There's like 65 Dark Side Adepts listed in total here:
# Gwellib Ap-Llewff, Dark Side Adept of the Imperial Citadel
# Argor, Lesser Prophet of the Dark Side
# Boc Aseca, Dark Jedi
# Picaroon C. Boodle, Dark Jedi
# Brakiss, Apprentice Inquisitor
# Adalric Cessius Brandl, High Inquisitor
# Jaalib Brandl, Apprentice Inquisitor
# Shira Ellan Colla Brie, Emperor's Hand
# Joruus C'baoth, Guardian of Wayland
# The Cloaked Figure, Lesser Prophet of the Dark Side
# The Constable of Homunculi, Clone Keeper
# Cronal, Lesser Prophet of the Dark Side/Emperor's Hand
# Sa Cuis, Emperor's Hand
# Ameesa Darys, Inquisitor
# Nial Declann, Grand Admiral
# Drayneen, Inquisitor
# Jeng Droga, Emperor's Hand
# Durrei, Dark Jedi
# Baddon Fass, Dark Side Elite
# Flint, Stormtrooper
# Vill Goir, Dark Side Elite
# Gorc, Dark Jedi
# Gornash, Lesser Prophet of the Dark Side
# Kvag Gthull, Dark Side Elite
# Halmere, High Inquisitor
# Hethrir, Imperial Procurator of Justice
# Roganda Ismaren, Emperor's Hand
# Mara Jade, Emperor's Hand
# Shela Jalahafi, Dark Side Adept
# Teles Jalahafi, Dark Side Adept
# Carnor Jax, Imperial Sovereign Protector
# Jedgar, High Prophet of the Dark Side
# Jerec, Inquisitor/Emperor's Hand
# Kadann, Supreme Prophet of the Dark Side
# Zasm Katth, Dark Side Elite
# Danaan Kerr, Dark Jedi
# Vess Kogo, Emperor's Hand
# Arden Lyn, Emperor's Hand
# Malorum, Inquisitor
# Maw, Dark Jedi
# Merilli, Lesser Prophetess of the Dark Side
# Krdys Mordi, Dark Side Elite
# Morthul, Dark Jedi
# Nefta, Dark Side Adept of the Byss Clone Vats
# Xecr Nist, Dark Side Elite
# Sarcev Quest, Emperor's Hand
# Loam Redge, Inquisitor
# Rillao, Dark Jedi
# Sa-Di, Dark Side Adept of the Byss Clone Vats
# Sancor, Inquisitor
# Sariss, Lesser Prophetess of the Dark Side
# Sedriss, Dark Side Elite
# Shynne, Inquisitor
# Mox Slosin, High Inquisitor
# Kam Solusar, Dark Side Elite
# Maarek Stele, Emperor's Reach/Emperor's Hand
# Tedryn-Sha, Dark Side Elite
# Savuud Thimram, Dark Side Adept of the Imperial Citadel
# T'iaz, Dark Jedi
# Laddinare Torbin, Grand Inquisitor
# Tremayne, High Inquisitor
# Vost Tyne, Admiral
# Volytar, Inquisitor
# Vialco, Apprentice Inquisitor
# Yun, Dark Jedi
A bunch of those guys were in the Dark Empire series. I always liked them the best.