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The Size of the Droid Army "Retconned" (Part II)
Posted: 2006-07-17 12:05pm
by Mr Bean
Due to the size of the first thread ... 69&start=0
The first thread has been locked/sticky'd
A second thread has been created here for the on going disscusion, have at it.
Posted: 2006-07-17 09:27pm
by Hot Hands Harry
Just for an up date the Mod Ender-sai, is baiting me, hand waving, strawmaning and just being an ass. All so he can have an excuse to ban me and lock the thread. I’m StarKiller if anyone cares.
Posted: 2006-07-17 09:52pm
by Ender
Hot Hands Harry wrote:Just for an up date the Mod Ender-sai, is baiting me, hand waving, strawmaning and just being an ass. All so he can have an excuse to ban me and lock the thread. I’m StarKiller if anyone cares.
You have been really border line the entire way though guy. You need to realize that this is every bit as much politics as facts here. Mentality is that you can be as right as you want, but if you come across as a dick they aren't going to back you. I suggest dialing it down a few notches.
Posted: 2006-07-17 10:13pm
by Ender
Today's penny arcade
newspost Brings up a point WRT the Transformers movie ath also fits here. This is a demographic that has been immeresed in realism when it comes to the topic. It is therefore paramount aht one tailor the goods to the market, and not to the whim of someone temporarily writing.
Posted: 2006-07-17 10:33pm
by Vympel
Hot Hands Harry wrote:Just for an up date the Mod Ender-sai, is baiting me, hand waving, strawmaning and just being an ass. All so he can have an excuse to ban me and lock the thread. I’m StarKiller if anyone cares.
That's you? I was wondering who that was.
Yes, as Ender said, dial it down a notch.
Posted: 2006-07-19 03:01am
by Mange
The debate has pretty much died over at TFN. I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not.
Posted: 2006-07-19 03:36am
by Jim Raynor
Mange wrote:The debate has pretty much died over at TFN. I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not.
Is it because a VIP showed up in the thread, and everyone was asked to behave themselves because of that?
Posted: 2006-07-19 05:19am
by Mange
Jim Raynor wrote:Mange wrote:The debate has pretty much died over at TFN. I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not.
Is it because a VIP showed up in the thread, and everyone was asked to behave themselves because of that?
Well, the last post in that thread was made by rhonderoo who told people to "lower the intensity level" as Peña had chimed in, but it seems as if the 3 million defenders left before that.
Posted: 2006-07-19 08:06am
by The Original Nex
Mange wrote:Jim Raynor wrote:Mange wrote:The debate has pretty much died over at TFN. I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not.
Is it because a VIP showed up in the thread, and everyone was asked to behave themselves because of that?
Well, the last post in that thread was made by rhonderoo who told people to "lower the intensity level" as Peña had chimed in, but it seems as if the 3 million defenders left before that.
They probably saw that Pena wasn't on their "side" persay and took off, because, as we know, excepting Saxton, they would never challange a VIP. Of course seeing as Pena served to demolish LTNowis' and Wampa's extrapolations they made from his blog kinda knocked out their last "new" arguments, I can't blame them for running off with their tails between their legs.
Also interesting to note Ender_Sai's slight change in tone after Abel made his post. . .
Posted: 2006-07-19 12:26pm
by Darth Fanboy
I cannot find nor think of of who would be best to write to when it comes to voicing my concerns about KT. As was said in the previous thread, if Lucasfilm realizes this is costing them money, then they will do something about it. Is there a specific email to voice concerns towards?
Posted: 2006-07-19 02:09pm
by white_rabbit
Darth Fanboy wrote:I cannot find nor think of of who would be best to write to when it comes to voicing my concerns about KT. As was said in the previous thread, if Lucasfilm realizes this is costing them money, then they will do something about it. Is there a specific email to voice concerns towards?
Is it costing them enough money for it to be worth a damn them even bothering to answer your letter ?
I doubt it, they don't give a shit about the rest of the problems that get everyones panties in a twist over here, and back then you hadn't dug yourselves as deep a hole as you have now.
Best you can hope for is that it gets quietly sorted out in the future.
Then again, you've pissed at least two authors off massively, so can expect future servings of "fuck you" in their upcoming work

Posted: 2006-07-19 02:53pm
by Darth Fanboy
white_rabbit wrote:Is it costing them enough money for it to be worth a damn them even bothering to answer your letter ?
I doubt it, they don't give a shit about the rest of the problems that get everyones panties in a twist over here, and back then you hadn't dug yourselves as deep a hole as you have now.
Best you can hope for is that it gets quietly sorted out in the future.
Then again, you've pissed at least two authors off massively, so can expect future servings of "fuck you" in their upcoming work

What the hell are you talking about? What hole? What two authors?
Posted: 2006-07-19 04:26pm
by white_rabbit
Darth Fanboy wrote:white_rabbit wrote:Is it costing them enough money for it to be worth a damn them even bothering to answer your letter ?
I doubt it, they don't give a shit about the rest of the problems that get everyones panties in a twist over here, and back then you hadn't dug yourselves as deep a hole as you have now.
Best you can hope for is that it gets quietly sorted out in the future.
Then again, you've pissed at least two authors off massively, so can expect future servings of "fuck you" in their upcoming work

What the hell are you talking about? What hole? What two authors?
Don't be absurd, the very fact that KT and that other bloke, Ryan whatsit published this info means they have official support.
When was the last time you ever saw an author put down by their own publishing body ?
The money she's made them outweights the outrage of dozens of fans. And the attacks, which there have been unfortunately, are going to come across as just more nutjob fans.
Sorry if I implied its something you've done personally, but you're pissing in the wind if you think writing to them will make a difference.
Posted: 2006-07-19 04:56pm
by Meest
I thought it was implied that they won't retcon a "hot topic" to not split fans to sides, that's the impression I got from reading the latest posts. I really think they're just waiting for the TV series to come out so they don't have to wipe out half the books on that era since George might decide the show goes in a completely different direction. Makes sense that they originally didn't want numbers released and left it vague and open.
Posted: 2006-07-19 05:07pm
by Darth Fanboy
white_rabbit wrote:Sorry if I implied its something you've done personally, but you're pissing in the wind if you think writing to them will make a difference.
You did seem to imply it was something I did personally, hence my confusion, because my involvement in the whole KAren Travissty was absolutely zero until she made her garroting remarks and had "Odds" published.
Now forgive me for being somewhat naive but if enough people write in and say that the behavior of SW-sponsored authors and moderators is hurting business, then something would be done, not necessairly in the present, but in the future there might be something done to prevent something like this from happening.
Posted: 2006-07-19 05:59pm
by white_rabbit
Darth Fanboy wrote:white_rabbit wrote:Sorry if I implied its something you've done personally, but you're pissing in the wind if you think writing to them will make a difference.
You did seem to imply it was something I did personally, hence my confusion, because my involvement in the whole KAren Travissty was absolutely zero until she made her garroting remarks and had "Odds" published.
Now forgive me for being somewhat naive but if enough people write in and say that the behavior of SW-sponsored authors and moderators is hurting business, then something would be done, not necessairly in the present, but in the future there might be something done to prevent something like this from happening.
Sorry, I should have clarified, I meant basically the people who are actively pursuing this at the moment. As a collective, they've done more harm than good I think.
And I don't think you are gonna be able to get hold of anyone who can make a difference, as I remember, there have been several "initiatives" to deal with people who take the piss out of SD.nets values (and others with similar views) and they've been met with at best silence, at worst active derision from Lucasfilm officials.
What was that bloke who took the piss about yellow letters floating through space ?
I thought it was implied that they won't retcon a "hot topic" to not split fans to sides, that's the impression I got from reading the latest posts. I really think they're just waiting for the TV series to come out so they don't have to wipe out half the books on that era since George might decide the show goes in a completely different direction. Makes sense that they originally didn't want numbers released and left it vague and open.
Sounds good to me, once theres some more stuff with direct GL input, then it'll be decided.
Although didn't that other author mention in his blog that, for now, "someone" in editorial cntrol has made the decision to retain the low millions number for the Grand Army ?
I look at it this way, I don't give a shit as long as the Empire isn't stuck with a few "million" troops.
Posted: 2006-07-21 12:58am
by Darth Fanboy
Well here's hoping that sales of the Traviss ebook based on Boba Fett stay low enough for someone important to take notice of an eroding fanbase for KT.
Posted: 2006-07-21 04:37am
by VT-16
Didn't someone mention her proposed "new look" at the main trio would potentially cause a shitstorm among some fans?
Posted: 2006-07-21 05:45am
by FTeik
If we're lucky her contribution to LotF will be her last. That or she changed her attitude.
If we are lucky, that is ...

Posted: 2006-07-21 06:16am
by General Deathdealer
VT-16 wrote:Didn't someone mention her proposed "new look" at the main trio would potentially cause a shitstorm among some fans?
Since when has she ever given a flying fuck about what the fans think. If we say we don't like it or find something wrong with it we will just be labeled Talifan. Oh wait, we already are labeled Talifan.
Posted: 2006-07-21 06:48am
by VT-16
Since when has she ever given a flying fuck about what the fans think.
I'm talking about the kind of fan that didn't care about the 3 mill issue, they wouldn't be as quick to support some revisionist bs if it concerned Luke, Leia and Han.
Posted: 2006-07-21 06:55am
by General Deathdealer
VT-16 wrote:Since when has she ever given a flying fuck about what the fans think.
I'm talking about the kind of fan that didn't care about the 3 mill issue, they wouldn't be as quick to support some revisionist bs if it concerned Luke, Leia and Han.
My bad. I thought you were talking about the fans like us. The ones who actually use their brains when we read books. I don't really count the "fans" who just accept her mindless drivel without a second thought.
Posted: 2006-07-21 07:46am
by Sonnenburg
There's a very large middle in there too, who simply don't care about this issue, but will nevertheless be bothered if something inappropriately messes with the big three.
Posted: 2006-07-21 07:54am
by General Deathdealer
I was just mainly talking about the vast majority of the people here who are on the edge of the spectrum that do care about the numbers and do care about the content.
Granted there are times when I am one of the "I read just to enjoy the book and don't care about the 3 million issue". But the vast majority of the time I "read because I enjoy it, but it don't try and sneak some stupid shit by me".
So when I said "When has KT ever given a flying fuck about what the fans think", I was mainly refering to our end of the spectrum.
Sorry for the confusion.
Posted: 2006-07-22 09:38am
by Ender
Apparently those fools over at wookieepedia don't understand what neutral or a personal agenda are. interesting.