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Coming soon: Loose Credits

Posted: 2006-05-14 02:59am
by Phil Skayhan
The truth about the destruction of the Death Star.

Loose Credits teaser trailer

Don't believe the cover up!

Posted: 2006-05-14 04:57am
by Adrian Laguna
I'm interested in this. Though it still bugs me that Vader's "Noooooo" sounded like he was being paid to act overly dramatic. Rather than, you know, feeling anguish at loosing the dearest thing to him in the world.

Posted: 2006-05-15 10:54am
by Phil Skayhan
Loose Credits Part One is now playing


Posted: 2006-05-15 01:55pm
by Instant Sunrise
CLEARLY! those are Z-95 Headhunters in use.

Posted: 2006-05-15 02:13pm
by Admiral Johnason
Clearly, these accusations are totally false. Were there a shread of truth in that load of **** then COMPNOR would move in.

"Alright people, nothing to see. Move along."

Re: Coming soon: Loose Credits

Posted: 2006-05-15 03:36pm
by Surlethe
Phil Skayhan wrote:The truth about the destruction of the Death Star.

Loose Credits teaser trailer

Don't believe the cover up!
You might want to change "conspiricy" to "conspiracy" in the descriptions. :wink: I really liked the first part, though: it puts the lie to all the foolish notions that the Death Star was destroyed through Rebel audacity. Clearly, the Empire was cooperating with the Rebels to take down Moff Tarkin and Darth Vader, as part of a deeper cover-up of Vader's rise to power and to keep the Galaxy divided so it wouldn't turn against the Empire.

Posted: 2006-05-16 05:41pm
by nightmare
Hmm, amusing.

Posted: 2006-05-16 05:52pm
by Noble Ire
Heh. :)

Lets watch that again. Now upside down. Now upside down, and in black and white.

Posted: 2006-05-16 07:51pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
"Back, and to the left."

Posted: 2006-05-16 08:45pm
by Phil Skayhan
Grand Admiral Thrawn wrote:"Back, and to the left."
That'll be in part 2 or three. I'm not sure which.