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Latest SW Tales

Posted: 2003-01-04 07:06pm
by Ender
Anyone else read this? I flipped halfway through it before I had to leave the store today.

1) Goes into a bit about the Ewoks. Apparently they were nasty buggers
2) Got to love the difference between the Empire making first contact and the way the Federation does it
3) Ewoks seem to make the viet cong look nice
4) Explains the Endor thing. According to it, the DS2 explosion vaped most of the mass, and the Alliance stopped the rest. Now that's a cute little injoke at the end there.
5) Establishes nanotech virii (or is the word viruses?) and the fact that they can quickly be countered.
6) Apparently the force can blow up planets (going by the visuals on that one, didn't have time to read that story before the bus arrived)

Posted: 2003-01-04 10:07pm
by Publius
Virus is a defective noun in Latin; it has no plural form.

Posted: 2003-01-05 09:54pm
by Kurgan
Despite that, I've seen it commonly used on the internet (by techies and laymen alike) to designate either multiple types of viruses (computer viruses) or multiples of the same virus.

Of course a lot of those folks will differentiate types of virus by saying "worms" or "trojans" but you get the gist.

Reminds me of the people who chide others for saying "jedis" instead of "jedi" (to refer to multiple jedi knights), when George Lucas himself says "jedis" (just check your TPM/AOTC DVD commentaries) or calls it "Star Wars" instead of "Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope." ; )

Maybe its wrong, but then its a very common mistake, but the meaning is the same. Nobody mistakes "virii" for something else. Do they?

Posted: 2003-01-05 11:56pm
by Illuminatus Primus
George Lucas' out-of-universe statements are irrelevent in that case. In his dialogue, in his scripts, IN his universe, Jedi is both singular and plural.

Posted: 2003-01-06 03:51am
by Kurgan
I'll take your word for it, since I never hear "Jedis" uttered in the films. But that doesn't mean that "Jedis" is incorrect, necessarily.

So it wasn't a perfect analogy. : (

I'll concede the point, so long as we don't begin to argue the correct pronunciations of names in the SW universe. ; )

Posted: 2003-01-06 03:58am
by Connor MacLeod
Saxton addresses the DS2 destruction on his site. I dont thinkv aporizing it would get rid of the mass.. and there's no way I can think of they could deflect it. Did they mention how they did it?

Posted: 2003-01-06 04:08am
by Darth Fanboy
Since Endor (or more correctly, the Forest Moon) isn't a smoldering pit at the end of the films I'd say the Rebel fleet took care of the largest and deadliest portions. Is there any other conclusions we can draw if the DS2 explosion wasn't big enough to destroy any large pieces of debris? How much of that debris would end up in orbit creating a nice big ring full of durastell, TIE fighter wings and Palpatine's atoms?

Posted: 2003-01-06 06:23am
by Ender
Connor MacLeod wrote:Saxton addresses the DS2 destruction on his site. I dont thinkv aporizing it would get rid of the mass.. and there's no way I can think of they could deflect it. Did they mention how they did it?
Not as such. The last lines in the story are basically a joke about he Endor debate. Guy (former stormtrooper) is going on about how he hates ewoks. He ends it with "At least they got the horrible firey death they deserved when the debris from the death star crashed into their planet"
"No they didn't, the explosion vaporized most of it and the rebellion took care of the rest"

Posted: 2003-01-06 11:59am
by Andras
I posted a review on ASVS

I really liked the trial of Han Solo, too funny