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Posted: 2002-12-22 02:22pm
by kojikun
Why can't the galactic empire produce wormholes? I've read articles stating that it may take the energy of a supernova to create a wormhole. Supernovae produce at most 10^44 joules. Now, if the DS2 could generate 10e38 joules every few minutes, and this was only capable of blowing up a planet. The suncrusher could destroy entire stars, which means it must be capable of producing ATLEAST 10^44 joules, probably more given the speed with which its destroying the stars.
Now, the Sun Crusher was like, what, tiny? Smaller then a ISD thats for sure. Held six people. Probably smaller then the Falcon if that picture on the special tech area is correct. Now, if it can produce enough energy to destroy a star, and that amoutn of energy is whats needed to form a wormhole, would it not make sense to conclude that the empire should THEORETICALLY be capable of generating wormholes? Forget that wormholes might not even need 10^44 joules.
Wormholes have no speed limit, so you could cross the universe instantly. Depending on recharge time of the wormhole generator, you could bounce in and out of a wormhole hundreds of times a second. The transition time would be near zero because the wormhole doesnt have to form until the destination has been brought infinitely close to the origin.
So why havent the Imps gotten a working wormhole drive??
Posted: 2002-12-22 02:26pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
The Sun Crusher didn't aim a gun at a star and go "boom you're dead." It used some technobabble.
Posted: 2002-12-22 02:58pm
by kojikun
yeah it used a missile of some sort. but that missile would still have had to produce enough energy to set the sun off. Some resonance something or other. But it still needs to produce that much energy. The only other conceivable way to get the star to explode would be something that nullifies gravitational, electrical, and possibly strong nuclear forces so the star would tear itself apart, but theres no indication of this
Posted: 2002-12-22 03:01pm
by Captain Kruger
kojikun wrote:yeah it used a missile of some sort. but that missile would still have had to produce enough energy to set the sun off. Some resonance something or other. But it still needs to produce that much energy. The only other conceivable way to get the star to explode would be something that nullifies gravitational, electrical, and possibly strong nuclear forces so the star would tear itself apart, but theres no indication of this
I thought the resonance torpedo stopped nuclear fusion in the star and let it collapse on itself and then explode, just like the trilithium torpedo from ST:G.
Posted: 2002-12-22 03:35pm
by Lord Pounder
I also point out the Sun Crusher is the literary invention off KJA. His writting is suspect at best.
Posted: 2002-12-22 03:49pm
by Captain Kruger
Darth Pounder wrote:I also point out the Sun Crusher is the literary invention off KJA. His writting is suspect at best.
Let's not be overly gentle towards the man, Pounder. Anderson's writing stinks so bad, it would knock a buzzard off a truck full of shit at 100 meters.
Posted: 2002-12-22 04:21pm
by HemlockGrey
KJA's writing could kill a man at fifty paces.
Posted: 2002-12-22 04:40pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
It does use technobabble! Some KJA shit!
Posted: 2002-12-22 06:15pm
by HRogge
I think the Empire HAS a wormholedrive... it's called hyperdrive.
They use a wormhole to jump into another dimension where the distance they have to travel is smaller, then use another wormhole to jump back.
Posted: 2002-12-22 08:01pm
by kojikun
Rogge, thats not a wormhole. Thats not even how hyperdrive works.
Posted: 2002-12-22 08:07pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
HRogge wrote:I think the Empire HAS a wormholedrive... it's called hyperdrive.
They use a wormhole to jump into another dimension where the distance they have to travel is smaller, then use another wormhole to jump back.
1. No, they don't.
2. You don't use a wormhole to jump between demensions.
Posted: 2002-12-22 08:35pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
HRogge wrote:I think the Empire HAS a wormholedrive... it's called hyperdrive.
They use a wormhole to jump into another dimension where the distance they have to travel is smaller, then use another wormhole to jump back.
That is NOT how SW hyperdrive even works. I think that's for
Babylon 5. Think before you speak, dear.
SW hyperdrives work by literally skipping over the speed of light, and use tech to nullify the effects of reletivity. Hyperspace is simply what regular space looks like from a techyonic perspective.
Posted: 2002-12-22 08:36pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Shit, that should be "tachyonic" in the last sentence...

Posted: 2002-12-23 02:33pm
by Lord Pounder
What about the YV? If they can use blackholes as shields can they use similar technology to travel between Galaxies? I say this a man who just finished reading Part 1 of Onslaught and found it a very painful experience. I'm not sure i wanna read any more of the NJO.
Posted: 2002-12-23 04:55pm
by mollusk
i dont think the yv have a wormhole device,or at least didn't use one to travel between galaxies. I thought they spent generations traveling between them on the worldships at the fastest speed possible .
Re: wormhole
Posted: 2002-12-23 07:49pm
by Ender
mollusk wrote:i dont think the yv have a wormhole device,or at least didn't use one to travel between galaxies. I thought they spent generations traveling between them on the worldships at the fastest speed possible .
Given the speeds they have shown, it doesn't look like that is the case. It looks like they used realspace dives when they were between galaxies because they didn't know where they were going. Based on the distance of galaxies and the speed of hyperdrive, they could have crossed the distances between them in a few years, not millenia.
Posted: 2002-12-23 08:45pm
by Darth Yoshi
The Vong were in transit for at least a YV generation, however long that is. I don't have the actual quote, but in Edge of Victory, Nen Yim makes a comment about finally setting foot on solid ground and seeing actual sunlight, meaning she's lived her entire life on a worldship.
Posted: 2002-12-23 10:03pm
by XaLEv
Do wormholes even exist in SW?
wormhole and hyperspace
Posted: 2002-12-24 05:55am
by omegaLancer
in dark empire we see a hyperspace wormholes. See the unoffical SW encyclopedia entry below -
Hyperspace wormhole
a natural phenomenon in which suddenly connects two positions in the galaxy via a tunnel through hyperspace. The wormhole is accompanied by huge energy storms. These wormholes often occur just after large disturbances in the Force.
Posted: 2002-12-25 01:18am
by Darth Yoshi
Oh, that. I always called it a Force storm.
Posted: 2002-12-25 02:37am
by Durandal
Don't get me started on how utterly preposterous Yuuzhan Vong technology is.