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Couple of odd questions

Posted: 2002-12-27 07:05pm
by seanrobertson
Hiya guys.

My first question concerns the purple-robed aides we see
consulting with Palpatine in ROTJ. Specifically...who
the hell are they? I've never seen any mention of these
very palid, sickly-looking characters (of which there
were at least two) online in...geez, about seven years!

My second question concerns the background of that
bald cyborg guy at Cloud City (Lando's LT). What's his
name, and do we ever learn anything else about the guy?

My third and final question is, do we know much about
the individual members of the separatists? I'd really
get a kick to learn more about the tallish people repping
the Banking Clan (?), or the dude with the funny voicebox.
(On a related note, many of the deleted scenes in the
AOTC DVD made sense, but I wouldn't have dispensed
with the Geonosian leader pronouncing judgment on
Vader and Amidala. That scene was pretty good, and I
thought a little more insight into the Separatists would
be fun.)


Re: Couple of odd questions

Posted: 2002-12-27 07:50pm
by Ender
seanrobertson wrote:Hiya guys.

My first question concerns the purple-robed aides we see
consulting with Palpatine in ROTJ. Specifically...who
the hell are they? I've never seen any mention of these
very palid, sickly-looking characters (of which there
were at least two) online in...geez, about seven years!
They are Vizers, Sate Penstage was their leader, but he was not present.
My second question concerns the background of that
bald cyborg guy at Cloud City (Lando's LT). What's his
name, and do we ever learn anything else about the guy?
There is published info, yes. He was the son of a slaver. He got busted while he was young, and was given a choice between being hooked up to cloud city's computer or some punishment. He opted to be hooked up. You can probably find out more at the unoficial encyclopedia.
My third and final question is, do we know much about
the individual members of the separatists? I'd really
get a kick to learn more about the tallish people repping
the Banking Clan (?), or the dude with the funny voicebox.
(On a related note, many of the deleted scenes in the
AOTC DVD made sense, but I wouldn't have dispensed
with the Geonosian leader pronouncing judgment on
Vader and Amidala. That scene was pretty good, and I
thought a little more insight into the Separatists would
be fun.)
There was a large article published in the last issue of Gamer, a local bookstore may still have it on the shelves (last time I checked mine did)

Re: Couple of odd questions

Posted: 2002-12-27 07:55pm
by Kuja
seanrobertson wrote: My first question concerns the purple-robed aides we see
consulting with Palpatine in ROTJ. Specifically...who
the hell are they? I've never seen any mention of these
very palid, sickly-looking characters (of which there
were at least two) online in...geez, about seven years!
Possibly Vizers, or Dark Side Magai, as Kadann was.
My second question concerns the background of that
bald cyborg guy at Cloud City (Lando's LT). What's his
name, and do we ever learn anything else about the guy?
Lobot. You can find info on him in the Essential guide to characters.

Posted: 2002-12-27 08:04pm
by Darth Yoshi
I always thought that the Dark Side Prophets wore black.

Posted: 2002-12-27 08:05pm
by Ender
DSP wear a deep black with star like dots on it.