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Why did GL make Greedo shoot first?
Posted: 2002-12-23 09:34pm
by FaxModem1
Why did he do this? It seems unnecessary and stupid, so why did he do it?
Was it to make Han seem less like a pirate, like makig the FBI have walkie talkies instead of guns in ET, to make it more kid-friendly?
Posted: 2002-12-23 09:44pm
by Enforcer Talen
yep. han is a hero, right?
course, I thought he evolved into a hero, but whatever.
Posted: 2002-12-23 10:23pm
by Admiral Drason
I hate kid friendly screws up every thing.

Posted: 2002-12-23 10:28pm
by Soontir C'boath
GL wanted Greedo to be a regular joe doing his job and then shot by a better accurate Solo. Proving Han is the bomb of bastards and as Leia said "Quite the mercenary"
Posted: 2002-12-24 12:11am
by Typhonis 1
I always thought Greedo screwed up royaly I mean not telling Han to keep his hands visible?Cmon he was beggin to get capped for that
Posted: 2002-12-24 01:44am
by DPDarkPrimus
Han shooting Greedo was better. It showed that he didn't like to take any crap from people, was able to take care of himself, and wore a grey hat.
Posted: 2002-12-24 05:03am
by Vympel
Greedo missed from less than a metre away. That's pathetic. It was an incredibly stupid idea.
Posted: 2002-12-24 06:21am
by Cpt_Frank
Vympel wrote:Greedo missed from less than a metre away. That's pathetic. It was an incredibly stupid idea.
It simply makes both Greedo and Han look like pussies.
Re: Why did GL make Greedo shoot first?
Posted: 2002-12-24 06:21am
by Patrick Degan
FaxModem1 wrote:Why did he do this? It seems unnecessary and stupid, so why did he do it?
Was it to make Han seem less like a pirate, like makig the FBI have walkie talkies instead of guns in ET, to make it more kid-friendly?
That is
exactly the reason. In order to increase his franchise's marketability to the kiddies, Lucas surrendered to the general dumb-down trend of today's culture.
Re: Why did GL make Greedo shoot first?
Posted: 2002-12-24 06:42am
by Joe Momma
Patrick Degan wrote:That is exactly the reason. In order to increase his franchise's marketability to the kiddies, Lucas surrendered to the general dumb-down trend of today's culture.
It's a pretty stupid reason, IMO. Even when I first saw the movie as a 6 year old, I didn't see a problem with it. A guy shoves a gun in your face, says he's going to enjoy killing you, and he's too stupid to pull the trigger first? Fuck him, he deserves to die. Though I'm pretty sure I didn't think of it in quite those terms at the time.
-- Joe Momma
Posted: 2002-12-24 08:40am
by Vympel
You spelled it out perfectly Joe Mamma. Fuck he was staring down the barrel of a gun, which retard is going to think that Han's a murderer?
Bet NRA warsies especially were spewing over that one.
Posted: 2002-12-24 09:28am
by Andras
SW Tales #14 by Darkhorse has a joke comic sequence with Han being sued "In the Emperors Court" by Greedo's mother for cold blooded murder. Han introduces holo film of Greedo shooting first, but it is dismissed as clearly doctored evidence. The Emperor claims "No one should have the ablity to re-write history (except for me)". The whole thing is very funny. Vader to Palpatine, about Han "Not the kind of guy you's want to date your daughter"
Posted: 2002-12-24 11:06am
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
How does adding Greedo trying to kill Han, then Han turning him into a smoking corpse make it better for kids?
Posted: 2002-12-24 11:26am
by Crown
It makes Han appear as though he was acting in self-defence.
I have issues with GL's 'revisionist' policy on SW history.
Posted: 2002-12-24 09:08pm
by Sidious
Not only is it complete and total bs, but it looks like CRAP. The way Han's head side steps or whatever.
Posted: 2002-12-24 10:07pm
by AdmiralKanos
A lot of people think kids need to be "shielded" from anything which remotely smacks of the real world. Somehow, this is expected to make them better-prepared for adulthood. Yes, your parents keeping things from you is supposed to make you feel loved.
These "protect the children from the facts by surrounding them with Care-Bear saccharine bullshit" idiots should read the original Grimm's Fairy Tales, where every story is about someone trying to kill or eat the child protagonists. Don't they realize that children's stories are supposed to serve the dual purposes of entertaining them and subtly teaching them about the dangers of the world? Didn't they ever notice that every single one of Aesop's fables is actually a parable which is intended to teach something, often through the use of unsavoury characters?
Stupid fucktards.
Posted: 2002-12-24 10:45pm
by Durandal
Don't shoot first, but feel free to destroy millions of arguably innocent Imperial officers by destroying the Death Star.
Posted: 2002-12-25 01:11am
by DPDarkPrimus
Andras wrote:SW Tales #14 by Darkhorse has a joke comic sequence with Han being sued "In the Emperors Court" by Greedo's mother for cold blooded murder. Han introduces holo film of Greedo shooting first, but it is dismissed as clearly doctored evidence. The Emperor claims "No one should have the ablity to re-write history (except for me)". The whole thing is very funny. Vader to Palpatine, about Han "Not the kind of guy you's want to date your daughter"
I need to get my hands on that.
Posted: 2002-12-25 02:40am
by Joe Momma
Sidious wrote:Not only is it complete and total bs, but it looks like CRAP. The way Han's head side steps or whatever.
Y'know, in all this time thinking about how the original version with Han shooting first (and last!) didn't seem evil even as a child, I never thought about looking at the
new version from a child's perspective.
Let's go back for a moment and look at Han's head movement. I mean, Jesus fucking Christ, did he dislocate his
neck to move like that? Forget that shooting first bullshit, watching Han's head flop around like a fucking windsock would have screwed me up a hell of a lot more as a child. Hell, it gives me bad Joe Theissman flashbacks as an adult.
For that matter, if you thought Han was an asshole, the first time around, is the second version any better? Greedo's such a shit shot Han could have just gotten up, walked around the table and punched his ass out (no, I don't mean KO'ed, I mean punching Greedo so hard that he literally falls through his own ass). With Greedo's marksmanship, Han was never in any lethal danger as long as he kept standing right in front of the poor dumb fuck.
While we're on the subject (and if I'm inadvertantly highjacking a thread here, just tell me to shut the fuck up), inserting a scream when Luke jumped off the gantry after the lightsaber fight in ESB also sucketh the big one and verily much so at that. It turned what was sort of a half-way cool almost-sort-of-Zen moment (and cool moments were more of what Luke needed) into another fuckup-crybaby moment (of which Luke had way too Goddamned many). And it really chapped my ass because Lucas used that Wilhelm Scream he's used before in other movies, so it sounded like Harrison Ford screaming instead of Mark Hamill.
And while they were spending thousands of dollars fucking up the above for no good reason, they
still didn't fix one of the scenes in Obi-Wan's and DV's lightsaber fight where you can clearly see the plastic rod/blade of Alec Guinness's lightsaber prop.
-- Joe Momma
...who hated that "Give the bad guy a fair/second chance" as a kid. Fuck him, he's the BAD GUY. Shoot him in the back, piss on the corpse, and mail it to his family as a lesson to the others. And mail it COD, too.
Posted: 2002-12-25 02:53am
by Vympel
Joe Momma wrote:
While we're on the subject (and if I'm inadvertantly highjacking a thread here, just tell me to shut the fuck up), inserting a scream when Luke jumped off the gantry after the lightsaber fight in ESB also sucketh the big one and verily much so at that. It turned what was sort of a half-way cool almost-sort-of-Zen moment (and cool moments were more of what Luke needed) into another fuckup-crybaby moment (of which Luke had way too Goddamned many). And it really chapped my ass because Lucas used that Wilhelm Scream he's used before in other movies, so it sounded like Harrison Ford screaming instead of Mark Hamill.
I also have a huge problem with that. In the original he didn't scream, because I fucking assumed that he knew what he was doing and accepted his fate. It was cry-baby bullshit. In addition, that scream sounds nothing like Mark Hammill- but it certainly isn't Harrison Ford. It's the same scream the Emperor cries out when Vader tosses him down the pit in ROTJ. If you want to make him scream, fine, but don't go el cheapo on it.
And while they were spending thousands of dollars fucking up the above for no good reason, they still didn't fix one of the scenes in Obi-Wan's and DV's lightsaber fight where you can clearly see the plastic rod/blade of Alec Guinness's lightsaber prop.
Don't get me started on that shit. When I was watching ANH SE I was so incredibly pissed off at all the other shit they had done and they hadn't even bothered to fix that. WTF is their problem?! See- now I'm started.
Posted: 2002-12-25 07:27am
by Joe Momma
Vympel wrote:Joe Momma wrote:
And it really chapped my ass because Lucas used that Wilhelm Scream he's used before in other movies, so it sounded like Harrison Ford screaming instead of Mark Hamill.
I also have a huge problem with that. In the original he didn't scream, because I fucking assumed that he knew what he was doing and accepted his fate. It was cry-baby bullshit. In addition, that scream sounds nothing like Mark Hammill- but it certainly isn't Harrison Ford. It's the same scream the Emperor cries out when Vader tosses him down the pit in ROTJ. If you want to make him scream, fine, but don't go el cheapo on it.
I should have worded my post a bit more clearly. The "Wilhelm Scream" is an actual specific recording of a guy named Wilhelm that GL uses in several of his movies. I always think it sounds like Harrison Ford because the first time I noticed it, he was on the screen (though it may not have actually been him screaming -- yeah, I know how fucked in the head that sounds...).
Here's a brief rundown for the morbidly curious:
-- Joe Momma
Posted: 2002-12-25 07:31am
by Joe Momma
I wrote:... that GL uses in several of his movies.
Well, that should be "Ben Burtt uses", but I'm pretty sure George knows about it.
-- Joe Momma
Posted: 2002-12-25 09:02am
by Vympel
You know that damned cliched scream prevalent in both SW and Indy ... how does it go ....
Or something.
Posted: 2002-12-25 09:23am
by Cpt_Frank
When I first saw this scene in the SE and heard Emperor Luke go down the shaft crying I really laughed my ass off. It's just so god damn pathetic.
Posted: 2002-12-25 06:57pm
by His Divine Shadow
Andras wrote:SW Tales #14 by Darkhorse has a joke comic sequence with Han being sued "In the Emperors Court" by Greedo's mother for cold blooded murder. Han introduces holo film of Greedo shooting first, but it is dismissed as clearly doctored evidence. The Emperor claims "No one should have the ablity to re-write history (except for me)". The whole thing is very funny. Vader to Palpatine, about Han "Not the kind of guy you's want to date your daughter"
Somebody should scan that.