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Can a lightsaber peirce a Destroyer droid's shield generator

Posted: 2002-12-28 07:17pm
by willburns84
See subject line. :) Writing a fanfic and I stopped in mid-scene when I realized I didn't have an answer to that question. Well, an answer based off of canon sources.

I ask b/c Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan at start of TPM withdraw from combat from a pair of the Destroyer droids - "Sheild generators... It's a stand-off. Let's go..." They ran b/c the deflected blaster bolts could not penetrate the shields - could their lightsabers do it directly?

Clonetrooper blaster rifles destroy Destroyer droids, but I don't recall seeing any of the actual shields in action against lightsabers.

Posted: 2002-12-28 07:18pm
by willburns84
Arrgggh.. Bad spelling in subject line. :cry:

Posted: 2002-12-28 07:24pm
by Mr Bean
They can easily destroy the shield generators,

The shields themselves however are No-Goes(Not enough Lightsaber range to being with(IE handel and handle holder gets fried on shield) Let alone them acutal just poping through shields

Posted: 2002-12-28 07:26pm
by His Divine Shadow
It depends on the shields power rating vs. the sabers power output.

It's clear they can take many hits from small arms without problems, most small arms are a few MJ or so per shot, clone-rifles are conservatively 8-10MJ on max. setting, a saber has demonstrated to be around 100MW or more.

Posted: 2002-12-28 07:28pm
by willburns84
Mr Bean wrote:They can easily destroy the shield generators,

The shields themselves however are No-Goes (Not enough Lightsaber range to being with(IE handel and handle holder gets fried on shield) Let alone them acutal just poping through shields

That's just what I wanted to know: What would happen if lightsaber blade touched the shield...

I just remembered that Maul's blade touched the force field during the final duel on Naboo with no apparent ill effect upon his weapon. Would the blade simply bounce off, be deflected away, etc? Hmmm.

Posted: 2002-12-28 07:30pm
by Mr Bean
I just remembered that Maul's blade touched the force field during the final duel on Naboo with no apparent ill effect upon his weapon. Would the blade simply bounce off, be deflected away, etc? Hmmm.
Think about it this way

Alot of heat + energy = A Lightsaber

Shield designe to deflect said heat and energy

Hmmm might be roughly anaolgus to loading a double barrel shotgun with buck and then firing at a concrete wall 2 Inchs in from of the barrel

Posted: 2002-12-28 07:34pm
by willburns84

Many thanks. ::resumes writing::

Posted: 2002-12-28 07:40pm
by His Divine Shadow
Luke pierced a personal shield in the Black Fleet Crisis, he said it takes alot of force to do so, but it's doable.

Also Mr. Bean, shields do either two things, deflect or absorb. energy shields's absorb, particle shields push, deflect and dissipate over larger areas.

Posted: 2002-12-28 07:48pm
by Silver
I think you can probably bust through a Destroyer Droid's shields with a lightsaber. The problem is that the DD is probably firing at you while you're trying to do it.

Posted: 2002-12-28 07:58pm
by willburns84
Silver wrote:I think you can probably bust through a Destroyer Droid's shields with a lightsaber. The problem is that the DD is probably firing at you while you're trying to do it.

Possibly. Depends on how many lightsaber wielding people there are.

Here, shoot at Obi-Wan - whoops, here comes Mace! ::slice:: :)
No, I'm not going to put those two together in a combat scene - it'd be a bit overkill. :lol:

Posted: 2002-12-28 08:03pm
by Mr Bean
Also Mr. Bean, shields do either two things, deflect or absorb. energy shields's absorb, particle shields push, deflect and dissipate over larger areas.
I thought as much but I was not sure, So I went with A(Gnomes with Umbrellas! :wink:)

Posted: 2002-12-28 08:13pm
by Crazy_Vasey
It might be possible but getting in range to do it is going to be nasty even for a Jedi. Destroyers have quite rapid firing rates and even Jedi reflexes won;t save you at a distance of couple of feet when you're trying to bust through the shields at the same time.

Best method would to be to smash them with the force I'd say but it might be too much to split your concentration between deflecting blaster bolts and using the force to take the droid.

Posted: 2002-12-29 01:53am
by Darth Yoshi
Isn't the distance between the shield and the rest of the droideka for the most part greater than the length of the lightsabre blade? With a variable length weapon, like Corran Horn's it'd be moot but not all Jedi have variable length blades.

Posted: 2002-12-30 02:38am
by Slartibartfast
It depends if the shields can be penetrated at all (those specific shields with their specific power ratings, not shields in general)

There's a scene where Darth Maul hits a force field with his saber, IIRC the lightsaber bounces as if it had hit a solid surface with a club (doesn't go thru, and doesn't "get absorbed" or does it? hm...)

I don't remember if in AoTC the droidekas had their shields active. I think there are two kinds of droidekas: shielded and unshielded. For instance in TPM the droidekas in the battlefield weren't shielded IIRC. So which ones are in AoTC?

Posted: 2002-12-30 12:37pm
by Andras
If the blade can penetrate the shield, it'll be cake to swipe off the blaster arms. Forget the sheld generator. The trick is pening the shield with out getting blasted doing so.