Ender wrote:* The small reactor bulge indicates a poor power:mass ratio, which translates to slow acceleration, low firepower, and so so shields. That is more keeping in with the intimidation over ability mindset of the Legacy Empire, but is still asinine.
Do we
know that it's a reactor? Just because its a bulge on the ship does not automatically in my mind make it a reactor. Interdictor cruisers have bulges too, after all. (So did the Eclipse, IIRC.)
And that assumes it is in fact the only reactor (see below.)
*The reactor will logically be the center of mass, and having the center that far forward is incredibly impractical.
That assumes that IS the reactor (or the only reactor.) As SST notes, they may use multiple reactors for all we know - that ship's bulk is quite extensive. Having most of the reactors (or the primary reactors) recessed inside the hull rather than exposed as they are in ISDs would make them much better-protected (and multiple reactors introduces some redundancy.)
I always thought it was pretty dumb to leave the reactor bulb exposed like that (one of hte few things I like about the Venators. And we know the Executor did away with that flaw too.)
*I don't immediately see any hangars, which is interesting.
Maybe they dispensed with the single huge-ass hangar bays we're used to from some Star Destroyers. Despite the limitations it may carry in terms of its carrier role it eliminates the vulnerabilities the hangar bay has reprenseted in the past (Imperial communications ship at Endor.)
*Hull armor appears to be several large plates instead of an overlapping crisscross of smaller ones. This is bad in terms of damage control and durability, the small plates are easier to replace when damaged.
Bigger plates also mean a much larger volume of armor through which turbolaser fire can be dissipated (especially going by the "powered armor" concept) - I believe Brian Young has hinted at the use of thick hull armor as a form of heat sink.
note that some of those "plates" may not be the uniformly thick slabs you surmise. Looking at the side views, some of them look to have a sort of "cityscape" sort of detail that you see in the side trenches of ISDs (for that matter, they're kind of reminisicent of some of the large "raised" sections you see on the ISD's ventral and dorsal sides as well.
* large guns mounted far away from the center of mass, which means they either hurl the ship around when the fire or that the are limited in power. The small reactor indicates the latter.
If they adopt more of a "broadside" style firing design like an ISD or Venator, this might be a problem. However, The ship seems to be optimized with most of its firepower forward, and the engines are going to offset that quite a bit. Besides, forward-facing offers a smaller silhouette than a broadside view and it takes advantage of the primary reason to adopt the wedge shape (that is, directing the vast majority of firepower forward.)
Besides, the placement seems to offer much less obstruction to its turrets when firing forward, unlike an ISD or Venator.
This does, of course, assume those ARE the heaviest guns. For all we know they carry a number of fixed-axis internally mounted HTLs like we see from Separatist frigates. (The Executor evidently did, judging by SOTE.)
* If this is a star cruiser of better size ship then the scale and overall desing open it to large blindspots in the heavy coverage, much more so then the Imperial, Venator, or Victory designs.
Assuming those are, in fact, the heaviest guns. Of course, the ISD and Venators are not exactly a "whole" lot better in terms of heavy gun placement than this ship is, either. Since heavy guns seem to be designed more for long-range dueling, this shouldn't be a significant problem.
* I've seen claims that this is a "super star destroyer" which makes the complete lack of heavy guns on the bottom troubling - on a small ship like a destroyer it makes sense that they can only power so many and brace so many. Not so on larger ones, note that the Executor class was literally covered in heavy guns
Uh, we dont know what those bumps are. They're assumed to be guns, but that seems to contradict what was placed in the ITW:OT entry ('thousands" of turbolasers and ion cannons, not hundreds.)
Besides, calling it a "super star destroyer" doesn't really tell us anything about the role. The "Alleigance" is an SSD too, after all. And wasn't this ship supposed to be this comic's version of the ISD or something?
Its hard to condem it without knowing more, as many aspects of the design only come into play if it is a large ship. Off hand, I place it as better then the Carrack, but worse then the Dreadnaught
Its not a well-designed ship (then again few ships in SW are) but it does avoid some of the mistakes of the ISD and Venator classes too.