Quick Query: Black Sword Command

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Vohu Manah
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Quick Query: Black Sword Command

Post by Vohu Manah »

Does anyone know the name and rank of the person in charge of the Black Sword Command prior to the Yeventha taking the Black-15 shipyard? I've searched Wookiepedia, but the only officer that has an entry is Major Sil Sorannan and he is clearly too low ranked to be the most senior officer.
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Post by Agent R »

I don't know about commanding the entire Black Sword, but the commander of the Imperial garrison at N'zoth (who also seemed to be in charge of Black-15 and acting captain of the Intimidator) was Commander Jian Paret. He was there up until the Yevethans killed him and took the yards.
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Post by Publius »

The commander of Black Sword Command was never identified or referred to. It is known that the headquarters and home shipyard of the command were located in the Core Worlds Region, and that the so-called 'Black Fleet' was merely a fraction of Black Sword Command's forces, but specific details on the overall scale and organization are unknown. Given that it is a very large command with an Area of Responsibility stretching across numerous Sectors, it is very probable that the supreme commander was either a Grand Moff or a grand admiral (cf. GADM Osvald Teshik having command of all forces in Azure Hammer Command).
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Vohu Manah
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Post by Vohu Manah »

Thank you.
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