Palpatine's Palaces, Private Retreats and Hidden Lairs...
Posted: 2006-06-08 08:17pm
With Palpatine arguably being the most well connected and powerful individual in recorded history, such a uber-wealthy and influential person must've had a string of offices, palaces and lairs to use as his power base.
Palpatine was first and foremost a Sith Lord and a public politician second; the Sith Order operated in secret, so they most certainly kept their temples and training grounds in hidden locations. As Senator Palapatine, Lord Sidious presumably had two secret lairs located on Coruscant and Naboo; his Naboo residency would've been a cover for his Outer Rim operations and his main headquarters were at his apartment seen in The Phantom Menace.
As Palpatine moved further up the political ladder and was appointed High Chancellor, his behind the scenes Sith activities would have expanded as well. With Count Dooku defecting, Palpatine possibly had direct access to Count Dooku's resources and Count Dooku was already a very well connected man on the galactic stage. With the Sith Order pre-planning their scheme to seize the Republic many decades or centuries ahead, Palpatine increased his access to more secret Sith lairs hidden on Coruscant and the more remote locations in the galaxy.
Palpatine was at a critical stage in the Sith master plan and had possibly been prepared for everything - for all we know, about a hundred years before The Revenge of the Sith, Sith agents could've secretly planted bombs beneath the Senate and the Jedi Temple (which Palpatine would detonate if he was found out too early by the good guys). But when Palpatine was officially crowned Emperor, the Jedi mostly dealt with and Vader joined his side, he had much more room to breath and he could carry out his Sith schemes without fear of reprisals - in the EU there is much talk of a Coruscant palace devoted to the Sith arts, Vader having a palace to himself and a remote planet in the Deep Core being converted into Sith fortress).
Palpatine was first and foremost a Sith Lord and a public politician second; the Sith Order operated in secret, so they most certainly kept their temples and training grounds in hidden locations. As Senator Palapatine, Lord Sidious presumably had two secret lairs located on Coruscant and Naboo; his Naboo residency would've been a cover for his Outer Rim operations and his main headquarters were at his apartment seen in The Phantom Menace.
As Palpatine moved further up the political ladder and was appointed High Chancellor, his behind the scenes Sith activities would have expanded as well. With Count Dooku defecting, Palpatine possibly had direct access to Count Dooku's resources and Count Dooku was already a very well connected man on the galactic stage. With the Sith Order pre-planning their scheme to seize the Republic many decades or centuries ahead, Palpatine increased his access to more secret Sith lairs hidden on Coruscant and the more remote locations in the galaxy.
Palpatine was at a critical stage in the Sith master plan and had possibly been prepared for everything - for all we know, about a hundred years before The Revenge of the Sith, Sith agents could've secretly planted bombs beneath the Senate and the Jedi Temple (which Palpatine would detonate if he was found out too early by the good guys). But when Palpatine was officially crowned Emperor, the Jedi mostly dealt with and Vader joined his side, he had much more room to breath and he could carry out his Sith schemes without fear of reprisals - in the EU there is much talk of a Coruscant palace devoted to the Sith arts, Vader having a palace to himself and a remote planet in the Deep Core being converted into Sith fortress).