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Actors who could be cast as Sith
Posted: 2006-09-05 07:40am
by Vympel
And by Sith I don't mean any film or EU Sith, just a Sith in general- warrior Sith like Darth Maul or Darth Vader, more wizard-Sith like Darth Sidious or Darth Tyranus, etc. Suggestions?
Posted: 2006-09-05 07:42am
by Gandalf
Christopher Walken.
Obviously he'd be closer to the Tyrannus side of Sith, but I'm fairly confident he'd be awesome and creepy.
Posted: 2006-09-05 08:12am
by Lord Pounder
Steve Buscemi, the guy reeks of creepyness.
Posted: 2006-09-05 08:19am
by Cao Cao
William Dafoe. He just has a weird, weird face. Probably as a crazy-as-a-fish warrior Sith.
Posted: 2006-09-05 11:43am
by Sarevok
I kno the OP does not refer to specific characters but Christian Bale would be perfect as Darth Revan. As his performence in Equilibrium and Batman Begins showed he would be terrific in that role.
Oh and I second William Dafoe. He would make a awesome insidious Sith lord. Not the warrior type like Maul but the more manipulative intelligent Sith like Palapatine.
Posted: 2006-09-05 11:47am
by Isolder74
Well I think that Vincient price would make a good Sith. Too bad he's dead.
Posted: 2006-09-05 11:53am
by Cao Cao
Sarevok wrote:I kno the OP does not refer to specific characters but Christian Bale would be perfect as Darth Revan. As his performence in Equilibrium and Batman Begins showed he would be terrific in that role.
You mean as a silent androgynous person in a fully enclosed suit?

Posted: 2006-09-05 01:28pm
by Sir Sirius
Bill Nighy, his voice and intonation fit the bill perfectly and has shown that he can appear quite menacing and still maintain an air of respectabily.
Posted: 2006-09-05 01:32pm
by Ghost Rider
He gives such fantastic evil vibes.
Posted: 2006-09-05 01:48pm
by Galvatron
Frank Langella
His Dracula practically
was a Sith Lord.
Posted: 2006-09-05 03:16pm
by SeeingRed
Alan Rickman -- and not just because he was in HP. Grigori Rasputin, anyone?
Paul Bettany -- it's a bit of a stretch, but I think he could do it.
Posted: 2006-09-05 05:01pm
by Aquatain
Clancy Brown,Great voice and great power on screen ..perfect.
Posted: 2006-09-05 05:36pm
by Darwin
Ghost Rider wrote:
He gives such fantastic evil vibes.
I am Profion! OOh. scenery. Are you eating that? *chew* *chew*
Chris Walken, Steve Buscemi, Willem Dafoe, Crispin Glover, Alan Rickman. Dreamteam, baby!
Posted: 2006-09-05 06:02pm
by Galvatron
Daniel Day-Lewis.

Posted: 2006-09-05 07:49pm
by Darth Quorthon
I think David Warner would make a good older-guy sorcerer badass. Or maybe Thomas Ian Griffith.
Posted: 2006-09-05 08:04pm
by atg
I second Christopher Walken.

Posted: 2006-09-05 08:40pm
by Galvatron
Michael Wincott

Posted: 2006-09-05 08:58pm
by Civil War Man
Gary Oldman. He knows how to look evil and creepy in several different ways.
Exhibit A
Exhibit B

Posted: 2006-09-05 09:06pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
And lest we forget The Fifth Element.

Posted: 2006-09-05 10:35pm
by NeoGoomba
Michael Wincott has such a great villain presence. His character in "The Three Musketeers" was badass, despite being written into such a tounge-in-cheek movie.
And he totally has the voice of a Sith
Posted: 2006-09-05 11:03pm
by Molyneux
Damnit my first two picks were ninja'd in two of the three first responses! >_<
I'll third Chris Walken and second Willem Dafoe...also, I think Ian McKellen could make a pretty good Sith. He's good at that kinda quiet menace...
Posted: 2006-09-05 11:14pm
by atg
Tim Curry

Posted: 2006-09-05 11:19pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Tim Curry seems too goofy to be a Sith-caliber villian.
Posted: 2006-09-05 11:24pm
by Majin Gojira
Nah. Tim Curry would make a great Sith--an INSANE Sith.
Crazy villains are fun.
Posted: 2006-09-05 11:41pm
by The Dark
Clive Owen. The evil nobody expects to be evil.