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Star Wars Deleeted Scene

Posted: 2006-05-12 08:20pm
by Majin Gojira
Something that wasn't included in the original release

It's probably old, but this is the first time I've heard of it, and it's online for everyone to see.

If it's a hoax, it's a DAMN good one.

Posted: 2006-05-12 08:33pm
by Covenant
There's scenes dealing a lot more with Biggs in the script--and there's other finished, deleted scenes dealing with him later as we know from the Special Edition ones. This seems perfectly legitimate, it was probably just disruptive to the flow of the movie to have this long gulf on Tatooine without action or movement while elsewhere there was all manner of stuff going on.

Posted: 2006-05-12 08:42pm
by bilateralrope
I remember reading that scene in the novelisation. I'm willing to accecpt that its genuine

Posted: 2006-05-12 08:54pm
by Drooling Iguana
The scene was in the script and the novelization, and the footage was shown several times at conventions and the like. This is the first time I've seen it, though. Nice bit of character development for Luke that would have been good to have in the actual movie, but I can understand why it would be cut for pacing.

Really dorky hat, though.

EDIT: Also, the chick was hot.

Posted: 2006-05-12 09:20pm
by Deathstalker
First time I've viewed this scene, but there is a picture from this scene in the Star Wars storybook.

Posted: 2006-05-12 09:30pm
by Jim Raynor
Drooling Iguana wrote:EDIT: Also, the chick was hot.
According to SW Wiki, she ended up doing porn. :)

Posted: 2006-05-12 10:16pm
by Koolaidkirby
Jim Raynor wrote: According to SW Wiki, she ended up doing porn. :)
so THATS where i've seen her before... 8)

Posted: 2006-05-13 02:09am
by Mange
It's genuine. It has been taken from the Behind the Magic CD-ROM (released in 1998 iirc) which also contained the first scene shown of Luke watching the battle between the Tantive IV and the Star Destroyer and a rough cut of the Cantina sequence with a chick sitting in Han Solo's lap.

Posted: 2006-05-13 02:35am
by Lord Poe
These things are all over the internet. They come from the DVDs, "Behind The Magic" CD-ROM, various "making of" vids, etc. Here's a few more:

Posted: 2006-05-13 09:57am
by Kane Starkiller
Can you imagine if they left Darth Vader with his original voice. :lol:
On the other hand I actually liked Chewbacca's original voice: "That old man is mad."

Posted: 2006-05-13 12:04pm
by Dooey Jo
Yep, that's old. It's on the BTM CD #2 (IIRC), along with several other cut scenes.

Posted: 2006-05-13 12:12pm
by Mange
Dooey Jo wrote:Yep, that's old. It's on the BTM CD #2 (IIRC), along with several other cut scenes.
Yes, that's true (I mentioned those scenes above).

Posted: 2006-05-13 01:05pm
by Shadowtraveler
Luke seemed to be a bit of a loser on Tatooine. No wonder he wanted to leave.

Posted: 2006-05-13 01:29pm
by Noble Ire
This is the first time I've seen it in full, and I must say, I'm quite impressed by its quality. Pacing was probably the only reason it was cut. I hope when the next inevitable set of DVDs is released, they include this and the other deleted scenes, remastered and all.

Posted: 2006-05-13 05:42pm
by Cykeisme
Shadowtraveler wrote:Luke seemed to be a bit of a loser on Tatooine. No wonder he wanted to leave.
Yeah, I didn't like that. Gives too much of a "teen becomes superhero" fantasy story vibe.

The final movie without those scenes has Luke look like he was a bored farmboy who just didn't get the chance to have friends at all, due to the isolation of his home.. much better.

Posted: 2006-05-13 06:29pm
by Kane Starkiller
Cykesime wrote:Yeah, I didn't like that. Gives too much of a "teen becomes superhero" fantasy story vibe.

The final movie without those scenes has Luke look like he was a bored farmboy who just didn't get the chance to have friends at all, due to the isolation of his home.. much better.
Actually the "teen becomes a superhero" is exactly the feeling I got from watching the original trilogy. Even without those scenes Luke was talking about all of his friends going off to academy and he did mention Biggs.

Now an isolated boy who didn't have any real friends is more Anakin's story.

Posted: 2006-05-13 08:29pm
by The Dark
Koolaidkirby wrote:
Jim Raynor wrote: According to SW Wiki, she ended up doing porn. :)
so THATS where i've seen her before... 8)
She was also in Rocky Horror Picture Show and an episode of "Red Dwarf."

Posted: 2006-05-13 09:04pm
by Duckie
Darth Vader's non-James Earl Jones voice is hillarious. Especially how the helmet muffles it.

Posted: 2006-05-14 04:32am
by Cykeisme
Kane Starkiller wrote:
Cykesime wrote:Yeah, I didn't like that. Gives too much of a "teen becomes superhero" fantasy story vibe.

The final movie without those scenes has Luke look like he was a bored farmboy who just didn't get the chance to have friends at all, due to the isolation of his home.. much better.
Actually the "teen becomes a superhero" is exactly the feeling I got from watching the original trilogy. Even without those scenes Luke was talking about all of his friends going off to academy and he did mention Biggs.

Now an isolated boy who didn't have any real friends is more Anakin's story.
You are right, of course.

Still, I don't like to think that Luke was a loser, that's all.

Posted: 2006-05-14 02:38pm
by DesertFly
Cykeisme wrote:
Kane Starkiller wrote:
Cykesime wrote:Yeah, I didn't like that. Gives too much of a "teen becomes superhero" fantasy story vibe.

The final movie without those scenes has Luke look like he was a bored farmboy who just didn't get the chance to have friends at all, due to the isolation of his home.. much better.
Actually the "teen becomes a superhero" is exactly the feeling I got from watching the original trilogy. Even without those scenes Luke was talking about all of his friends going off to academy and he did mention Biggs.

Now an isolated boy who didn't have any real friends is more Anakin's story.
You are right, of course.

Still, I don't like to think that Luke was a loser, that's all.
That's just what makes him so much cooler when he becomes a bad-ass Jedi Knight, though.

Posted: 2006-05-14 03:20pm
by Lord Poe
Also on the BTM CD, is the FIRST filming of the cantina scene in London. The one in the movie today was refilmed in Los Angeles. In BOTH CASES, Han Solo shot first. So Lucas' claim that "he didn't have time" to make Greedo shoot first is complete bullshit.

The original cantina scene also features a hooker on Han's lap, as stated in the novelization.