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Which EU series would make the Best movies?
Posted: 2006-08-06 04:29pm
by Battlehymn Republic
I'm referring to any EU series or novel that would make a good movie, not just a story you'd like to see be made into one. Criteria could include:
1. Official support- Has the series been approved by Lucas or any others that it is an excellent story, or even declared something like 'if we could film it, this would be the story to adapt?'
2. Fan support- Does the community love it generally? Or is it marred by controversy (like Dark Empire)?
3. Mainstream crossover- Ultimately, any future Star Wars film will have to be watchable by the masses. It needs to carefully balance between a work true to continuity and the EU, and with the tastes of the general movie-going public. I suppose that's why series such as X-Men were rather drastically changed (at least in appearance) and simplified for non-fans. Is the story already approachable, needing few big changes, for the run-of-the-mill person who doesn't know anything about dark Jedi adepts and thinks that the Empire ended at Endor?
4. Is it practical? Does it require huge amounts of special effects to adapt faithfully? Ignore considerations of having to recast characters of the OT, for now.
For me, I think Shadows of the Empire is an excellent film to adapt.
1. It was widely supported by Lucasfilm and became basically a successful film marketing campaign (without an actual film). Lucas said something to the lines of "if I could have made this in the '80s, I would have."
2. I don't think the fans really hate it.
3. It takes a lot of the beloved original characters and places them at a critical juncture that also explains what happened between TESB and ROTJ. It features a new alien villain, who is badass to try to actually challenge Vader, and Vader is badass-er enough to give him his comeupence at the end. Xizor also has a hot henchdroidwoman, and probably the coolest-looking ship of its SW era. Boba Fett makes an appearance. Dash Rendar is dashing. Shadows of the Empire also further examines Luke's development before he confronts his father. It has a whole adventuring spirit into the dark underbelly of the Empire. What is there not to love?
4. Other than having to recast the original characters (though only Luke, Leia, Han, and Lando are present for any long amounts of time, I believe. And Wedge and Obi-Wan's ghost get cameos), I don't think that the film will require any huge amounts of special effects.
I also wonder if making an interquel trilogy (a film between Episodes III and IV, IV and V, V and VI) would be a better idea in the future rather than making a sequel trilogy.
This thread, of course, completely recognizes that any future SW films will be slim to none. Until the rights get transferred, at least.
Posted: 2006-08-06 04:49pm
by Stofsk
<Obligatory> Thrawn FTW.
<Comedy option> New Jedi Order.
Posted: 2006-08-06 04:51pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
The Dark Empire series.
Posted: 2006-08-06 05:22pm
by Jack Bauer
I'm sorry, I never really liked Shadows.
Zahn's original Thrawn trilogy would be the best IMO. Besides, there's a lot less wanking in those books than in Dark Empire.
Posted: 2006-08-06 05:27pm
by Galvatron
Shadows was overhyped and overrated, IMO.
Posted: 2006-08-06 06:45pm
by Batman
I think TTT and SotP/VotF would make nice movies (yes, I'm a Thrawn fan. How did you figure?). While I happen to agree SotE is overrated that was for all paractical purposes a book based on a Valendamned computer game. What do you expect?
Posted: 2006-08-06 06:50pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Batman wrote:While I happen to agree SotE is overrated that was for all paractical purposes a book based on a *snip* computer game. What do you expect?
SotE wasn't based on a (more accuately) video game. The book was pitched and written first, and the game was developed so that their releases would occur at the same time, as part of the whole multimedia project that went on at the same time as the Special Edition of the films.
Posted: 2006-08-06 06:54pm
by Batman
I stand corrected then. Thanks for the info, Mr Dolphin.
Posted: 2006-08-06 07:02pm
by Darth Fanboy
If you make the Thrawn Trilogy, Outbound Flight should be included and maybe condense the first two Zahn books into one film, or something like that.
I'd prefer Jedi Trial, Labyrinth of Evil, and Dark Lord
Posted: 2006-08-06 07:47pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Batman wrote:I stand corrected then. Thanks for the info, Mr Dolphin.
No problem. For the record the general release chronology went like this:
SotE novel: 01 April 1996
SotE graphic novel issue #1: 01 May 1996
SotE Nintendo 64 video game: 03 December 1996
Posted: 2006-08-06 09:07pm
by Lord Pounder
If i where the flanneled one I'd be to start off the Thrawn Trilogy, condenced into one movie, the second would be Dark Empire (with a little Jedi Accademy ti explain things that happen later) and to finish The Hand Of Thrawn duology. Sure they might not satisfy the fan boys but it covers a pretty good story and ends the story nicely, the IR and NR are at peace and all is peachy by the end.
Posted: 2006-08-06 10:00pm
by Stofsk
I see the Thrawn Trilogy working the best for a movie adaptation. Dark Empire was nice, but Wankatine is a detriment to it and also, the Emperor met his demise at the end of ROTJ. But that argument has been done to death...
In any case, TTT felt the most 'cinematic' of the EU I've read. Things like the BFC are more aligned toward politics and intrigue, than space opera adventure. The x-wing books just aren't all that interesting IMO. And Zahn's follow-up duology, while nice, didn't have the same kind of impact of his earlier work.
Posted: 2006-08-06 10:23pm
by 000
Shadows was an overrated pile of shit. I'm usually not so vehement in denouncing books, but what's most irritating about Shadows is that, unlike blatantly bad novels like Darksaber (as I've heard) Jedi Trial, it's generally well liked. Which is painfully confusing.
Posted: 2006-08-06 10:59pm
by Noble Ire
000 wrote:Shadows was an overrated pile of shit. I'm usually not so vehement in denouncing books, but what's most irritating about Shadows is that, unlike blatantly bad novels like Darksaber (as I've heard) Jedi Trial, it's generally well liked. Which is painfully confusing.
I found SotE to be moderately entertaining, but not really worthy of all the hype it recieves. Of course, it was the first EU book I ever read, so I suppose I would have to reread it before I passed any sort of final judgement. Nevertheless, for the purposes of this thread, I think it would make a fairly decent movie, especially since its one of the few EU books that could by itself support a full-length film (most of the the other good options, like the Thrawn trilogy, really would require more than one).
Posted: 2006-08-06 11:07pm
by Ender
Labyrinth of Evil and Dark Lord to mesh with Revenge of the Sith. That unofficial trilogy is better then any other series of SW books out there IMO.
Posted: 2006-08-06 11:10pm
by Wanderer
I want a Boba Fett movie that shows what he did before Empire Strikes Back.
Posted: 2006-08-06 11:43pm
by RogueIce
Wanderer wrote:I want a Boba Fett movie that shows what he did before Empire Strikes Back.
You can get that with about half of the Bounty Hunter Wars trilogy.
Posted: 2006-08-07 12:07am
by lance
I think that the X-Wing books could make a good series if it has a BSG type of budget.
Posted: 2006-08-07 12:29am
by Darth Garden Gnome
I wouldn't be against DE if it were just the first series and it's over. I have no use for hyper-wank Galaxy Guns and Palpatine getting punked by Han.
Naturally, the Thrawn series would make for some good flicks. Thrawn is a good villian who isn't mega wanked out or over-the-top evil.
Posted: 2006-08-07 12:46am
by Knife
Thrawn trilogy would be nice. Also, and I know I'm one of the few, but the X-wing series would make a good set of movies, though SFX would be a bit high with all the fighter wank.
Posted: 2006-08-07 12:53am
by DesertFly
Knife wrote:Thrawn trilogy would be nice. Also, and I know I'm one of the few, but the X-wing series would make a good set of movies, though SFX would be a bit high with all the fighter wank.
Oh man, Rogue Squadron and their daring fight against them Empire? How could you lose? There's action, adventure, drama, humor, the whole nine yards. And the budget wouldn't neccessarily have to be that high, considering the kind of high quality effects we're seeing on tv show budgets with Stargate and BSG. Personally, actually, I would like having the Wraith squadron more. There's a better, more personal story arc with them, and Zsinj makes a good, mustache-twirling (literally) villain.
Posted: 2006-08-07 12:55am
by Guardsman Bass
From reading the Thrawn trilogy, I'm not so sure it would be great as a movie. There's a lot going on in the first book (Leia's pregnancy and the like) that would need to be exposited on in order to bring the audience up to speed. However, as people have mentioned, they are among the better written novels in the EU.
Posted: 2006-08-07 01:29am
by CmdrWilkens
Guardsman Bass wrote:From reading the Thrawn trilogy, I'm not so sure it would be great as a movie. There's a lot going on in the first book (Leia's pregnancy and the like) that would need to be exposited on in order to bring the audience up to speed. However, as people have mentioned, they are among the better written novels in the EU.
Well at the end of RotJ we know that Leia and Han are all but together from the last couple of scenes (especially after the "I won't stand in the way" one). Given that even the casual audience who have seen the OT won't be suprised to see Leia and Han married with kids on the way. Moreover all the characters are in about the positions we'd expect to find them based on the OT: Han is with Leia who is doing politics in teh New Republic government run by Mon Mothma with Ackbar running the fleet Lando off on some hair brianed adventure and Luke just starting to get a feel for what being the last of the Jedi means. Against that we have a great new villian in Thrawn along with a great ambigous subplot with Talon Karrde, Mara Jade, and the Noghri all thrown in.
The single biggest problem with the Thrawn trilogy is the sheer NUMBER of characters who play significant roles. I mean seriously take the number above and add in Wedge, Garm Bel Iblis, Joruus C'Boath, Paelleon, and a half dozen smugglers before we bring back the droids and Chewie. When the average moviegoer needs to track more characters than they have fingers and toes it can get complicated. That said trimming plot points all voer the place could cut down on some of the supporting cast but not by much.
Also the X-Wing series would work better as a TV show much like they are suppossedly working on. Each half season could be a different campaign and then you split the year into two half seasons like neo-BSG.
Posted: 2006-08-07 02:00am
by President Sharky
I believe that the original Dark Empire would make the best single sequel to the OT, with several modifications. For example, it should take place closer to the end of ROTJ, or before the Thrawn Trilogy. And Palpatine would be dead dead at the end of DE1. Other than that, it has Palpatine, the main villain of the movie saga, and it has Luke going dark, which is unexplored territory for intense character development. There's also space battles, lightsabres, bounty hunters, and lots of MF action. How can you go wrong?
Not to mention the fact that the story itself isn't all that complicated to understand, and there's really only 2 big plot threads to follow, Luke's journey/rescue from Byss and the Battle of Calamari. It could easily be compressed into a 2 hour movie.
Posted: 2006-08-08 03:27am
by Havok
President Sharky wrote:I believe that the original Dark Empire would make the best single sequel to the OT, with several modifications. For example, it should take place closer to the end of ROTJ, or before the Thrawn Trilogy. And Palpatine would be dead dead at the end of DE1. Other than that, it has Palpatine, the main villain of the movie saga, and it has Luke going dark, which is unexplored territory for intense character development. There's also space battles, lightsabres, bounty hunters, and lots of MF action. How can you go wrong?
Not to mention the fact that the story itself isn't all that complicated to understand, and there's really only 2 big plot threads to follow, Luke's journey/rescue from Byss and the Battle of Calamari. It could easily be compressed into a 2 hour movie.
Would you really want to bring back Palpatine, just to kill him in 2 hours? I think if you were going to use DE you should use them all and make another trilogy, just don't kill Palpatine until the end.