One year anniversary
Posted: 2006-03-25 02:53pm
Get your fill of sci-fi, science, and mockery of stupid ideas
Wow. I thought the AOTC novelisation was absolute garbage. To me, it read like a script with a few bits of description tossed in here and there. The ROTS and TPM novelisations were excellent but AOTC . . . not so much in my opinion. Then again I bloody hated Vector Prime too so maybe the author's writing style just doesn't agree with me.DesertFly wrote:I foolishly read the AOTC novel before the movie came out. After the dissapointment that was the movie compared to the book, I vowed to spare myself the same condition with ROTS.
I wasn't too fond of the ROTS novelization myself. I didn't like the constant "This is how it feels to be...." and after the controlled crash (or what to call it) on Coruscant, it felt as if Stover ran out of time and rushed the rest of the book and didn't elaborate so much on things as he had done in the opening chapters (which perhaps is a good thing. After all, it took a while for anything to happen). And Anakin's comments during the slaughter of the Seperatist leaders were silly. However, there were things I liked. The confrontation between the posse and Palpatine was better handled in the novel and the EU references were nice.Crazy_Vasey wrote:Wow. I thought the AOTC novelisation was absolute garbage. To me, it read like a script with a few bits of description tossed in here and there. The ROTS and TPM novelisations were excellent but AOTC . . . not so much in my opinion. Then again I bloody hated Vector Prime too so maybe the author's writing style just doesn't agree with me.DesertFly wrote:I foolishly read the AOTC novel before the movie came out. After the dissapointment that was the movie compared to the book, I vowed to spare myself the same condition with ROTS.
The only parts I didn't like were Anakin's "You don't find me handsome?" quip on Mustafar, and c-3PO's added dialoge. Other than that, I thought the ROTS novelization was excellent, better than most of the others. Then again, I like Stover's style (heavy on introspection) in all of his EU books. If that's not your thing, though, I can see how it might get a bit tiring.I wasn't too fond of the ROTS novelization myself. I didn't like the constant "This is how it feels to be...." and after the controlled crash (or what to call it) on Coruscant, it felt as if Stover ran out of time and rushed the rest of the book and didn't elaborate so much on things as he had done in the opening chapters (which perhaps is a good thing. After all, it took a while for anything to happen). And Anakin's comments during the slaughter of the Seperatist leaders were silly. However, there were things I liked. The confrontation between the posse and Palpatine was better handled in the novel and the EU references were nice.
I wasn't too fond of the ROTS novelization myself. I didn't like the constant "This is how it feels to be...." and after the controlled crash (or what to call it) on Coruscant, it felt as if Stover ran out of time and rushed the rest of the book and didn't elaborate so much on things as he had done in the opening chapters (which perhaps is a good thing. After all, it took a while for anything to happen). And Anakin's comments during the slaughter of the Seperatist leaders were silly. However, there were things I liked. The confrontation between the posse and Palpatine was better handled in the novel and the EU references were nice.[/quote]Mange the Swede wrote:
Wow. I thought the AOTC novelisation was absolute garbage. To me, it read like a script with a few bits of description tossed in here and there. The ROTS and TPM novelisations were excellent but AOTC . . . not so much in my opinion. Then again I bloody hated Vector Prime too so maybe the author's writing style just doesn't agree with me.