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CIS- What would you do differently?
Posted: 2006-03-09 07:00pm
by BlkbrryTheGreat
Through a random twist of the force your mind is somehow transported into the body of Count Dooku after his meeting Palpatine at the end of AOTC. You have all of his memories and his abilities- however, you have your own personality- if you meet with Palpatine again he'll realize, through the force, that you are not his patsy... and then he'll kill you. Thus your only real choice of survival is to honestly lead the CIS in their bid for independce from the Republic- what would you do/do differently in this situation?
Posted: 2006-03-09 07:11pm
by PayBack
How about.. have Grevious kill palp the second he's captured?
Posted: 2006-03-09 07:13pm
by KhyronTheBackstabber
Screw the CIS. I'd turn myself into the Jedi council. They should be able to see I'm not really Dooku though the force. Then I'd out Palpatine as the Sith lord they're looking for, reveal Palps plan, and give them all the info they could ever want.
Posted: 2006-03-09 07:25pm
by LeftWingExtremist
Easy I turn in the CIS to the republic, and go back to the jedi council and say that I infiltrated the CIS with the intenion of stopping them. I then turn in sidious into the jedi/republic and hope the jedi will allow me to repent.
If I had a choice personaly I would much rather the empire over having the galaxy being in control of the CIS (stupid stuck up spoilled rich kids).
Posted: 2006-03-09 09:08pm
by Knife
Kill off Greivious, take my 10 thousand worlds and rule them till I die (in a few years because Dooku is like ~80 something.) Oh, and lots of Twi'lek dancing girls.
Posted: 2006-03-10 01:44am
by Count Dooku
Sideous knew the CIS could hang the Republic it's ass - if it struck key worlds. CIS driods out-numbered clones thousands, millions, billions, or even trillions to one, and if the Trade Federation really did have 10,000 Battleships (like we agreed in an earlier thread), than it would take 130,000 Venators to defeat them. Add in the rest of the CIS, and the Republic is seriously out-classed.
If I was in Dooku's position, I'd have launched an offensive against the core worlds, not the Outer Rim (like the CIS did during the Clone Wars). I would have targerted the Republic's fleets, and destroyed their ability to use their war machine before they ever had a chance to use it.
During the Clone Wars, the CIS was probably cranking out billions of driods every day. If they weren't part of Sideous' plot for galactic domination, they would have defeated the Republic in a matter of months. Grevious was, from what I saw in the Clone Wars cartoon, a cunning general. He was the first driod leader to out-maneuver the jedi and their clone troopers.
I also would have killed Sideous, and taken his place as the head sith in the galaxy.
Posted: 2006-03-10 04:02am
by RThurmont
I would have outed Palpatine as Darth Sidious, then, as the Republic collapsed into turmoil as a result of the allegations, I'd blitz Coruscant, not in attempt to capture it, but simply to increase confusion and panic. The idea would be to reduce the Senate Hall and the Jedi Temple, two symbols of the Republic, to rubble. Then, I would order my forces to retreat to the Outer Rim, from where persistent strikes would be mounted against the Republic to accelerate its collapse. As the Republic began to crumble, I would begin invading the outlying and secondary systems, and slowly but surely march inward, forging a NEW GALACTIC EMPIRE!!!
::lightning flashes::
Dang, that would rock.
Addendum: Concurrently with the blitz on Coruscant, I'd BDZ Kamino. I would over time seek to replace as much of the droid military as possible with real, natural, authentic humans either recruited or conscripted, initially using humans as officers, to supplement the repulsive Nemoidians. Over time the Nemoidians and other CIS members would find their power increasingly diminishing, and eventually would be transported to Mustafar, where my new apprentice would wipe them out.
Posted: 2006-03-10 09:30pm
by Knife
Count Dooku wrote:Sideous knew the CIS could hang the Republic it's ass - if it struck key worlds. CIS driods out-numbered clones thousands, millions, billions, or even trillions to one, and if the Trade Federation really did have 10,000 Battleships (like we agreed in an earlier thread), than it would take 130,000 Venators to defeat them. Add in the rest of the CIS, and the Republic is seriously out-classed.
Bullshit, the reason why the CIS even had tens of thousands of systems was because they were leaving the Republic. Without that notion, you'd have just the patsies. Sidious' plan worked because he played to the fancies of some folks, and not just the robber barrons. You have to have a broken system to rebel agaisnt. The republic was broken, without Palpatine. Infact, it's a strong argument that the Republic had to have been broken for Palpy to manipulate it like he did.
The CIS was smaller than the Republic, and it was only because all the guilds and trade barrons joined that it was able to produce an army capable of standing up to the Republic. Notice that when the Republic was threatened, a sizeable army capable of challenging the private army was produced?
If I was in Dooku's position, I'd have launched an offensive against the core worlds, not the Outer Rim (like the CIS did during the Clone Wars). I would have targerted the Republic's fleets, and destroyed their ability to use their war machine before they ever had a chance to use it.
The CIS was leaving the repbulic not trying to take it over. Attacking the outterrim was probably a political manuver to show their intent. Notice the attack on Coursacant was a raid rather than an actual assult.
During the Clone Wars, the CIS was probably cranking out billions of driods every day. If they weren't part of Sideous' plot for galactic domination, they would have defeated the Republic in a matter of months. Grevious was, from what I saw in the Clone Wars cartoon, a cunning general. He was the first driod leader to out-maneuver the jedi and their clone troopers.
With hyperdrive, you'd need a vast army *vast* to secure your own interests. The CIS had tens of thousands of systems to hold against Republic counter offesnsives. Sidious's plot was to sow mayhem, making it easier for him to have more and more power in the senate. If anything, he'd have to check the Republic power so they wouldn't crush the CIS. Probably his line about diplomacy in AotC's.
I also would have killed Sideous, and taken his place as the head sith in the galaxy.
While Palpatine was arrogant, unfortunately, all of his rivals from the Jedi to Dooku were more so. Dookus didn't even see his fate coming when Anakin skewed him.
Posted: 2006-03-10 10:27pm
by Kamakazie Sith
PayBack wrote:How about.. have Grevious kill palp the second he's captured?
After that astonishing feat Grievous can then defeat all the Jedi Masters in a lightsaber duel at the same time.
Seriously, Grievous wouldn't last a heartbeat against Darth Sidious with or without a lightsaber.
Posted: 2006-03-11 02:17pm
by Count Dooku
Kamakazie Sith wrote:Seriously, Grievous wouldn't last a heartbeat against Darth Sidious with or without a lightsaber.
Indeed. Sidious would have force lightening'd his ass back to the KOTOR age. BAHAHAHAHA!!!
Posted: 2006-03-11 05:25pm
by NecronLord
PayBack wrote:How about.. have Grevious kill palp the second he's captured?
You'd be better just abandoning the Invisible Hand and ordering the Confederate fleet to atomise it with Sidious aboard.
Posted: 2006-03-11 06:05pm
by Connor MacLeod
I have the ability to outproducee the Republic in terms of ground troops. I start building some decent offensive vehciles to counteract what the Republic has much sooner.
Posted: 2006-03-12 12:55am
by Lukedanieljames
You can also produce, vastly outproduce the republic in space droids aswell, arm vulture droids with anti capship missiles, make 50 billion of them, and you win the space war.
Posted: 2006-03-12 10:10am
by Xess
Lukedanieljames wrote:You can also produce, vastly outproduce the republic in space droids aswell, arm vulture droids with anti capship missiles, make 50 billion of them, and you win the space war.
Screw Vulture droids. Gut the habitable space out of capships and throw in more reactors and weapons in their place. Then you replace the organic crew with droid brains and start mass producing them.
I'd also follow Connor's idea and invest in some high quality tanks and ground vehicles to counter the Republic's.
If I get to do the raid on Coruscant I'd skip capturing Palpatine and just order Munificent classes to fire on the planet with their main guns fully charged and have cheap ships like the Techno Union ships in AOTC to ram the planet at as a high a velocity they can manag.
I'm not too comfortable with taking out trillions of people but it would be beneficial to destroy the senate, Palpatine and the Jedi who are there.
Of course that might screw me over royally so that's not a guranteed thing I would do.
Posted: 2006-03-12 11:17am
by Trytostaydead
Or at the very minimum, order research to produce a droid brain that :
a) Isn't an idiot
b) Doesn't say stupid things in battle like "Chaaaaarge!!"
c) Doesn't need to communicate through voice
d) Is more aggressive
e) MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH better aim
Posted: 2006-03-12 12:12pm
by Sarevok
I would create Skynet and give it access to Star Wars technology. That would show the Republic what a truly formidable robotic army looks like.
Posted: 2006-03-12 12:21pm
by Noble Ire
Sarevok wrote:I would create Skynet and give it access to Star Wars technology. That would show the Republic what a truly formidable robotic army looks like.
Its generally agreed giving war droids intellegence on a large scale is a pretty bad idea (see the Obi-wan/Dex conversation in AOTC).
Actually, I think it would be rather interesting to see an EU book go into the "Great Droid Rebellion" mentioned in the Chronology.
Posted: 2006-03-12 12:55pm
by Lazarus
Well first obviously I would come up with a way to kill Palpy, there's probably some way it could be done that doesn't have anything to do with the Battle of Coruscant. I'd also get rid of the ridiculous droid brains that say stuff like 'you're welcome *sarcasm*', and I like the skynet idea...but put some limiter on it so it doesn't go all Terminator. Attacking the Core Worlds would obviously be the smart move, and also politically playing to the Republics weaknesses. If you could convince planets they are safer alone, the Republic would fragment. Also research into more formidable military hardware wouldn't go amiss, no stupid wheeley rocket launcher things, what you need is wave upon wave of repulsorlift shield equipped tanks with laser cannons and e-webs. Oh and little scarab droids like necrons in 40k that fly around and bite clones and are really hard to hit
. And BDZ Kamino obviously, regardless of whether it was the sole clone producing planet or not. And maybe a few other worlds for good measure.
Posted: 2006-03-12 01:30pm
by Lukedanieljames
Trytostaydead wrote:Or at the very minimum, order research to produce a droid brain that :
a) Isn't an idiot
b) Doesn't say stupid things in battle like "Chaaaaarge!!"
c) Doesn't need to communicate through voice
d) Is more aggressive
e) MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH better aim
super battle droid?
Posted: 2006-03-12 10:57pm
by FOG3
Trytostaydead wrote:Or at the very minimum, order research to produce a droid brain that :
a) Isn't an idiot
b) Doesn't say stupid things in battle like "Chaaaaarge!!"
c) Doesn't need to communicate through voice
d) Is more aggressive
e) MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH better aim
f) and programmed with Jedi termination protocols, so that it may butcher Jedi with every last trick of unusual warfare that theoritically could work.
and it shall be called HK-47.
Posted: 2006-03-13 07:01am
by Typhonis 1
actually vocal communication is a good thing in that it is hard to interdict and hard to trace unless you can hear it.
Posted: 2006-03-13 11:57am
by Solauren
I'm stuck in DOOKU?
Why does the Force hate me?
At least put me in Anakin or Obi-Wan!
Oh well...
I'd turn Sidious into the Jedi Council, go loot all the Sith Holocrons I can from his stash (assuming I know where it is), go to Commonor and swipe the Sceptor of Ragnos, see if I can find Rousan and gain the power of the Valley of the Jedi, and then rule the galaxy that way
either that or turn Sidious in, and ask the Jedi to help me move my mind into a decent body that's not going to fall over from age in 20 years
Then go find the Sceptor....
Posted: 2006-03-13 05:52pm
by Bill_Dunaway
Trytostaydead wrote:Or at the very minimum, order research to produce a droid brain that :
a) Isn't an idiot
b) Doesn't say stupid things in battle like "Chaaaaarge!!"
c) Doesn't need to communicate through voice
d) Is more aggressive
e) MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH better aim
How about Cylon-like battledroids. They don't talk, move very quickly, are pretty good shots, have a good comprehension of tactics, and are fraking intimidating.
Posted: 2006-03-13 09:11pm
by Crossroads Inc.
ANNNNND They have that cool glowing red eye that goes back and forth.
VWron-vwron, vwron-vwron....
Posted: 2006-03-13 09:37pm
by NeoGoomba
Crossroads Inc. wrote:ANNNNND They have that cool glowing red eye that goes back and forth.
VWron-vwron, vwron-vwron....
T-800's trump Cylon Centurions in the cool factor. So I vote to start building them. LOTS of them.