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The Infinite Empire

Posted: 2006-03-07 02:09pm
by jegs2
In KOTOR, we see the Star Forge was constructed by (I was helpfully corrected about the name) the Infinite Empire. So, what is the history of that empire, and how far were they spread at the height of their power?

Re: The Eternal Empire

Posted: 2006-03-07 02:24pm
by Tiriol
jegs2 wrote:In KOTOR, we see the Star Forge was constructed by (correct me if I'm wrong) the Eternal Empire. So, what is the history of that empire, and how far were they spread at the height of their power?
I think it was Infinite Empire, not Eternal.

I don't have much to add to this, though - it has been a long time since I played KotOR and I don't have NEC. But I'm sure that there are more learned people about this matter.

What I do remember is that somehow the Star Forge appeared to have been corrupted by the dark side because of its makers' dark, selfish desires. The race itself - the Rakata - devolved into a bunch of barbaric tribes on the Unknown Planet, save for their priest caste, which somehow retained much of their former knowledge and aided Revan to enter the temple which was the source of the interdiction/tractor beam field which prevented any non-Star Forge vessels from leaving the system and the planet and actually drew them straight to the planet in a crash-landing.

Posted: 2006-03-07 02:29pm
by 000
Infinite Empire, yeah.

It was an empire of a hundred or so worlds spread across the galay (due to the peculiarities of hyperspace travel) and lasted around 5,000 years. Notable planets that were a part of the empire were Tatooine, Korriban, Manaan, Dantooine, and Kashyyyk. Wookiees, Selkath, and a couple other species were races enslaved by the Rakata.

According to the New Essential Chronology the Rakata also enslaved humans on Coruscant and Corellia, but this not only contradicts statements in Knights of the Old Republic, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense either. The NEC also pegs the Rakata as the aliens who gave hypertech to humanity-- apparently Corellians reverse-engineered Rakatan hyperdrives. Again, it doens't mesh to well with other sources, and is suspect. Particularly since the in-universe author of the chronology, Voren Na'al, is known to make stuff up.

Posted: 2006-03-08 07:56pm
by Crazy_Vasey
If I remember correctly, the Rakatans used the Dark Side extensively when constructing ships and the like, and when they, as a species, lost the ability to use the Force (related to the Star Forge, I believe) their empire crumbled as they suddenly found themselves unable to use much of their own technology.

They were also responsible for Tatooine's conditions. The locals rebelled against Rakatan rule so they blew the planet to hell.

Posted: 2006-04-03 08:10am
by Darth Tanner
In KOTOR the empire fell because of a plague that only killed them, they suspected it was constructed by the slaves - they fled back to their homeworld (not good at disease control then) and deevolved into mindless savages, the warrior caste destroying everything and everyone except the priest class, who some how retained suficient tech to defend themselves without actually understanding it

i agree with you that the idea of the empire having human slaves sounds foolish to me as the droid on dantooine cant understand basic

oh and i dont think wookies were slaves, they were just animals on the planet, kassyyyk was a terraforming experiment that went crazy after the empire fell and thats why the trees are so big apparently (dark side technobable is good fertiliser apparently)

Posted: 2006-04-03 08:18am
by Ghost Rider

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