse
Great pics. I'd volunteer to grab some screens of the turbolaser feeds, but I only have it on Xbox.

Posted: 2006-02-27 04:23pm
by NecronLord
Well, if it's an acclamator, it should have a gigantic materiel deployment deck, and a large 'logistics bay' for rearming, though of course, it's possible the levels don't let you go to either.

Posted: 2006-02-28 12:04am
by Connor MacLeod
000 wrote:Ah, I hadn't considered the flak angle. That makes more sense.

The torpedo launcher angle occurred to me because the ICS:OT reveals that starfighter-launched torpedos have a long casing similar to those ejected from the mass-drivers.
There's 108 proton torpedo launchers, whereas there's only about a dozen of those guns (six to a side.) You can see them (even though they're unlabeled) in the entry, and you can see them again in the movie in the close up broadside battle between the IH and the Venator (a line of six rectangular ports.)

Posted: 2006-02-28 02:59am
by Cykeisme
NecronLord wrote:Well, if it's an acclamator, it should have a gigantic materiel deployment deck, and a large 'logistics bay' for rearming, though of course, it's possible the levels don't let you go to either.
Yeah, unfortunately not. A bit odd, I suppose, since the deployment decks are one of the Acclamator's primary areas, featured prominently in AotC's Grand Army parade on Coruscant.
On the other hand, there isn't any logical reason for the squad to have visited those areas.

Btw. I assume the missiles fired by the Invisible Hand's 108 proton torpedo launchers are nowhere near the size of the strategic torpedoes launched by Acclamator-class ships? I don't think there's enough room.

Posted: 2006-02-28 05:41am
by NecronLord
Well, making and rendering them would be a small nightmare. They're huge, and packed with equipment.

Posted: 2006-02-28 06:12am
by Vympel
Yes, turbolaser screenshots would be very fine.

In the meantime, I will brighten these.

Send these to Dr. Saxton, he's sure to put them up on his website.

Posted: 2006-02-28 06:49am
by Vympel

Posted: 2006-02-28 08:03am
by Cykeisme
Vympel wrote:Now, bring on the turbolaser screenshots.

*Nurses the whip-marks on his back*
Yes, milord.

Minor test at college tomorrow, but I'll get on it immediately after :)

Posted: 2006-03-01 01:34am
by Connor MacLeod
Those torpedoes actually kind of remind me of the "shell casings" ejected by the Separtist mass drivers. from the rear at least.

Also, it looks (curiously) like the launch tube is not perfectly straight, which seems rather odd...

Posted: 2006-03-01 01:35am
by Connor MacLeod
Cykeisme wrote: Btw. I assume the missiles fired by the Invisible Hand's 108 proton torpedo launchers are nowhere near the size of the strategic torpedoes launched by Acclamator-class ships? I don't think there's enough room.
Probably not. The apertures are too small for one thing, and carrying enough ammunition to fire them more than a few times would be a nightmare (I didn't see any massive ammo storage bays for them.)

Posted: 2006-03-01 01:48am
by Vympel
Also, it looks (curiously) like the launch tube is not perfectly straight, which seems rather odd...
I'm pretty sure that's just a trick your eyes are playing on you. See Acc4.

Posted: 2006-03-01 01:53am
by Connor MacLeod
Vympel wrote:
Also, it looks (curiously) like the launch tube is not perfectly straight, which seems rather odd...
I'm pretty sure that's just a trick your eyes are playing on you. See Acc4.
I'm referring to this

Posted: 2006-03-01 03:02am
by FTeik
So how many torpedos does the ship have?