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Why Don't Jedi Carry GUNS!
Posted: 2002-12-22 08:56pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Would it really have been that difficult for the Jedi to have a tiny, itsy bitsy, hold-out blaster tucked away in their utility belts? Imagine how powerful a Jedi would be with a lightsaber in one hand deflecting blasts and such, but instead of having to run into a crowd a blazing blaster fire to down their target, they can stay in a effective, and distanced, defensive position andshootat them!
Do you know how easily Count Dooku, AND Nute Gunray could have been killed in the press box at the Geonosian arena if they had hailed down a steady stream of blaster? They could've probably killed a more considerable amount of droid ass too (although I still think they would have lost in the end).
It would have taken Obi-Wan at max TEN seconds to injure and capture Jango Fett on the landing pad, had he a freaking blaster! A shot to a couple arms or legs, or a lucky hit on his jet pack, and Yoda's request would have been completed, no fuss no muss, to further that: Had Obi-Wan captured Fett, he wouldn't have followed him to geonosis, he wouldn't have informed the Sentane about the droid army, no emergency powers, no Clone Wars, NO RISE OF THE EMPIRE!
Is it possible it would require too much concentration to use a lightaber in tandem with a blaster (doubtful), or is some macho Jedi code? It has truly puzzled me thus far.
Posted: 2002-12-22 09:07pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Some shit about only needing a lightsaber and how it's so elegant and stuff. What do you expect from such idiots?
Posted: 2002-12-22 09:24pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Probably for the same reason that some cops still use revolvers instead of semi-auto pistols: they don't trust them.
Posted: 2002-12-22 09:38pm
by Cal Wright
It's not as random or as clumsy as a blaster.
Posted: 2002-12-22 09:38pm
by ViciousMink
The lightsabre would have to be an incredibly reliable item, then, if a Jedi would trust it more than a blaster. (For all we know, of course, they are.)
Posted: 2002-12-22 09:47pm
by consequences
So carry a lightsaber AND a blaster, and you're stll carrying less equipment than most police officers would be.
Posted: 2002-12-22 10:19pm
by HemlockGrey
Had Obi-Wan captured Fett, he wouldn't have followed him to geonosis, he wouldn't have informed the Sentane about the droid army, no emergency powers, no Clone Wars, NO RISE OF THE EMPIRE!
The Seperatists would have eventually forcefully seceeded or launched an attack, and then the Clone Wars would begin anyway.
Posted: 2002-12-22 10:31pm
by nightmare
The most obvious reason is that they don't need to.
Against non-Force users, TK, mind trick or any one of a host of other Force abilities works just fine. Jango Fett was a rare exception.
Against a Force-using enemy with a lightsabre, it's plain dumb.
Posted: 2002-12-22 10:47pm
by consequences
No it isn't, while you lock your lightsaber against his, shoot him with the other hand.
Posted: 2002-12-22 10:52pm
by Raptor 597
consequences wrote:No it isn't, while you lock your lightsaber against his, shoot him with the other hand.
It would take some time concentration. Possibbly giving your enemy a chance too kill you. I still wouldn't mine Jedi carrying around a mini blaster.
Posted: 2002-12-22 10:53pm
by Ghost Rider
Arrogance more than likely.
Given that they can deflect blaster bolts, and are not trained persay soley as warriors. They feel that the lightsaber alone is all they need.
Posted: 2002-12-22 11:38pm
by Vympel
A lightsabre in one hand and a blaster in another is unworkable- the lightsabre is best used two-handed.
Posted: 2002-12-22 11:40pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
I am inclined to be believe it is indeed arrogance over functionality. After seeing how terribly they perfomed at the Battle of Geonosis (which seemed just mind-warping after Mr. Wong further stupifyed the Jedi) I wouldn't be suprised that their arrogance has gotten the best of them. Although this arrogance must have been going on for some time, the Jedi have been around for how many millenia?
And consequences you may be correct on point one, that is Fett vs. Obi-Wan, but it still would have been overly-easy to gun down Dooku from his position in teh press box, especially for some one with Jedi skills.
Posted: 2002-12-22 11:43pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Vympel wrote:A lightsabre in one hand and a blaster in another is unworkable- the lightsabre is best used two-handed.
*shrugs* Vader didn't seem to have a problem handling it in TESB (he beat Luke single handedly quite literaly), to further his reputation he did handle a lighsaber in one hand in AOTC, albiet with one in his other hand.
Posted: 2002-12-22 11:43pm
by consequences
Have a gun mouted on the top of both wrists then, preferably with a smartgun link Cyberpunk style. Of course, cybernetic implants would probably screw over a jedi for some technobabble reason that would boil down to game balance.
Posted: 2002-12-22 11:47pm
by Exonerate
Give them one of mounted on their eye, ala Borg. You know, those red lasers... I know they're not weapons.
Posted: 2002-12-23 12:22am
by Sea Skimmer
The Jedi don't attack and try to avoid combat. A lightsaber can meet most of their requirements, something like the situation on the Ep1 Trade Federation ship probably was pretty rare, and a major battle totally unheard off. For the most part they would never need blasters, since its going to be the enemy firing first and you can just direct there fire back at them while saving your own skin.
The Jedi in Star By Star did think to bring blasters, along with explosives, war driod's and a few other things. They do learn, eventually..
Posted: 2002-12-23 12:25am
by Darth Garden Gnome
Sea Skimmer wrote:The Jedi in Star By Star did think to bring blasters, along with explosives, war driod's and a few other things. They do learn, eventually..
Thats refreshing news (I have yet to read SBS), so there you have it folks, Jedi DO eventually carry blasters. It only takes them how many millenia?
Posted: 2002-12-23 01:46am
by consequences
at least 25 by last official count. Man, that's a lousy learning curve.
Posted: 2002-12-23 04:13am
by FaxModem1
its even worse than the UFP's
Posted: 2002-12-23 04:26am
by Cpt_Frank
its even worse than the UFP's
The New Republic's indeed starting to rival the UFP.
It's just like Sea Skimmer said, the lightsaber is only an offensive weapon when it's used against another saber fighter, but against people with blasters, it's defensive, and as such perfectly fits the Jedi philosophy.
Posted: 2002-12-23 05:25am
by FettKyle
Thosands of years with peace I guess they saw no need
A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defence.
Posted: 2002-12-23 07:30am
by Tsyroc
A better question would be, "Why don't the Sith carry guns?"
Certainly the Sith like to get up close an personal, either humliating their prey through the art of asswhoop or messing with their heads through the other fine Sith art, smack talkin'.
Still, when there are only two of you in the whole universe it might not be a bad idea to pack a backup weapon, just in case. Y'know the lightsaber fails and there's a power outage on the Force Lightning you just might want to a third weapon to fall back on.

Posted: 2002-12-23 07:41am
by Cpt_Frank
Tsyroc wrote:A better question would be, "Why don't the Sith carry guns?"
Certainly the Sith like to get up close an personal, either humliating their prey through the art of asswhoop or messing with their heads through the other fine Sith art, smack talkin'.
Still, when there are only two of you in the whole universe it might not be a bad idea to pack a backup weapon, just in case. Y'know the lightsaber fails and there's a power outage on the Force Lightning you just might want to a third weapon to fall back on.

Vader can just block blaster bolts with his hands. Possibly Palp can do the same.
We haven't seen Jedi doin this.
Posted: 2002-12-23 07:43am
by Tsyroc
Cpt_Frank wrote:
Vader can just block blaster bolts with his hands. Possibly Palp can do the same.
We haven't seen Jedi doin this.
I wasn't so much thinking they'd need them for defensive reasons, although that's what came across in my post, I was thinking that maybe they'd like to blast someone from a distance. For convience sake of course.