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Most Powerful Business Cartel in the Star Wars Verse...
Posted: 2006-05-07 09:55pm
by Big Orange
In many ways Star Wars seems a little more true to life than TNG era Star Trek; society is run by business and money. And controlling business and money are companies.
Here are the biggest players in the business world:
Possibly the biggest consumer company in the galaxy, with it's biggest shareholders being an aristocratic family (the House of Tagge). The firm also has a galaxy wide stake in the fast food market (Biscuit Baron) and starship manufacturing. Has strong Imperial sympathies with prominent Tagge family members being highly placed Imperial officers (General Tagge).
Sienar Fleet Systems
A sinister corporation that was in bed with the Sith (and later the Empire) from the very start. Major business concern is the manufacturing of the iconic TIE fighters and other TIE-varients.
Trade Federation
The galaxy's biggest shipping guild that went belly up soon after the Republic won the Clone Wars; a wealthy company that was somewhat similar to the East India Company. The Trade Federation was represented by a Viceroy and it's biggest shareholders were mostly if not all Neimoidians. The Trade Federation was wealthy and big enough to be represented in the Republic Senate, own entire star systems and massive shipping fleets plus even field it's own private droid military.
Kuat Drive Yards
The biggest supplier of military hardware and warships to the Galactic Empire. It's most famous (and feared) products is the AT-AT, Imperial-class Star Destroyer and the Executor-class Star Destroyer.
Corellian Engineering Corporation
A company that manufactures popular civilian starships with very fast hyperdrive systems. Most well known product is the YT-1300 light freighter.
Posted: 2006-05-07 10:04pm
by Admiral Johnason
Don't forget SuroSub and Fritek, two of the biggest fighter and ship production companies.
Posted: 2006-05-07 10:21pm
by Adrian Laguna
SoroSub and BlasTech have the biggest shares of the small arms business. With BlasTech probably having a bigger share since most standard Imperial weapons are made by them.
Posted: 2006-05-07 10:23pm
by CaptainChewbacca
Would the Corporate Sector Authority count?
Posted: 2006-05-07 10:29pm
by JediMaster415
Incom Corporation is also a major producer of starfighters and a few land models, like the T-47.
Posted: 2006-05-07 10:53pm
by Admiral Johnason
JediMaster415 wrote:Incom Corporation is also a major producer of starfighters and a few land models, like the T-47.
They've gone downhill since they were nationalized by the Empire. Fri'tek has replaced them for the most part, but Incom is still around.
Posted: 2006-05-07 11:16pm
by Shadowtraveler
Obviously the bacta cartels have a lot of influence in SW.
The Intergalactic Banking Clan, Baktoid Armor Workshop...
Obviously Industrial Automation and Cybot Galactica, the ones responsible for creating R2-D2 and C-3P0, respectively.
Posted: 2006-05-07 11:30pm
by Noble Ire
Of course, the rise of the New Order drastically changed the corporate landscape of the galaxy. I would imagine that most of the largest conglomerates, many of which were CIS-affiliated, were either completely dissolved, or integrated into Imperial-supported companies. I highly doubt that IBC, Baktoid, or even the Trade Federation itself even exist by the time of ANH.
Posted: 2006-05-07 11:37pm
by Sarevok
In older times there was also the Czerka corporation depicted in KOTOR games. It is unclear if they exist in the movie era but during the Sith wars they controlled entire planets such as Kashyak and Tatooine.
Posted: 2006-05-08 12:25am
by Crossroads Inc.
What where soime of the CEC's Military ships?
Posted: 2006-05-08 02:11am
by NRS Guardian
Actually, the Inter-Galactic Banking Clan survives into the NJO under Imperial control with their offices still on Muunilinst. They're essentially the SW analog of the Swiss.
Xizor Transport Systems was the one of the largest if not the largest shipping firm in the TESB era, essentially it seems XTS took over the TFs market. Plus there's the Hutts with their fingers in a whole lot of things both legal and illegal.
CEC's military starships include the ubiquitous Corellian Corvette, its upgraded cousin the Corellian Gunship, armed versions of the Consular-class Starship, the ROTJ novelization mentions Corellian Battleships in the Rebel fleet, there's various blastboats and patrol craft (such as the Mynock Assault Boat) built by Corellia, LAF and HLAF starfighters, likely Star Cruisers, then there's Giel's Star Battleship and Heavy Fleet Carrier, and perhaps the Doomgiver.
Posted: 2006-05-08 02:30am
by Mange
Noble Ire wrote:Of course, the rise of the New Order drastically changed the corporate landscape of the galaxy. I would imagine that most of the largest conglomerates, many of which were CIS-affiliated, were either completely dissolved, or integrated into Imperial-supported companies. I highly doubt that IBC, Baktoid, or even the Trade Federation itself even exist by the time of ANH.
Weren't they completely nationalized by the Empire?
Posted: 2006-05-08 04:38am
by Imperial Overlord
The Corporate Sector Authority controls one whisp off of one branch of one arm of the galaxy. Thousands of stars but no native intelligences so it was liscenced to them for exploitation. Compared to corporations who sell goods to millions of worlds and to galactic level governments they are small fry.
A Czerka flamer is mentioned in a ANH era sourcebook so presumably the company survives in one form or another.
Posted: 2006-05-08 12:36pm
by Lazarus
Given the obviously massive demand for Bacta, the companies which control it will be some of the most affluent in the galaxy. At the end of the bacta war Xucphra was dissolved, and Zaltin took complete control of Thyferra and bacta supply. I would guess that this would make Zaltin one of the top 5 companies in the galaxy, if not the top company. Every bacta related product can be traced back to them, and they'll take a tidy portion of the profits.
Posted: 2006-05-08 12:41pm
by NRS Guardian
Another CEC warship I forgot about is the Strident-class Star Battleship.
Posted: 2006-05-08 12:42pm
by 2000AD
What about the Black Sun? They may not be entirely legal but IIRC they had plenty of legitimate fronts and businesses and also a fair bit of power.
Posted: 2006-05-08 12:46pm
by NRS Guardian
XTS which I mentioned in my first post is the main legitimate front for Black Sun and seems to be one of the largest shipping companies in the Imperial Era.
Posted: 2006-05-08 02:38pm
by Spartan
Personally I'd go witht the biggest land owner in the Galaxy the Mining Guild, which outright owns billions of planets; and supplies the raw materials and resouces for virtually all the industries mentioned. No body fucks with the Mining Guild...
Posted: 2006-05-08 02:48pm
by Darth Tanner
No body fucks with the Mining Guild
except Lando
Black Sun and seems to be one of the largest shipping companies in the Imperial Era.
If memory serves the Empire even had to use them for the construction of the second Death Star (very stealthy!) & its leader was considered numero 3 in the galaxy (by himself though)
Posted: 2006-05-08 03:01pm
by Kuja
Imperial Overlord wrote:The Corporate Sector Authority controls one whisp off of one branch of one arm of the galaxy. Thousands of stars but no native intelligences so it was liscenced to them for exploitation. Compared to corporations who sell goods to millions of worlds and to galactic level governments they are small fry.
No native intelligences? I do believe the Tynnans would disagree.
Posted: 2006-05-08 05:23pm
by Imperial Overlord
Kuja wrote:Imperial Overlord wrote:The Corporate Sector Authority controls one whisp off of one branch of one arm of the galaxy. Thousands of stars but no native intelligences so it was liscenced to them for exploitation. Compared to corporations who sell goods to millions of worlds and to galactic level governments they are small fry.
No native intelligences? I do believe the Tynnans would disagree.
I don't recall them, could you remind me who they are? Anyway, that was the reason, even if incorrect, that the CSA got the liscence to exploit those systems.
Posted: 2006-05-08 06:41pm
by Shadowtraveler
Kuja wrote:Imperial Overlord wrote:The Corporate Sector Authority controls one whisp off of one branch of one arm of the galaxy. Thousands of stars but no native intelligences so it was liscenced to them for exploitation. Compared to corporations who sell goods to millions of worlds and to galactic level governments they are small fry.
No native intelligences? I do believe the Tynnans would disagree.
Tynna is nowhere near the Corporate Sector, though there were a few sentient species in the CSA worlds that they tried to hide.
Posted: 2006-05-08 07:18pm
by Imperial Overlord
Shadowtraveler wrote:Tynna is nowhere near the Corporate Sector, though there were a few sentient species in the CSA worlds that they tried to hide.
I don't recall any (it has been a while). I do recall them suckering in a number of species to act as workers and then screwing them over. Han was running guns to one of them in the opening of
Han Solo at Star's End.
Posted: 2006-05-08 11:20pm
by CaptainChewbacca
According to the Han Solo adventures, there were a very few sentient races which were hidden by the Authority.
As for Xizor, his legitimate business dealings are prominent, but as was pointed out in "Shadows" when he's at the Manarri, there are MANY wealthier people in the galaxy than him.
Posted: 2006-05-09 12:42am
by Adrian Laguna
CaptainChewbacca wrote:As for Xizor, his legitimate business dealings are prominent, but as was pointed out in "Shadows" when he's at the Manarri, there are MANY wealthier people in the galaxy than him.
But how many weilded more
power than him? I'm guessing less than a dozen.