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Fallout on Endor, Post DS2

Posted: 2006-08-17 03:04pm
by Counciler
Where can I find information on the fragments of the destroyed DS2 falling on Endor? I have heard stories about the extinction of the Ewoks... but never any solid links or books that talk about it.

I checked the SW Databank for info, but neither the Movies Tab or the EU Tab shed any light on it...

Posted: 2006-08-17 03:08pm
by Ghost Rider

Posted: 2006-08-17 03:27pm
by Counciler
Thank you.

Posted: 2006-08-17 04:06pm
by DesertFly
It's pretty much been explicilty denied by at least one mucky-muck high up in the Lucas Empire. I don't remember exactly who and I don't remember the exact quote, but it was something like, "Sure, in real life the holocaust would have happened, but this is Star Wars, and I'm saying that in this universe it didn't. Because I said so." A load of crap, for sure, but unless we get another book contradicting it, that seems to be the official policy right now.

Posted: 2006-08-17 04:09pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
DesertFly wrote:I don't remember exactly who
Pablo Hidalgo.

Posted: 2006-08-17 04:39pm
by Noble Ire
As far as I know, the only canon account of debris impacting Endor post-battle is the Tales story "Marooned", in which a Rebel and an Imperial stranded on the moon witness fragments of the Death Star, as well as a derelict star destroyer, impacted on or impacting on the surface. However, there is no evidence of considerable environmental damage (the story takes place thirteen months after the battle).

Posted: 2006-08-17 04:57pm
by VT-16
Wasn't there a source with a museum for extinct species, one of which being "the Ewoks of Endor"?

Also, it's easy as hell to just say every post-ROTJ source shows New Endor or Endor II, the colony world donated to Ewok survivors for their contribution to the Alliance. It'd be easy to get hundreds of those furballs into a Mon Cal cruiser and shipped off-world. Just have their "god" C-3PO tell them to get ready for a "magical journey to the heavens", like a doomsday cult.

Posted: 2006-08-17 05:06pm
by Noble Ire
VT-16 wrote:Also, it's easy as hell to just say every post-ROTJ source shows New Endor or Endor II, the colony world donated to Ewok survivors for their contribution to the Alliance. It'd be easy to get hundreds of those furballs into a Mon Cal cruiser and shipped off-world. Just have their "god" C-3PO tell them to get ready for a "magical journey to the heavens", like a doomsday cult.
I don't think that such a retecon would account for the stranded Imperial soldier and the crashed star destroyer, though, unless the Rebels transplanted the Ewoks really quickly, and the Empire fought and lost again to stop them from doing it.

Posted: 2006-08-17 06:36pm
by Steel
That would beg the question of what the strategic or morale value of wiping out the Ewoks is? I wouldnt send a lone bomber after them, let alone a star destroyer.

Posted: 2006-08-17 08:29pm
by Counciler
Steel wrote:That would beg the question of what the strategic or morale value of wiping out the Ewoks is? I wouldnt send a lone bomber after them, let alone a star destroyer.
Vengeance, perhaps? Maybe not too 'strategic'... but it is a plausible reason.

Posted: 2006-08-18 12:35am
by Connor MacLeod
There is the small problem of how anyone would survive an extinction event occuring on the planet, though.

Posted: 2006-08-18 01:02am
by Chris OFarrell
VT-16 wrote:Wasn't there a source with a museum for extinct species, one of which being "the Ewoks of Endor"?
The entire thing was a propaganda display really, I'd take ANYTHING from it with a ton of salt.

And like it or love it, the Endor destruction event has been ignored by Lucasfilm. I don't really like it at all, but its the universe we have to live with.

Posted: 2006-08-18 01:24am
by DesertFly
Going with my previous post, I found the place where it talks about the Endor Holocaust (or lack thereof). Go here. In the middle of the page is a scrolling display, which will eventually switch to "Questions and Answers". Click on that. When the window pops up, use the little menu in the upper left to navigate to "Episode VI Lore", then scroll down below that to the question "Did Endor suffer a huge cataclysm after the Death Star?". That will tell you what you need to know. It doesn't say who it's by, but I believe that Master Spanky is correct and it was Pablo Hidalgo answering questions.

Posted: 2006-08-18 01:53am
by Executor32
It was indeed Pablo Hidalgo, I have the issue of SWI in which the question and answer were originally printed.

Posted: 2006-08-18 11:31am
by fusion
However, the problem is that no one really cared even when entire species was wiped out by a super nova.
"In a sector of the galaxy Boba Fett had never heard of, a star went nova; it murdered a world and an entire sentient species. It aroused less comment than had the destruction of Alderaan, only a decade prior; the galaxy at large barely noticed the tragedy, and Fett never heard about it. In a galaxy with over four hundred billion stars, over twenty million intelligent species, such things are bound to happen."
From pg. 301 of Tales of the Bounty Hunters hardcover.

Posted: 2006-08-18 01:24pm
by Noble Ire
fusion wrote:However, the problem is that no one really cared even when entire species was wiped out by a super nova.
"In a sector of the galaxy Boba Fett had never heard of, a star went nova; it murdered a world and an entire sentient species. It aroused less comment than had the destruction of Alderaan, only a decade prior; the galaxy at large barely noticed the tragedy, and Fett never heard about it. In a galaxy with over four hundred billion stars, over twenty million intelligent species, such things are bound to happen."
From pg. 301 of Tales of the Bounty Hunters hardcover.

How is that a problem? Aside from the fact that its completely unrelated to the topic at hand (whether or not LFL ever acknowledged any sort of cataclysm, and how to rationalize the fact that they didn't), the Ewoks, though primative, played an important role in the Alliance's eventual victory over the Empire, and as such, were worthy of some notice. For all we know, the planet you mention was a barely-explored backwater unimportant to all but its own inhabitants; the fact that the entire native species was wiped out suggests that they didn't even have FTL capability.

Posted: 2006-08-18 08:09pm
by Vehrec
It also implies that they couldn't avoid the comming supernova. They might not have even been advanced enough to tell that particular star was in the last stages of its life. At least, not until the sky filled with light, and gamma rays blasted every living thing with enough energy to give them acute radiation sickness.

Posted: 2006-08-19 12:56am
by Knife
Chris OFarrell wrote:
VT-16 wrote:Wasn't there a source with a museum for extinct species, one of which being "the Ewoks of Endor"?
The entire thing was a propaganda display really, I'd take ANYTHING from it with a ton of salt.

And like it or love it, the Endor destruction event has been ignored by Lucasfilm. I don't really like it at all, but its the universe we have to live with.
Indeed, that was the Imperial Museum on Coruscant with the 'extinct Ewoks' which Wedge Antillis gave the impression that it was straight propaganda and his opinion, there were still Ewoks on Endor.

Posted: 2006-08-19 02:20am
by Havok
Dosen't the apperances of Ewoks post ROTJ (Dark Empire? The Dark Nest Trilogy) coroborate the thinking that it is just propaganda. If the Ewoks had been wiped out then where did these little yahoos come from. I 'spose you could say that the rebels took some with them after the party, but why would they?

Posted: 2006-08-19 02:31am
by Noble Ire
havokeff wrote:Dosen't the apperances of Ewoks post ROTJ (Dark Empire? The Dark Nest Trilogy) coroborate the thinking that it is just propaganda. If the Ewoks had been wiped out then where did these little yahoos come from. I 'spose you could say that the rebels took some with them after the party, but why would they?
Whether Endor was wiped out or not, there is canon mention of a colony of 20,000 or so Ewoks off-world at some point after ROTJ. Either this was due to a last ditch attempt to save the species from extinction by the Rebels as their world was consumed by massive impact events (which seems unlikely in face of evidence like the comic I mentioned, even if the absense makes little sense), or some Ewok decided to reach for the stars and a war veteran in the New Republic decided to do him and a few of hs friends a favor. Either way, the existance of Ewoks later on can be easily accounted for.

Posted: 2006-08-19 03:14am
by Havok
Hmm. I just read the Endor Extinction article. A few things came to mind. How far away from Yavin IV was the DS I when it blew? Also, how long would this nuclear winter have lasted? I remember in the Dark Nest Trilogy (I keep referencing it 'cause it's the last EU series I read) that Jacen tells Luke that he took Ben camping on Endor as a cover story... wouldn't that be a creepy fucking place to take a kid camping?

I'm sure this has all been covered in another thread... If anyone has the link, could you post it?