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A Noob with a Starship question for the experts...

Posted: 2006-08-29 09:24pm
by WarCry75
You guys are about the best source I've found for crunching the hard numbers, so I have question on the Venator...

From the ROTS:ICS, everything I can seem to come up with shows the little side-bays with openings of about 8 meters wide. In ROTS, there's a shot of Obi-Wan and Cody talking and you can see some of the ARCs in one of these smaller bays.

So, the question I have is, is the ICS accurate and the ARCs were housed elsewhere? Are the segments removeable? Or is there some answer I'm just not seeing (not the least of which is the possibility of my bad math).

In case anyone cares, the reason I'm asking is that I'd like to make a scale diorama that would include just this side-bay with fighters in it, so I need to know what size fighters could actually FIT through the opening.

If wanted, I have an extremely large scan from the ICS if anyone wants to check my math.

Thanks in advance for any kind of help.

Posted: 2006-08-29 10:25pm
by Ender
We'd need to check your math - first thing that leaps to mind is that you made a mistake in compensating for the angle.

However I've never examined that bit in too great of detail, so I can't comment.

Posted: 2006-08-30 07:53am
by VT-16
Maybe they move them out sideways from those spaces?

Posted: 2006-08-30 08:07am
by WarCry75
The only problem with moving sideways is that the ARCs are 14 meters long. Their wingspan is even longer...

Here's what I was working from:


Click the following,, if you want to download an extremely large version of this (4,000 x 2700 or so, 2+ megs) to see what you can see.

The shading differences are simply because my scanner couldn't hold the both pages from the ICS at the same time, so that's the only difference.

What I did was try to compare the length of the Actis sitting on the floor with the widest opening I could find.

Thanks for the help, folks....

Posted: 2006-08-30 09:09am
by VT-16
I see there is at least one wide opening with an ARC's front sticking out of it and another where it could turn around to fit through. Could the Actis interceptors be in the air and closer to the viewer than the other craft? (To compensate for them having a possibly larger size.)