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Occupation Force for 21st C. Earth

Posted: 2006-04-22 10:25pm
by Simplicius
You are summoned before Emperor Palpatine and told that a wormhole has been discovered that connects the Star Wars galaxy with the Milky Way. The far end of the wormhole opens in close proximity to Earth.

Extensive reconnaissance has revealed that the tech level of Earth's humans is far below that of the Empire. Although the planet's inhabitants pose no military threat, having traveled no further into space than their own moon, His Imperial Majesty has decided that the planet is strategically useful. Having a habitable world so close to the wormhole's opening gives the Empire a foothold into a new galaxy, but it also places Imperial forces in a prime position to control traffic through it, thereby denying sanctuary in the Milky Way to the Rebellion.

His Imperial Majesty has tasked you with commanding an expeditionary force to Earth. You are free to choose the composition of your force, but for the sake of discretion and cost, it must be the absolute minimum necessary to occupy and administer the planet as an Imperial world. You are also advised against simply killing off the inhabitants, as the Emperor has taken a personal interest in these extragalactic humans...

How many ships, soldiers, and/or ground assault vehicles do you assemble under your command, and what kinds? How do you deploy them?

Posted: 2006-04-22 10:43pm
by Admiral Johnason
Two Victory SDs, 1 Imperial SD, Two escort carriers, 6 Neblons, 12 Carraks, and 750,000 troops with 100 AT-ATs and their escorts should do the job. That many troops should be able to bring down any of the major powers. The reason for all the AT-ATs is that they wouldn't be effective against Earth tanks (check HAB for the arguements.) As for the numbers of ships, I just made sure that there would be enough force to take down any resistance, give proper fighter coverm and allow for good command and control.

After defeating a major power, like say China, GB, Russia, France, India, or the US, the rest of the planet would fall into line. I personally would trade some small ships to the NATO powers inorder to avoid battle and make some quick allies. Then I would use them to get what I want (thank you Thomas More.)

I chose such a small force as to appear generous and good natured but still have enough firepower to bring down the big boys. Now if anyone slapped my hand of friendship, I would blast them from orbit in such a way as to show how serious I am. Without the ability to fight back, I wouldn't need a large force. I would just sit out of ICBM range and play havoc with sats and possibly shipping (blasting a few supertankers form orbit and taking out several SSBNs and supercarries would cower the US into submission.) I woudl invade Iraq and totally "pacify" the nation, thus earning the trust of the US. Iran and Pakistian would be brought down in order to encourage Asia to come into the fold. I would volunteer to trade tech and a good monentary exchange rate in exchange for favors and places for bases. I would even offer to immediately upgrade the ISS for free to appear generous.

Posted: 2006-04-22 10:57pm
by Noble Ire
Well, standard Imperial occupation procedure is to send a fleet of six ISDs with a fleet of support cruisers and carriers, although considering the fact that Earth probably has a higher population than most non-core SW planets, I'd probably bump the number up to perhaps twelve, which would allow for pinpoint bombardment of virtually every region of the planet almost immediately after the order is given, along with a few support ships (Acclamators for mass landings and a handful of Interdictors in case someone steals a shuttle or something).

The total complement from the ISDs would amount to 126,000 soldiers, twleve prefab bases, 360 AT-ATs/Juggernauts, 480 AT-STs, and any number of smaller vehicles, along with thousands of TIE fighters in orbit. That should be a sufficent start, with a few tens thousands of troops in orbit as a reserve.

As for strategy, when my fleet arrives in orbit, I immediately deliver an ultimatum to the world by hacking into the global communication system, demanding unconditional surrender from all of the governments in the world, and in return offering the saftey offered by Imperial dominion, as well as access to new technologies, and even the opportunity for some to see the Imperial galaxy if cooperation is given. If not, I threaten to destroy the planet's satellite network and devestate any nation actively opposing me. This done, I send heavily guarded reps to the United Nations and major world governments to begin "negotiations".

If any nation resists at all, I have my destroyers start destroying every military installation, nuclear facility, and heavy weapons factory on the planet, rather than having them peaceably disarmed, as would be initially offered. I would try to refrain from doing much civilian damage, at risk of sparking too much unrest due to my relatively limited number of troops, and place bases in most of the planet's major cities. Any dissent is ruthlessly opposed, of course, but I allow cooperating nations to largely continue their old ways, and perhaps even start giving out some medical technology and such to help appease the populace. Hopefully, in a few generations, Earth becomes a happy, productive Imperial territory, grateful host of an shipyard and training facility, staging point of expansion into the Milky Way.

Posted: 2006-04-22 11:52pm
by Darth Raptor
That's beautiful, Noble Ire. Brings a tear to my eye.

One thing, how long for protocol droids to upload and decipher the major Terran languages? Surely that would be the first order of business. :P

Posted: 2006-04-23 12:00am
by Noble Ire
Darth Raptor wrote:That's beautiful, Noble Ire. Brings a tear to my eye.
Thankee, sir. :wink:
One thing, how long for protocol droids to upload and decipher the major Terran languages? Surely that would be the first order of business. :P
Bah, give a 3PO unit a few hours with access to the internet and Satellite television, and he could probably have it figured out.
I'm not entirely sure, sir, but I believe that these humans are offering to enlarge my genitalia over a public comm link. How rude!


Posted: 2006-04-23 12:20am
by Drooling Iguana
Darth Raptor wrote:That's beautiful, Noble Ire. Brings a tear to my eye.

One thing, how long for protocol droids to upload and decipher the major Terran languages? Surely that would be the first order of business. :P
Seeing as how we have films and books that depict significant events in Republic/Imperial history written in our own languages, I doubt that it would be that hard for the Imperials to figure out how to translate it.

Posted: 2006-04-23 12:24am
by Darth Raptor
Drooling Iguana wrote:Seeing as how we have films and books that depict significant events in Republic/Imperial history written in our own languages, I doubt that it would be that hard for the Imperials to figure out how to translate it.
But how long to realize the SW anthology exists? Whatever the method, it becomes clear that an occupation aiming to minimize collateral damage will take weeks, not hours or days.

Posted: 2006-04-23 02:59am
by Quadlok
Well, since we're all human, I'd first monitor communications and sift through any data I can get my hands on, and, after finding out that these humans already know that we're an evil extragalactic empire, simply apply some alterations to our uniforms and armor and use ship types that aren't depicted in any of their information on us. I would then descend in all possible majesty to the UN (who I will claim I thought was the world government) and say that we are a race of humans who were long ago abducted from Earth by evil aliens, but we have since risen up and annihilated them, and now wish our mother planet to share in the fruits of our labor.

Be as nice as possible, let them run all sorts of tests on us to insure that we are human. Cure their diseases, give them ships they can fly around the solar system to their hearts' content. Then, when they're lulled into a false sense of security, unleash COMPNOR and the ISB in full force to facilitate the quick transformation of Earth into a run of the mill Imperial world.

Posted: 2006-04-23 03:48am
by Drooling Iguana
Darth Raptor wrote:
Drooling Iguana wrote:Seeing as how we have films and books that depict significant events in Republic/Imperial history written in our own languages, I doubt that it would be that hard for the Imperials to figure out how to translate it.
But how long to realize the SW anthology exists?
Not long. Every video store has 'em, and they've got some pretty clear pictures of Jedi, lightsabres, Stormtrooper uniforms, Darth Vader's mask, etc on 'em. Even assuming that the actual characters don't look identical to their actors it would be very hard to recognize.

Posted: 2006-04-23 02:02pm
by Crossroads Inc.
For these sort of RAR set ups (since they happen often) would it not make things easier to assume that in this universe, 'Our' Earth never made StarWars? You know, to save Earth from going "WTF!?' at seeing stormtroopers and from Stormtroopers going "WTF!?" at seeing themslves in happy meals?

Posted: 2006-04-23 02:14pm
by Lex
Crossroads Inc. wrote: ["..."] Stormtroopers going "WTF!?" at seeing themslves in happy meals?
omfg I just laughed about 2 minutes non stop about that imagination :oops:

I've got to fall in line with the others here: offer them some tech, cure some diseases and pacify some countries(NK, here we come :D) and then they'll already kiss your ass anyway... no need for brute force, and IF they resist I can just blast some of their major facilities from orbit and they will resign immidiately

Posted: 2006-04-23 04:33pm
by Illuminatus Primus
I think troop counts are really conservative here; it'll be easy to drum up Quislings and collaborators, but looking at Iraq, I bet the Empire is used to committing more troops to get the job done than relying on indigenous forces. At least 10-20 million troops.

Posted: 2006-04-23 04:52pm
by NecronLord
I really only need an ISD and however many transports to bring in the troops. If they get uppity, I'm BDZing the moon. And awarding a pay rise to the gunners if they can put an Imperial symbol on it.

Re: Occupation Force for 21st C. Earth

Posted: 2006-04-23 05:20pm
by Stofsk
Simplicius wrote:How many ships, soldiers, and/or ground assault vehicles do you assemble under your command, and what kinds? How do you deploy them?
If some people are to be believed then one Clonetrooper ought to be enough.


Posted: 2006-04-23 07:17pm
by Noble Ire
Illuminatus Primus wrote:I think troop counts are really conservative here; it'll be easy to drum up Quislings and collaborators, but looking at Iraq, I bet the Empire is used to committing more troops to get the job done than relying on indigenous forces. At least 10-20 million troops.
That might depend upon how many governments you could get to fall under your heel; concievably, you could use their own police forces and armies to supplement your forces, especially if you follow the "nice" strategy, rather than one heavy on genocide.

Of course, you might end up needing more troops, I suppose, especially if some major powers are unwilling to negotiate.

Posted: 2006-04-23 07:48pm
by Darth Wong
I would argue that there's no need to occupy all of the cities. In order to secure the planet for use as an Imperial base, one need only demand one particular portion of land to use as a base of operations. The neighbouring territories have no weapons that can threaten warships in orbit, and could be "compelled" to undergo a nuclear disarmament program by a combination of threatened orbital discipline and the presence of base defenses such as anti-missile weapons and a theatre shield which would make the nukes a pointless avenue of attack anyway.

They could set up a United Nations-style organization to allow some form of co-operation between local regional governments except that it would actually have teeth and it would be subject to the edicts of the local Imperial governor. Internal affairs of the local governments could be simply ignored, so long as nothing threatens or impedes base operations.

Really, the only country that they'd have to invade and occupy would the "lucky" country that gets to house their base.

Posted: 2006-04-24 05:39am
by Bromma_Herman
Well, i would bring a SSD and some support craft, at least 3-4 Star destroyers, some construction ships and troop transports.
This because most things about milky way is unknown and alltrou there is no indication that the enemy might be reinforced by out-of-system forces, i prefer to be on the safe side.

I would create a secure perimiter of the solar system with one ISD based at Saturn, deploy probe droids and begin setting up a base on the far side of the moon. Futhermore, light OWPs would be created around the moon for missile interception in case someone decides that I should be targeted with a nuke. I would send a assault transport to tractor the ISS to my destroyer and begin interrogating the people onboard about the planet.

I would also send TIE Figthers or TIE Phantoms to scout military facilities and cities and use hackers and probe droids to dechipher the language.
I would also most likeley send agents to some citities in order to get a idea of the enemies state of alertness.

Then, i would have one of my diplomats land in a shuttle near the united nations and offer a surrender, and that any attempt to resist would be met with extreme force. A "demostration" in visual range from the UN building would also be preferable.

After collecting the signatures of surrender, i would have my orbital ships bombard the first country that did not surrender. First start of with uninhabited areas, to switch to small towns and then larger cities.

I would disarm all military equipment and set up a good contract with the countries that have surrender, allowing them some control over their own terroritories. Nukepowers would be the exeption.

I would also start broadcasting propaganda about a new threath, discovered only lightyears away, known as the "Alliance" that has been planning to destroy earth.

Posted: 2006-04-24 07:01am
by weemadando
I'd send a similar task-force to the "Jedi Hunting" one which I put together.

from here

The force is:
2 Venators, Rogue and Apex. 3 Acclamators, Vengeance, Havoc and Advent. I figure that this is a pretty small force for the Empire to be deploying. Though, when I looked at the ICS, this is what the fleet can deploy:

384 V-Wings (+384 more if we assume the Eta-2s on board are replaced as there are no more jedi to pilot them).
72 ARC-170s
320 LAATs
192+ AT-TEs/other "light" walkers/vehicles
106 SPHAATs/Juggernaughts (similar size vehicles, so I made them interchangable, the AotC:ICS lists SPHAATs)
960 Speeder bikes/light vehicles

48,000 Clone Troopers from the Acclamators and another 12,000 from the two Venators. In addition to this, just to liven things up, I'm looking at having something like 26 Clone Commando Delta Squads (6 per Acclamator, 3 per Venator) and 36 ARC troopers (12 per Acclamator).

I think that force should be well and truly able to deal with the inital invasion and subsequent supression of earth, especially given the insanely short reaction times allowed by low-orbit hypersonic travel.

Posted: 2006-04-25 03:44pm
by Big Orange
It would take relatively few Imperial resources to conquer and then occupy a primitive industrial world of six billion inhabitants. The nations I only really need to occupy would be the United States of America, the Russian Federation and Red China. If I have warships that could blast anything from orbit and land thousands of troops at any point on the globe, the smarter world leaders would realise that I am holding all the cards and hold Earth in the palm of my hands.

I do not even need to police Earth with my own Imperial troops, when Earth's native governments have their own substantial militaries and law enforcement agencies ready made for my direct supervision. I will demand that all major military and industrial assets on Earth would be given over to direct Imperial control and that the Empire may maintain bases in America, China and Russia.

Posted: 2006-04-25 03:47pm
by NeoGoomba
Christopher Lee will no doubt lead our Rebellion, and will rally nations with his voice and charisma.

The prefab bases, how big and formidable are they? I vaugely remember from "Truce at Bakura" that they have two TIE launch tubes, but dimension and armament-wise I dont remember

Posted: 2006-04-25 03:56pm
by Big Phil
Is there a reason to even occupy and pacify the planet? Why not simply annihilate the major population and manufacturing centers and establish a base somewhere more remote. If any earthers come close, blast 'em.

Posted: 2006-04-25 04:04pm
by Big Orange
SancheztheWhaler, a more diplomatic but very firm approach is the correct way in colonising a weak, primitive world. What you are suggesting is comparable to using a sledge hammer to squash a peanut.

And you are getting rid of too many tax payers and Imperial Navy recruits if you keep nuking Earth's major cities. :wink:

Posted: 2006-04-25 04:10pm
by Big Phil
Big Orange wrote:SancheztheWhaler, a more diplomatic but very firm approach is the correct way in colonising a weak, primitive world. What you are suggesting is comparable to using a sledge hammer to squash a peanut.

And you are getting rid of too many tax payers and Imperial Navy recruits if you keep nuking Earth's major cities. :wink:
This is akin to modern humans in a totalitarian state trying to make nice with Cro-Magnon era humans. Why waste the effort? Just wipe them out and build your base.

Posted: 2006-04-25 04:14pm
by Zed Snardbody
Darth Wong wrote: Really, the only country that they'd have to invade and occupy would the "lucky" country that gets to house their base.
Australia. It would be perfect. Open land and a vacation spot!

Posted: 2006-04-25 04:26pm
by Big Orange
This is akin to modern humans in a totalitarian state trying to make nice with Cro-Magnon era humans. Why waste the effort? Just wipe them out and build your base.
21st century humans and Star Wars humans are not that far apart, just give them fifty years of education and enhance their economy and technology with your own Imperial technology and they will be just like us. Why waste Earth when it's solar system has decent resources and six billion potential recruits?

Why are you content to nuke Earth and just plant a flag in it, instead of harnesting the planet (and it's home system) to the best of it's ability?