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Dark Side Cults
Posted: 2006-05-21 02:20am
by Trekdestroyer
One of the things that has suprised me is how there are various Sith cults in the SW galaxy. It sort of dispells the idea that the reason Palpitine removed the Jedi order was to get rid of competition from other force adepts. I mean, if he was so worried about other force users coming and getting him, why did he only do a partial sweep? Why did he not kill all force users alike that hadn't allied themselves with him? Even his own men are capable of turning against him (Lord Vader killed him!!!). Does this say somthing about the Emperor's clean-up of the galaxy...or was he just driven by a fanatical desire to eliminate the Jedi order out of Sith hatred of the Jedi?
Here is a list of all the groups that have force using abilities that could be called Jedi or Sith cults:
The Aing-Tii Monks
The Ancient Order of the Whills
The Baran Do
The Blackguard
The Bladeborn
The Chatos Academy Paladins
The Disciples of Ragnos
The Ee Worms
The Ewok shamans
The Fallannassi
The Followers of Palawa
The Gand Findsmen
The Guardians of Breath
The Heresiarchs
The Jal Shey
The Jarvashqline shamans
The Jedi Order
The Jensaarai
The Kathol Sector's Ta-Ree
The Kiffar Guardians
The Kilian Rangers
The Legions of Lettow
The Matukai
The Mecrosa Order
The Naddists
The Order of Dai Bendu
The Order of Shasa
Pelekotan of Haruun Kal
The Potentium heretics
The Prophets of the Dark Side
The Rakatan Infinite Empire
The Reborn
The Scitrok Warriors
The Sedrian priests
The Seyugi Dervishes
The Sith Order
The Sorcerers of Tund
The Theran Listeners
The Thuwisten
The Witches of Dathomir
The Wyrd
The Ysanna
The Zeison Sha
Posted: 2006-05-21 02:27am
by Tychu
Most on that list had already been wiped out or just merged over the eons.
Remember the Siths enemy was the Jedi and the Jedi enemy was the Sith
Even though Palps lied to Dooku about the future of the Sith order he didnt lie to him when he conned Dooku into joining him as well as other Jedi that the Jedi Order and the Republic and become corrupt.
Palps purged the galaxy of "corruption" ie of the Jedi and Republic
Just to add
The Jedi Order knew of the "cult" the Potentium but they never considerd them an enemy, it was always the Sith. Sith vs. Jedi, Jedi vs. Sith. Thats why Palpatines purging stoped with the Jedi. Plus after the Jedi were killed he had control of the Republic. The Sith ruled the galaxy, no need to expand yourself more
Posted: 2006-05-21 02:27am
by Noble Ire
Trekdestroyer, at least half of those factions were either directly allied with the Empire, were born directly from its fall, or were completely extinct by the Imperial period. And I've never even heard of most of the rest. What are your sources?
Posted: 2006-05-21 02:31am
by Tychu
woo i beat Noble
yeah alot of them are not really Force users as well
The Gand Findsmen? This as with a few others are not force users
its similar to the Gotals mental abilities its just what they do. I dont see the Jedi or even the Sith killing species just cause they talk to each other mentally
Posted: 2006-05-21 02:40am
by Trekdestroyer
Tychu wrote:woo i beat Noble
yeah alot of them are not really Force users as well
The Gand Findsmen? This as with a few others are not force users
its similar to the Gotals mental abilities its just what they do. I dont see the Jedi or even the Sith killing species just cause they talk to each other mentally
I do admit I made a mistake in labeling them all Jedi or Sith cults. It was a blanket definition that in my mind worked for a lot of them. I see the Sith as a religion rather than a simple philosophy which is what some see them as. I may be a heretic amoung this comminity for this stance. Yes some have force like powers which may or may not be the force. I meant to look over the list and check, but I was too lazy.

Posted: 2006-05-21 02:42am
by Noble Ire
So... what is your view of the "Sith Philosophy?" The Aing-Tii and the Gand Findsmen are rather different, for example.
Posted: 2006-05-21 02:44am
by Tychu
No No i see what you were getting at
But for the ones on the list that were still hanging about independently at the time of the Rise and Fall of Palpatines Empire, they simply just weren't that big of a threat.
Lets face it, the Dathmiri Witches biggest strike came at the wanning days of the Republic, and they were foiled by 2nd Class Jedi Knights. By the Time Palpatine had killed the Jedi the Witches were marooned on their planet with no hope of getting off planet. They were reduced to fueding clans and such.
You can say that if the Death Stars did achieve their goals of keeping the local systems in line it was Palpatines back up plan if any of the remaining force users became to strong. But he just didnt see any of them as a threat and only the Jedi Order was his enemy and biggest threat.
Posted: 2006-05-21 02:58am
by Trekdestroyer
Noble Ire wrote:So... what is your view of the "Sith Philosophy?" The Aing-Tii and the Gand Findsmen are rather different, for example.
The Sith order is a multilayered thing and should be seen as such. The first sith were a race of beings with a natural gift for the force and were currupted by Dark Jedi who abondoned the Jedi ways and the order. This is possibly the "Lost Twenty" the librarian speaks of. The order splintered as one by one new philosophies were developed. Sith alchemy and magic were a drawback to an older way of using the force. It is a great mystery why these teachings have been negleted by the Jedi Order as harmful, yet it is. I see a connection between the ki of Dragonball and the Force of Star Wars. They both are made by living beings and are both used by intelegent beings. The way that Anakin turned Darth Vader used the Dark Side to stay alive when he was burned by the lava proves this. He must have been drawing on Padme's chi or life force, which explains the mystery surrounding her death. That is where I come from in terms of philosophy on the Dark Side and Sith beliefs
Posted: 2006-05-21 03:04am
by Noble Ire
This is possibly the "Lost Twenty" the librarian speaks of.
Actually, the Lost Twenty were those Jedi who left the Order without falling to the Dark Side (with the exception of Dooku, but nobody knew he was a Sith-in-training when he left).
As to your theory, I believe it does actually have some merit, at least in that "Sith" does not automatically equate to "Evil", but rather is simply the usage of the Force in a more natural way, ie. to survive. However, I would hesitate to call orders that use the Force in such a way Sith; Gray Jedi is likely a better term, if you could call some of them Jedi at all.
Posted: 2006-05-21 03:08am
by Lord Revan
Force (user) cult is better term then Sith cult (as to at least to be called a Sith cult it must have some philosophical connection to the core ideals of the Sith Order (the same all of Christianity has some some core ideals that make it what it is)).
Posted: 2006-05-21 08:57am
by Old Plympto
Without any referring documetns, this is my assessment:
The Aing-Tii Monks - Too far away from his sphere of influence I'd guess.
The Ancient Order of the Whills - Extinct
The Baran Do - Perhaps, too small in number to be registered by Palpatine
The Blackguard - Unknown to me
The Bladeborn - Unknown to me
The Chatos Academy Paladins - Unknown to me
The Disciples of Ragnos - Unknown to me
The Ee Worms - Hidden
The Ewok shamans - Perhaps too small in number to be registered by Palpatine
The Fallannassi - Hidden
The Followers of Palawa - Unknown to me
The Gand Findsmen - Not true Force users
The Guardians of Breath - Unknown to me
The Heresiarchs - Unknown to me
The Jal Shey - Unknown to me
The Jarvashqline shamans - Unknown to me
The Jedi Order - Ummmm... he did nearly wipe them out.
The Jensaarai - Perhaps too small in number to be registered by Palpatine
The Kathol Sector's Ta-Ree - Unknown to me
The Kiffar Guardians - No idea what happened to them post-Order 66
The Kilian Rangers - I thought they were wiped out.
Krath - Extinct
The Legions of Lettow - Unknown to me
The Matukai - Perhaps too small in number to be registered by Palpatine
The Mecrosa Order - Unknown to me
The Naddists - Extinct
The Order of Dai Bendu
The Order of Shasa - Unknown to me
Pelekotan of Haruun Kal - Unknown to me
The Potentium heretics - Unknown to me
The Prophets of the Dark Side - I think this order was created by Palpatine
The Rakatan Infinite Empire - Extinct
The Reborn - Unknown to me
The Scitrok Warriors - Unknown to me
The Sedrian priests - Perhaps too small in number to be registered by Palpatine
The Seyugi Dervishes - Unknown to me
The Sith Order - Ummmm....
The Sorcerers of Tund - Mythical? That Croke was the last of his kind?
The Theran Listeners - Unknown to me
The Thuwisten - Unknown to me
The Witches of Dathomir - I thought they had their uses by Palpatine in CoPL
The Wyrd - Unknown to me
The Ysanna - Perhaps too small in number to be registered by Palpatine
The Zeison Sha - Perhaps too small in number to be registered by Palpatine
Posted: 2006-05-21 09:30am
by Ghost Rider
Trekdestroyer wrote:
The Sith order is a multilayered thing and should be seen as such.
Canon would say otherwise.
The first sith were a race of beings with a natural gift for the force and were currupted by Dark Jedi who abondoned the Jedi ways and the order.
Enslavement and they took the race name. Hardly corruption when they kill your race.
This is possibly the "Lost Twenty" the librarian speaks of.
No it isn't. Do research before spewing.
The order splintered as one by one new philosophies were developed. Sith alchemy and magic were a drawback to an older way of using the force.
Proof again, or pulling shit from your ass? Given the Dark Side is definitly giving into rage, fear and passion on a grand scale. Not exactly a new philosophy. The Jedi knew of it and knew the ABUSES one Jedi does when under the influences.
It is a great mystery why these teachings have been negleted by the Jedi Order as harmful, yet it is.
You're as profound as you're intelligent it seems. Yes, they neglected these things instead of knowing what they full well do
I see a connection between the ki of Dragonball and the Force of Star Wars. They both are made by living beings and are both used by intelegent beings.
About the only semi intelligent thing but a very poor and loose analogy
The way that Anakin turned Darth Vader used the Dark Side to stay alive when he was burned by the lava proves this. He must have been drawing on Padme's chi or life force, which explains the mystery surrounding her death. That is where I come from in terms of philosophy on the Dark Side and Sith beliefs
So you have proof of any of this event? Of course not, it's your personal supposition to it.

Posted: 2006-05-21 11:44am
by Knife
Jedi Order is the patient zero for alot of those, so really some of those are not Sith Cults, rather Jedi Cults.
I find it irksome that so many equate bad Jedi or anti-jedi as Sith instead of just dark or fallen Jedi. Just because you go to the darkside doesn't make a Sith.
For example; the Reborn were not Sith. Tyranasaurous Rex-guy and Tavion were not Sith. They were fallen Jedi, the Reborn were just ordinary folk (well I imagine troopers or other loyal folk to T-Rex guy) infused with the Force. There is nothing about Sith teachings in there.
The Witches of Dathomir fall into the same category. The populace of Dathomir were the decendents of a fallen Jedi, the Witches themselves were force sensitives who've succumed to the darkside. Again, no Sith teachings in there at all.
Being a badguy Jedi isn't the same as being a Sith.
Posted: 2006-05-21 05:10pm
by bilateralrope
Trekdestroyer, of the groups you do mention I only actually recognise four of them as I dont follow the EU much:
Jedi Order - almost wiped out
The Sith Order - the one Palpatine was in charge of
The Reborn - created after the Palpatine's death
The Rakatan Infinite Empire - extinct before the jedi order formed
So that just leaves the ones listed as unknown on Old Plympto's list, but I have no knowledge of them. How many of them actually existed during Palpatine's time ?
Re: Dark Side Cults
Posted: 2006-05-21 05:39pm
by Shadowtraveler
You know, if you'd actually read each order's respective article off Wookiepedia instead of just copying the list, you'd have found that most of them are a) orders that have long been extinct, b) small orders that keep to themselves, c) local orders that inhabit only one planet, d) orders formed after the movies (as in the case of the Reborn and the Disciples of Ragnos), or e) in the case of the Inquitorius and the Prophets of the Dark Side, pseudo-Sith orders that Palpatine had full control over.
Posted: 2006-05-22 03:16am
by Murazor
Old Plympto wrote:The Sorcerers of Tund - Mythical? That Croke was the last of his kind?
Extinct too. The Croke was the last one, because once he learned all he was able to learn in Tund, he used his "electromagnetic torpedo of much doom" power to wipe out the planet and all other Sorcerers, towards the end of the Republic (perhaps it happened during the Clone Wars).