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The South shall rise again! (Kinda)

Posted: 2006-03-25 03:13pm
by dworkin
Despite the clone wars being all part of Palpy's master plan many of the members of the CIS must of felt they had legitimate grieviences against the Republic.

How happy are they really in the New Republic?

And yes, Vadar got most of the ringleaders in ROtS, but how about everyone else?

Posted: 2006-03-25 03:27pm
by AK_Jedi
I got the impression that most of their problems were with the level of corruption, and ineffectiveness of the old rebublic senate. The idea behind the new republic is to resurect the old republic's ideals, but not its corruption.

Posted: 2006-03-25 03:55pm
by dworkin
AK_Jedi wrote: The idea behind the new republic is to resurect the old republic's ideals, but not its corruption.
I am sure those world's occupied by Republic clonetroopers then ground under the Empire's heel will respect that.

Actually that's the only mitigating factor. The NR is clearly a break from the OR and the Empire it became. But still, that desire for indepence had to come from somewhere for Palpy and Tyrannus to be able to fan it.

Posted: 2006-03-25 05:09pm
by Noble Ire
Additionally, the NR was never as large as either the Empire or the Republic at any point in its existance (I'm not even sure the GFFA is, and it encorporates the Remnant, the Hapes Consortium, and the Chiss Ascendancy along with the former NR territories). I would imagine a lot of the former CIS worlds broke away after the Empire collapsed and never rejoined a galactic government.

Posted: 2006-03-25 05:27pm
by Jadeite
Not to mention that using the word 'incompetent' to describe the New Republic is only a mild detractor from the adjectives one could really use.

Posted: 2006-03-25 09:19pm
by Lord Pounder
Given how fucked up the New Republic got in the NJO it's safe to say that many worlds did resent the NR. Corellia is one prime example of a system that chaffed under NR rulership, but there where plenty of systems that signed non-agression treaties with the Vong.

Posted: 2006-03-25 09:54pm
by AK_Jedi
Incidentally, the new essential chronology mentions that some of the races in the CIS had harbored resentment against the OR from being shafted in age old treaties.