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ROTJ changes and a third trilogy.

Posted: 2006-08-08 03:41am
by Havok
Ok, say George lost his noodle, went back and changed three scenes in ROTJ.

1. Luke discovers that he has a twin sister, BUT the scene is now changed so that Leia is not named.

2. Luke and Leia still have their talk on the Ewok walkway but again, no mention of her being Luke's sister.

3. Han and Leia kiss, but no mention of Luke being her brother.

AND then announces that he is going to make a third trilogy.

Who should be cast as Luke and eventually Luke's sister (no longer Leia)

Should the Emperor be reborn/still alive? And if not then who should be the villian?

Who should be cast as Leia? (should be a minor role)

etc., etc..

Also how would you like to see Luke's story unfold.

Posted: 2006-08-08 04:05am
by DesertFly
Why would Leia be a minor role? Her importance was not at all due to her familial status, that was just the icing on the cake, so to speak. Rather, she was an important leader in the Rebellion, a love interest for Han and Luke, and an all around kick-butt character. As for the casting, I have no idea....

Well, except it should be someone unknown.

Posted: 2006-08-08 02:24pm
by Aquatain
Lucas would also have to change RotS since Leia is named at birth..

Posted: 2006-08-08 02:30pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Originally, the sister was not to be Leia, and that's for the better, I think. Reduces the coincidential and soap opera aspect.

Posted: 2006-08-09 12:32am
by Havok
Aquatain wrote:Lucas would also have to change RotS since Leia is named at birth..
Oh, good call. Geez and I just watched that like 50 times last month on HBO.

Posted: 2006-08-09 12:35am
by Havok
DesertFly wrote:Why would Leia be a minor role? Her importance was not at all due to her familial status, that was just the icing on the cake, so to speak. Rather, she was an important leader in the Rebellion, a love interest for Han and Luke, and an all around kick-butt character. As for the casting, I have no idea....

Well, except it should be someone unknown.
The reason is that after the battle at Endor, Leia would probably be off with Mon Mothma trying to reconstitue the Senate or reestablishing the republic. While interesting, I don't know if there would be much cross over with Luke while he was trying to rebuild the Jedi, IF they aren't brother and sister.