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duel of the fates. . .hehe

Posted: 2002-08-04 09:29pm
by Enforcer Talen
jango vs boba. . .who wins?

Posted: 2002-08-04 11:09pm
by Jadeite
why would they fight? and which age of boba are we talking about? kid or adult?

Posted: 2002-08-05 03:18am
by jenat-lai
Boba, Because Jango hasn't got a head anymore :lol:

Posted: 2002-08-05 03:25am
by Enforcer Talen
well, if he's the kid, he won't win. . . lol.

boba in his prime vs jango in his prime.

Posted: 2002-08-05 04:18am
Boba. He's meaner. Watching his father's head getting sliced off (and then picking it up!) obvious made him one hell of a sociopath. Boba Fett obviously needs major therapy...

Posted: 2002-08-05 08:58am
by Mr Bean
Heck no if EU is to be belived he's completly sane, infact Vulcan like in his business dealings :twisted:

Posted: 2002-08-05 04:09pm
by Jadeite
I doubt Bobas completely sane, I think anyone would go a little mental (at least temporary) after watching their dads head get sliced by a lightsaber weilding maniac.

Posted: 2002-08-05 04:55pm
by Mr Bean
Yes but most people can you know whats the word?
Ahh yes GET OVER IT :D
And because of it he's even MORE Sane, IE No amount of money is worth facing down fifty Jedi's so don't even bother :D

Posted: 2002-08-05 06:00pm
by Darth Yoshi
Indeed. If anything, watching Jango get decapitated made Boba more conscious of the odds. He's good enough to tackle most jobs, but if it's risky, even for him, he charges more as compensation.

Posted: 2002-08-05 08:58pm
by Master of Ossus
Of course Boba Fett would win if they were both at their primes. Boba was trained by Jango, and has all of Jango's advantages. He also has fewer weaknesses. He grew up to be a bounty hunter, and was trained by one of the best. He is more skilled even than his "father" and has better equipment. Boba would win, but it is because of Jango that he would win. That is the ultimate goal of a teacher--to be surpassed by his student. Jango was the best, but Boba is better. Jango gave Boba the ability to succeed.