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Legacy class Star Destroyer???

Posted: 2006-05-30 03:30pm
by Dark Primus
I found on Wikipedia this strange name I have heard before. But I made a simple search on Google and found this site with this info on this particular ship. I am still looking for more info...
Legacy (hero)

The only example of the exclusively produced Legacy-class Star Destroyer, cancelled after a production run of only one ship due to pressure from the Senate, the Legacy is the champion of many a tense fleet battle. Under the command of Admiral Josef Grunger, rumored to be a personal friend to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine himself, the Legacy carries heavy armament
and has top-of-the-line hull plating and shield systems.

Length: 1,475 meters
Fighter Compliment: 72 ships (6 squadrons)
Hero Battleship

Posted: 2006-05-30 03:32pm
by VT-16
100% fanon

Posted: 2006-05-30 08:11pm
by Stark
And stupid.

Posted: 2006-05-30 08:16pm
by Admiral Johnason
This is what happens when people can't wait for the expansion pack.

It does seem to be mostly wanked starships.

Posted: 2006-05-30 08:18pm
by Stark
NO SHIT. Everyone likes addons, everyone likes mods... but they always end up just throwing in super-lame bullshit and ruining it for everyone. It's funny to watch - usually it's more the ST mods that go the 'hero unit' direction.

Posted: 2006-05-30 08:19pm
by 18-Till-I-Die
How is it wanked, its only about a kilometer or so (unless i'm misreading the size) and so i imagine its about the same size and power as a ISD. In fact the fighter compliment seems the same too.

Posted: 2006-05-30 08:22pm
by Stark
18, it's basically a Clone-Wars ISD. WITH TEH HEROZOR ADMIRAL and it winz0rs teh battlezors because it's uniquez0r and teh Eemprror l0ves <3 them.

Wank. Sad emo wank, even - the worst kind. :)

Posted: 2006-05-30 08:30pm
by 18-Till-I-Die
Well allright.

Thats a bit more l33tese than i'm comfortable with but i can dig it.

Posted: 2006-05-30 08:31pm
by Dark Primus
As I was searching for more info about the ship I came across a fan made ship for the Legacy.

She is a beauty, but obviously a Venator rippoff. ... hp?id=2941

If you scroll down there is a bigger picture where you can see more details.

Posted: 2006-05-30 08:32pm
by 18-Till-I-Die
What is this some kind of vieo game or something?

Edit: what is this ship bad

Posted: 2006-05-30 08:35pm
by Dark Primus
No clue. I just found the name Legacy class SD and Googled it and came across these links, the one in the OP and the one I just posted above.

Posted: 2006-05-30 08:37pm
by Stark
It's from an EaW mod - follow the link in the OP.

site wrote:Mandator-class Star Dreadnoughts are rarely glimpsed outside of Kuati holdings; indeed, few exist in actual service. They are primarily a fabrication of the Kuati propaganda department, seized upon and blown up to ridiculous proportions by the Republic to cow Separatist sympathizers. But the Pride of the Core, a Mandator-class Star Dreadnought, Mark II, is very real and very dangerous. Measuring eleven kilometers from bow to stern, with a ponderously sized ventral reactor bulge bloating its already impressive mass, it is a terrifying sight and an even more terrifying enemy, once it brings all its mighty guns to bear. It is in the direct service of the Republic navy under Admiral Kohl Seerdon.

Posted: 2006-05-30 10:11pm
by 18-Till-I-Die
"A ponderously sized ventral reactor bulge"


Do they mean like...balls or something, cause that sounds almost like a parody.

Posted: 2006-05-30 10:21pm
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Stark wrote:It's from an EaW mod - follow the link in the OP.

site wrote:Mandator-class Star Dreadnoughts are rarely glimpsed outside of Kuati holdings; indeed, few exist in actual service. They are primarily a fabrication of the Kuati propaganda department, seized upon and blown up to ridiculous proportions by the Republic to cow Separatist sympathizers. But the Pride of the Core, a Mandator-class Star Dreadnought, Mark II, is very real and very dangerous. Measuring eleven kilometers from bow to stern, with a ponderously sized ventral reactor bulge bloating its already impressive mass, it is a terrifying sight and an even more terrifying enemy, once it brings all its mighty guns to bear. It is in the direct service of the Republic navy under Admiral Kohl Seerdon.
It feels as if the person who wrote that was choking on the very idea of the existence of the Mandator, then he writes a slight concillatory concession at the end to finish it off but yet tries to take another potshot at the same time.

Posted: 2006-05-30 11:14pm
by apocolypse
Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:It feels as if the person who wrote that was choking on the very idea of the existence of the Mandator, then he writes a slight concillatory concession at the end to finish it off but yet tries to take another potshot at the same time.
Sounds like someone w/ an axe to grind against Saxton. Not that this is unheard of, mind you. :)

Posted: 2006-05-31 01:35am
by VT-16
Ah, so that's where the ridiculous Kohl Seerdon at the battle of Coruscant came from, good thing I removed his name from the wiki-article.

Posted: 2006-05-31 01:50am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
18-Till-I-Die wrote:"A ponderously sized ventral reactor bulge"


Do they mean like...balls or something, cause that sounds almost like a parody.
Sounds like someone was copying EvilleJedi's design for the Mandator, which he did for the Warlords Homeworld 2 mod.

Posted: 2006-05-31 06:32am
by Bounty
18-Till-I-Die wrote:What is this some kind of vieo game or something?

Edit: what is this ship bad
Outalance is a group of modders who make ships for various sci-fi themed videogames. The "reactor bulge" is something that's been part of the Rogue Squadron games since II and I'm sure it's appeared in ohter games, too.

Posted: 2006-05-31 08:05am
by fractalsponge1
It's a unique fan-made design from Howard Day. Started over at; before the database crashed the thread was still there.

The original mesh itself is actually very detailed - you can get it here: ... 11&key=594

Howard modified the design of the Venator seen in some of the early spoiler pics - it's his design. Curiously enough, a very similar ship appeared in some SW promotional material after this mesh was finished...

Posted: 2006-05-31 12:58pm
by NecronLord
Oddly enough, that's a pic I'm planning to use for my next fanfic. Humm. :lol:

Posted: 2006-06-01 02:54pm
by Aquatain
fractalsponge1 wrote:It's a unique fan-made design from Howard Day. Started over at; before the database crashed the thread was still there.

The original mesh itself is actually very detailed - you can get it here: ... 11&key=594

Howard modified the design of the Venator seen in some of the early spoiler pics - it's his design. Curiously enough, a very similar ship appeared in some SW promotional material after this mesh was finished...
Dosen't the brigde look like a pair of boobs??