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The Future of SW...according to Dark Horse.
Posted: 2006-04-16 06:30pm
by Ghost Rider
Yeah we all know that Legacy...the story of Cade Skywalker versus the new evil Sith is having us wonder what the fuck.
Now onto new picture to dest...lighten the mood.
Look Cade found spare Vader pants!
Posted: 2006-04-16 06:34pm
by Cao Cao
Posted: 2006-04-16 06:35pm
by Jack Bauer
Wow Cade and his bunch look like a 80's rock band. So Star Wars has finally come to this? Jar Jar and midi-chlorians weren't awful enough?
Posted: 2006-04-16 06:41pm
by AK_Jedi
The pink girl already looks like she's holding a guitar, rather than a blaster
Posted: 2006-04-16 06:47pm
by Tiriol
A Yuuzhan Vong Sith?
Good news: the Vong apparently re-establish their connection to the Force.
Bad news: Zonama Sekot and the Jedi Order do so bad job that the new Vong Force-sensitives are right away ready to join the dark side. And with a crab-like helmet, no less. Oh dear...
And why does that Sith chick feel necessary to run around in a strip dancer's outfit more fit for a Twi'lek dancer?
Palpatine AND Shimrra are moaning in whatever hell they currently are.
Cade's hair looks like a big load of spaghetti to me. And he has stolen his great-great-great-grandfather's (how far removed is his generation from Vader, anyway) pants from a museum. And his female friend looks suspiciously like someone who happens to dig happy drugs and wants to see some nifty colours.
So this is how imagination dies...
Posted: 2006-04-16 06:52pm
by Cao Cao
Tiriol wrote:A Yuuzhan Vong Sith?
Good news: the Vong apparently re-establish their connection to the Force.
Bad news: Zonama Sekot and the Jedi Order do so bad job that the new Vong Force-sensitives are right away ready to join the dark side. And with a crab-like helmet, no less. Oh dear...
That's a Vong?
I haven't read much.. well, any of the NJO but.. a Vong with evil technology (lightsaber)?
And why does that Sith chick feel necessary to run around in a strip dancer's outfit more fit for a Twi'lek dancer?
Appeal to the horny teenage male demographic strikes again!
Posted: 2006-04-16 06:55pm
by Captain tycho
I think at this point I've given up caring.
Posted: 2006-04-16 07:01pm
by Stofsk
At this point I'm more interested in the KOTOR comics. The Sith look alright. Or at least better than the Jedi. They really do look like a rock band.
Posted: 2006-04-16 07:02pm
by Stofsk
Tiriol wrote:And why does that Sith chick feel necessary to run around in a strip dancer's outfit more fit for a Twi'lek dancer?
Who cares?
Posted: 2006-04-16 07:03pm
by FTeik
Why can't they show a small and weak-looking Sith? Like a Jawa or Chadra-Fan or Drall? Why do you have to recognize them from thousand meters away as the evil ones?
Posted: 2006-04-16 07:03pm
by Jim Raynor
Tiriol wrote:And why does that Sith chick feel necessary to run around in a strip dancer's outfit more fit for a Twi'lek dancer?
She's obviously a cross between Aayla Secura and Darth Maul.
Posted: 2006-04-16 07:10pm
by Stofsk
Aayla Secura actually wore more clothes.
Posted: 2006-04-16 07:15pm
by VT-16
Oh look, he's brandishing a lightsaber and a blaster at the same time.
Like I said before: Introducing Quinlan Vos 2.0
Posted: 2006-04-16 07:16pm
by JME2
Captain tycho wrote:I think at this point I've given up caring.
Same here. Unless there are any more Clone Wars-era material or even another anthology, I'm done with the post-ROTJ EU; the
Dark Nest trilogy pretty much did it for me.
Posted: 2006-04-16 07:34pm
by Stark
You're shitting me - that's NOT Quinlan Vos? My first thought was 'lol Quinlan'.
But yeah, who cares. DH have been pumping out crap SW comics for years, I don't see them stopping any time soon.
Posted: 2006-04-16 07:37pm
by Cao Cao
Well it's still fun to laugh at.
Posted: 2006-04-16 07:48pm
by VT-16
more Clone Wars-era material
There's the CW animated series, the post-ROTS-pre-ANH series, and I've got some hope for the Rebellion comic. But that's it, as far as I can care.
Posted: 2006-04-16 08:08pm
by nightmare
Goth slave boy, half-naked red-skinned twi'lek with devil tattoos and a force knows what with horned helmet even a viking would be ashamed to use, and that's after eating a pound of raw fly mushroom soup.
Next we have the good guys; a zeltron with a kalashnikov and 80's punk boots. A misplaced blonde beach boy with Vader pants, retro-futuristic sandals and an afro/dread gone bad. Finalize with the token black guy who looks like he's either been crossed with a mastiff or got his face crushed in with the ugly stick.
If that's not going to be a GREAT parody, I don't know what.
Posted: 2006-04-16 08:13pm
by JediMaster415
I just want to see a 'Tales from the Jedi Temple' anthology of short stories: Jedi we have never heard of, Masters, Knights and Padawans. It could range from KOTOR to ROTS. We see so little from the time between KotOR and the PT that it would be interesting.
Posted: 2006-04-16 08:39pm
by General Soontir Fel
I've read about this in the latest Insider. I wanted to think they weren't serious... I was dissappointed.
I read Dark Nest mostly out of duty. I was bored throughout it. Say what you will about NJO, but at least there was some suspense, even towards the end. And there were rather original plots.
Didn't we have a thread here a while ago on spiked armor bad guys wear, and its impracticality? I guess those Sith didn't read it. And those knee-high, high heel boots are sooooo practical for a bounty hunter/smuggler/whatever that chick is...
Why do I keep hoping that something better will come eventually?
We will be getting a couple of intertrilogy novels in the next few years, so there'll be something. Post-ROTJ stuff doesn't show any promise.
Posted: 2006-04-16 08:45pm
by Stofsk
How do you know the Sith chick is a bounty hunter or smuggler? Maybe she's a whore.
Posted: 2006-04-16 08:53pm
by Civil War Man
Stofsk wrote:How do you know the Sith chick is a bounty hunter or smuggler? Maybe she's a whore.
He was referring to the Skywalker picture. I personally wouldn't be sure that she was a bounty hunter or smuggler if the picture didn't make it so painfully obvious that Cade's friends are attempts at "Female Han Solo" and "Black Han Solo"
P.S. Can't forget that Cade looks like an attempt at "Han Skywalker", so he's probably a smuggler, too.
Posted: 2006-04-16 09:01pm
by Cao Cao
Civil War Man wrote:Stofsk wrote:How do you know the Sith chick is a bounty hunter or smuggler? Maybe she's a whore.
He was referring to the Skywalker picture. I personally wouldn't be sure that she was a bounty hunter or smuggler if the picture didn't make it so painfully obvious that Cade's friends are attempts at "Female Han Solo" and "Black Han Solo"
P.S. Can't forget that Cade looks like an attempt at "Han Skywalker", so he's probably a smuggler, too.
Close. He's a space pirate.
Posted: 2006-04-16 09:12pm
by General Soontir Fel
Civil War Man wrote:Stofsk wrote:How do you know the Sith chick is a bounty hunter or smuggler? Maybe she's a whore.
He was referring to the Skywalker picture. I personally wouldn't be sure that she was a bounty hunter or smuggler if the picture didn't make it so painfully obvious that Cade's friends are attempts at "Female Han Solo" and "Black Han Solo"
P.S. Can't forget that Cade looks like an attempt at "Han Skywalker", so he's probably a smuggler, too.
Actually, I think the black guy is supposed to look like Lando Calrissian. Well, Lando did marry...
Posted: 2006-04-16 09:15pm
by Shadowtraveler
Ten bucks the GFFA is still using X-wings.
I'm absolutely serious, by the way.