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Jedi Betrayal - The True Story of the Clone Wars (Video)

Posted: 2006-08-14 05:14pm
by Jim Raynor
Everything you thought you knew about Star Wars is wrong. For the first time, witness Star Wars as it was always meant to be!


Inspired by Lord Poe's Talifan! trilogy, as well as the numerous recut movie trailers on YouTube, I decided to make my own video against Traviss and her Fandawhorian clonetrooper wankers. I started working on this a couple months ago when the debate was still raging. However, I didn't finish this until today, because I started this project as a complete novice with Windows MovieMaker, as well as plenty of real life issues, pc gaming, or just plain procrastinating. :)

One of the most ridiculous things implied in Odds and parroted by the fanboy sycophants was that the Jedi knew of Palpatine's plot, but chose to help him cover it up for some unknown reason. This stood out to me as particularly retarded (even above the rest of the absurdities in Traviss's work), and I wondered if those idiots ever stopped to actually think about what they were saying. This video basically takes their claims to their logical extensions, and portrays the Jedi in all their evil T-canon glory.

I have to admit that this video falls a bit short in its portrayal of the the Fandawhorians' vision of SW. Despite the extremely biased pussification of the CIS, I failed to capture Traviss's vaunted 200:1 kill ratio (a single clone bites the dust in the background during that crab droid scene). :) Maybe that's because none of that clone-wanking actually happened in the real films.

Feedback and suggestions are welcome.

Posted: 2006-08-14 05:50pm
by StarshipTitanic
The most blatant unsynched dialogue was jarring at times, but I think your film is clever. The bit with Padme at the end was hilarious.

"You will be. You will be."

Posted: 2006-08-15 03:30am
by Lord Poe
That was great, Jim! LOL!!

Posted: 2006-08-15 08:59am
by Lord Pounder
That fucking ruled. If this was Starship Troopers I'd definately wanna know more.

Posted: 2006-08-15 01:41pm
by Mange
LOL! Great Jim!

Posted: 2006-08-15 04:47pm
by RogueIce
Where did the "a powerful cabal" and the retort "Come on, who would gain from all this?" lines come from? They're so very achingly familiar but I can't place it... :?

Posted: 2006-08-15 04:53pm
by CaptainChewbacca
RogueIce wrote:Where did the "a powerful cabal" and the retort "Come on, who would gain from all this?" lines come from? They're so very achingly familiar but I can't place it... :?
Those were from an episode of DS9, specifically the scientist who invented the "Cellular Regeneration and Entertainment Chamber".

It's the dark forces of ORTHODOXY!

...GOD, even for a nerd, that was WAY too nerdy.

Posted: 2006-08-15 04:55pm
by RogueIce
CaptainChewbacca wrote:
RogueIce wrote:Where did the "a powerful cabal" and the retort "Come on, who would gain from all this?" lines come from? They're so very achingly familiar but I can't place it... :?
Those were from an episode of DS9, specifically the scientist who invented the "Cellular Regeneration and Entertainment Chamber".

It's the dark forces of ORTHODOXY!

...GOD, even for a nerd, that was WAY too nerdy.

I would've sworn "Come on, who would gain from all this?" was either Robin from BTAS (Loren Lester) or possibly Mark Hamill.

Posted: 2006-08-15 05:02pm
by CaptainChewbacca
No, the "Who would gain from all this?" is a line by Jake Sisko in that same episode.

Posted: 2006-08-15 05:30pm
by Crazedwraith
CaptainChewbacca wrote: Those were from an episode of DS9, specifically the scientist who invented the "Cellular Regeneration and Entertainment Chamber".

It's the dark forces of ORTHODOXY!

...GOD, even for a nerd, that was WAY too nerdy.
Strange I thought the first voice was Weyoun.

Posted: 2006-08-15 05:39pm
by CaptainChewbacca
Crazedwraith wrote:
CaptainChewbacca wrote: Those were from an episode of DS9, specifically the scientist who invented the "Cellular Regeneration and Entertainment Chamber".

It's the dark forces of ORTHODOXY!

...GOD, even for a nerd, that was WAY too nerdy.
Strange I thought the first voice was Weyoun.
I did too, at first, but its actually Brian Markinson, one of the few actors to appear in three Trek series, and one of the REMARKABLY few (I think two) actors to portray four characters in Trek.

Posted: 2006-08-15 05:58pm
by NecronLord
You know... I think that Traviss' hallucinations would actually make a really interesting and cool story. Shades of Orwell, and the tense unravelling of a conspiracy to create a war that doesn't truly exist, and so forth. Unfortunately for her, it's not the Clone Wars. She'd be better writing it all down and putting it one thousand four hundred years before the films, with different characters. I might nick it.

Posted: 2006-08-15 06:10pm
by Jim Raynor
RogueIce wrote:Where did the "a powerful cabal" and the retort "Come on, who would gain from all this?" lines come from? They're so very achingly familiar but I can't place it... :?
Those lines came from the Justice League Unlimited episode "Fearful Symmetry." "Come on, who would gain from all this?" was Kim Shriner as the Green Arrow, and the other guy was Jeffrey Combs (the same guy who played Weyoun in ST) as the Question.

Posted: 2006-08-16 12:45am
by RogueIce
Jim Raynor wrote:
RogueIce wrote:Where did the "a powerful cabal" and the retort "Come on, who would gain from all this?" lines come from? They're so very achingly familiar but I can't place it... :?
Those lines came from the Justice League Unlimited episode "Fearful Symmetry." "Come on, who would gain from all this?" was Kim Shriner as the Green Arrow, and the other guy was Jeffrey Combs (the same guy who played Weyoun in ST) as the Question.
Ah-HAH! I knew it was from the Timmverse! I just couldn't place the exact series/characters.

Very cool using those lines, by the way. For what it's worth, you have my respect. :D

The rest of the video is great too, don't get me wrong. But I'm a die-hard DCAU fanatic, so that's what gets my attention. :wink:

Posted: 2006-08-16 06:41am
by dragon
That was awsome :shock: And it kind of makes sense and would explain some of the issues in the movies.

Posted: 2006-08-16 06:54am
by PainRack
I love the way you spliced the fight scenes together. Way cool.

Posted: 2006-08-16 03:38pm
by Qwerty 42
My only complaint was that what you were trying to say (most noticeable during the fight scenes) was sometimes challenging to follow, but otherwise a very well put together production.

Posted: 2006-08-18 05:57pm
by MonCapitan2002
NecronLord wrote:You know... I think that Traviss' hallucinations would actually make a really interesting and cool story. Shades of Orwell, and the tense unravelling of a conspiracy to create a war that doesn't truly exist, and so forth. Unfortunately for her, it's not the Clone Wars. She'd be better writing it all down and putting it one thousand four hundred years before the films, with different characters. I might nick it.
I think it would certainly make a compelling AU story if written well.