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What is Quantum Crystaline Armor?

Posted: 2002-12-23 04:51pm
by His Divine Shadow
Well? What is it? A topic over at SB made me think of this, this is the only explanation on it sofar:
Pg. 278: "By introducing quantum-crystalline armor, where only a few layers of atoms are stacked as densely as physics permits, laminated on top of another thin film just as tough but phase shifted, we can be confident that nothing will harm it. Not so much as a dent."
-Jedi Search

Re: What is Quantum Crystaline Armor?

Posted: 2002-12-23 04:55pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
His Divine Shadow wrote:Well? What is it? A topic over at SB made me think of this, this is the only explanation on it sofar:
Pg. 278: "By introducing quantum-crystalline armor, where only a few layers of atoms are stacked as densely as physics permits, laminated on top of another thin film just as tough but phase shifted, we can be confident that nothing will harm it. Not so much as a dent."
-Jedi Search
Oh its just another superweapon idea that came to KJA while he was on the crapper, mismatching funny names like "quantum" and "anti-matter."

Posted: 2002-12-23 04:56pm
by Jason von Evil
Sounds like something from Power Rangers. :x

Posted: 2002-12-23 04:58pm
by His Divine Shadow
Help or fuck off.

Re: What is Quantum Crystaline Armor?

Posted: 2002-12-23 05:02pm
by paladin
His Divine Shadow wrote:Well? What is it? A topic over at SB made me think of this, this is the only explanation on it sofar:
Pg. 278: "By introducing quantum-crystalline armor, where only a few layers of atoms are stacked as densely as physics permits, laminated on top of another thin film just as tough but phase shifted, we can be confident that nothing will harm it. Not so much as a dent."
-Jedi Search
Honestly, it's sounds like something for ST then SW. B&B love using "quantum" in technobabble.

Re: What is Quantum Crystaline Armor?

Posted: 2002-12-23 05:05pm
by mollusk
[quote="His Divine Shadow"]Well? What is it? A topic over at SB made me think of this, this is the only explanation on it sofar:
Pg. 278: "By introducing quantum-crystalline armor, where only a few layers of atoms are stacked as densely as physics permits, laminated on top of another thin film just as tough but phase shifted, we can be confident that nothing will harm it. Not so much as a dent."
From this explanation my nearest guess would be that it acts like a mirror to refract and reflect any energy.Therefore it would be highly effective against beam weapons.but other than that its got me puzzled!! :?

Re: What is Quantum Crystaline Armor?

Posted: 2002-12-23 05:08pm
by His Divine Shadow
mollusk wrote:From this explanation my nearest guess would be that it acts like a mirror to refract and reflect any energy.Therefore it would be highly effective against beam weapons.but other than that its got me puzzled!! :?
Well it can survive in the core of a gas giant and inside a star, the only real way of destroying it was to throw in a black hole.

Posted: 2002-12-23 05:08pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Well if you'd likea more serious answer its some sort of super-dense invincible armor that was put on the Sun Crusher.

The Sun Crusher thusly becomes an invincible ship that has more fire-power than the Death Star.

Lovley isn't it, the man has true imagination. :roll:

Posted: 2002-12-23 05:12pm
by His Divine Shadow
Not invincible, the Proto-type deathstar nearly destroyed the SC when caught in the fringes of the SL beam.

Pg. 291: The Death Star fired again, and the superlaser beam curved around, bent even more severely in the deep gravity well; but this time the gunner compensated. The blurred fringes of the beam actually struck the Sun Crusher and knocked it spinning out of control.

Any other ship would have been vaporized instantly, but the quantum armor plating protected the superweapon-just barely.
-Champions of the Force

Posted: 2002-12-23 05:20pm
by Sir Sirius
One thing that bugged me while I was reading that novel was: Why didn't they just detonate a nuke in side it?
The armour might be nigh indestructable, but I doubt that the innards are. All that would be left is an empty quantum-whats-it shell.

Posted: 2002-12-23 05:25pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Sir Sirius wrote:One thing that bugged me while I was reading that novel was: Why didn't they just detonate a nuke in side it?
The armour might be nigh indestructable, but I doubt that the innards are. All that would be left is an empty quantum-whats-it shell.
And exactlyhowdo you propose one would go about doing this?

Posted: 2002-12-23 05:49pm
by Sea Skimmer
Quantum-crystalline is steel which has had pure technobabble compressed into it.

Re: What is Quantum Crystaline Armor?

Posted: 2002-12-23 06:14pm
by Warspite
His Divine Shadow wrote:Well? What is it? A topic over at SB made me think of this, this is the only explanation on it sofar:
Pg. 278: "By introducing quantum-crystalline armor, where only a few layers of atoms are stacked as densely as physics permits, laminated on top of another thin film just as tough but phase shifted, we can be confident that nothing will harm it. Not so much as a dent."
-Jedi Search

It's obvious this guy knows nothing about material science, otherwise, he wouldn't be inventing such abhorrent bullshit.

Atoms in solids are already "stacked as densely as physics" permits, they're called crystal latices, and they're one of the defining properties of solids, besides, that's why solids are opaque to light, due to it's crystaline structure, glass has an amorphous strucutre, so it's transparent.
Taking metals as an example, the crystal structure (among other properties) is what diferentiate titanuam from iron, the former has a hexagonal crystal structure, while the later has a cubic structure, hence titanium is stronger than iron-based compounds. It's not possible to stack atoms closer together, à lá "Honey, I shrunk the kids", the electron cloud and the repulsions don't permit that.

And what's this stupid thin layer? Even for a ultra-dense material, thin is bad.
Laminated? Does he know what laminated material is? Of course not. Laminated has to do with a fabrication process, where a plate ir passed through rolers that compress it several times from (for example) 5 inches to 2 inches, making it more homogenous, and when applied to armour plates, homogenous is good.

Phase shifted? I don't want to even go there... (Voyager anyone?)

*Sigh* Just stupid technobabble to confuse and befuddle the ignorant reader, without access to a board of more "iluminated" readers...

OK, Quantum Crystaline Armour, heh?

Well, it's armour, so it's different from normal material (duh!), meaning more stronger for the same mass, crystaline, as in very homogenous, densely packed, and quantum (*shudders*) as in messing around with particle properties to provide an incredible material.
So, we got a extremely dense material, impervious to "almost" any sort of physical and energy attack. Duh!

Well, let's just call it a QCA, without explaining what it is, shall we?

Posted: 2002-12-23 06:30pm
by Ender
His Divine Shadow wrote:Not invincible, the Proto-type deathstar nearly destroyed the SC when caught in the fringes of the SL beam.

Pg. 291: The Death Star fired again, and the superlaser beam curved around, bent even more severely in the deep gravity well; but this time the gunner compensated. The blurred fringes of the beam actually struck the Sun Crusher and knocked it spinning out of control.

Any other ship would have been vaporized instantly, but the quantum armor plating protected the superweapon-just barely.
-Champions of the Force
As someone pointed out over at SB, that does not entirely match the fact that it also surived supernovas. As they pointed out, morelikely it refers to the fact that everytime the thing gets slammed around like that, the QCA does not get damaged, but the stuff inside does. So the systems were getting torn apart because the inertial compenastor or what not didn't protect them well enough. This is why it barely survived, not because of the DS beam.

If we knew more of the qualities of QC armor, then we could judge it. Right now it seems to be some kind of artificial neutronium that is as dense and strong as the real stuff, but is solid, doesn't have the huge gravity to it (as it didn't totally screw up Vortex when the citadel was made of it), and can be touched without you becoming neutronium yourself. It also seems to be clear (what would real neutronium look like anyways?) as it covers the windows with no problem.

Posted: 2002-12-23 06:59pm
by Sir Sirius
Darth Garden Gnome wrote:
Sir Sirius wrote:One thing that bugged me while I was reading that novel was: Why didn't they just detonate a nuke in side it?
The armour might be nigh indestructable, but I doubt that the innards are. All that would be left is an empty quantum-whats-it shell.
And exactlyhowdo you propose one would go about doing this?
When Luke and company had the damn thing in their possession and wanted to get rid of it. They first drove it in to a gas giant. I think that they could just have detonated a nuke inside it and fucked the insides up real good.

Posted: 2002-12-23 07:00pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Oh, I thougth you meant when Kyp was running around with, my mistake. :oops:

Posted: 2002-12-23 07:30pm
by Darth Yoshi
Sir Sirius wrote:When Luke and company had the damn thing in their possession and wanted to get rid of it. They first drove it in to a gas giant. I think that they could just have detonated a nuke inside it and fucked the insides up real good.
But if you do that, it's possible to rebuild the innards. Remember, the point of destroying the Sun Crusher is to make sure nobody can use it. The only things unique about the Sun Crusher were the armor and the resonance torps(ugh). Everything else is just standardized Imperial tech.

Posted: 2002-12-23 10:07pm
by consequences
But nuking the innards would at least take care of the resonance torpedos, and if anyone rebuilds it, you can always use Bean's solution and Ion Cannon the bejeezus out of it.

Posted: 2002-12-23 10:46pm
by Sea Skimmer
What they should have done was just use up the torpedoes, find some stars with no planets and blow em. Then set off some proton torpedoes on the inside till there's nothing left but a armor shell. Place the shell inside of a freighter and order it to jump into hyperspace with a bomb aboard.

When the bomb goes off it and hyperspace will rip the ship apart and the debris will be reduced to the atomic level. They will also be trapped in hyperspace forever.

Posted: 2002-12-24 02:44am
by consequences
Or you could use your position as the predominant Galactic power to reverse engineer the stuff, deploy it in your military, and kick the living shit out of the Yuuzhan Vong while laughing off their plasma fire.

quantum armor

Posted: 2002-12-24 04:58am
by omegaLancer
Just a question, aren't the war droides that Lando is manufacturing cover in quantum armor. I remember when he first introduce them to the republic he made mention that they use quantum base armor.

Another throught, the closes real life quantum armor would be a Pion crystal. This Substance is believe to be at the core of Nuetron stars and is actually a collection of Pion or gloun/ quark created by the intense pressure of the mass of liquid neutronium ( yes Neutronium is a superfluid)

Re: quantum armor

Posted: 2002-12-24 07:23am
by nightmare
omegaLancer wrote:Just a question, aren't the war droides that Lando is manufacturing cover in quantum armor. I remember when he first introduce them to the republic he made mention that they use quantum base armor.

Another throught, the closes real life quantum armor would be a Pion crystal. This Substance is believe to be at the core of Nuetron stars and is actually a collection of Pion or gloun/ quark created by the intense pressure of the mass of liquid neutronium ( yes Neutronium is a superfluid)
That's interesting, and it seem to fit as a description for QCA.

Posted: 2002-12-24 03:51pm
by Sea Skimmer
No, someone asked if the YVH used QC armor and Lando said no. They use laminanium, a self-healing metal developed specifically for the YVH. The fact that Vong Thud bugs will blow small craters in it would suggest that it offers much less protection then QC, though a driod so fitted can take a direct hit from a coalskipper's main gun.

Re: quantum armor

Posted: 2002-12-24 05:59pm
by His Divine Shadow
omegaLancer wrote:Just a question, aren't the war droides that Lando is manufacturing cover in quantum armor. I remember when he first introduce them to the republic he made mention that they use quantum base armor.
No it's not, I am reading the book as of now, it's called lanianium or something.

Posted: 2002-12-24 06:09pm
by His Divine Shadow
Sea Skimmer wrote:No, someone asked if the YVH used QC armor and Lando said no. They use laminanium, a self-healing metal developed specifically for the YVH. The fact that Vong Thud bugs will blow small craters in it would suggest that it offers much less protection then QC, though a driod so fitted can take a direct hit from a coalskipper's main gun.
The thing is not self healing, but it can be turned from liquid to solid pretty easily apparently, the droid has something called an "ingot", I dunno what that is, so wait, checking dictionary...

Oh yeah, well this ingot then holds the laminanium and when say a thud-bug hit's it'll make about a thumb sized crater, the ingot will then somehow liquify and supply more laminanium through some internal delivery system, maybe small droids, like dust sized ones, that'll fill this crater and mold into armor again.