Death Squad, Ozzel and incompetence (split from ISD armament
Posted: 2003-01-06 02:22am
You haven't proven its subjective. And you've repeatedly ignored Ozzel's performance in relation to his capabilities.Vympel wrote: Subjective is subjective. The opinions of other characters are hardly empirical evidence.
To be fair though, sending scout ships maybe wasnt their best tactic. But that was only an example I used that Ozzel DID NOTHING regarding the lead - he dismissed it completely. Even bringing it to Vader's attention would have demonstrated greater intelligence than what he did. ESPECIALLY since it was their only lead.He's gonna give the order to send scoutships in the two seconds before Piett got Vader in?
When you're conducting an investigation of any time, do you turn down ANY lead you have, no matter how inconsequential? Especially if its been the best lead they've had? And the source of the transmission was subsequently destroyed?
How exactly is it surprise when you drop out of hyperspace within range of their sensors? The emergence from hyperspace alone of over a score of large warships, one of them many miles long, would ALONE have given them away. And if you remember, Rieekan didnt order the shields raised UNTIL the Imperials arrived. OBviously, if the "bombard from outside their detection range" tactic had been employed, as Vader wanted.He felt surprise was wiser. Was it so unreasonable?
The real sad part about this is, even if we admit that surprise WAS a valid tactic, the fact that they dropped out of lightspeed far enough away to give the rebels time to RAISE their shields ALSO proves his incompetence (for not getting closer.)
Galaxy Guide 3: page 42 This isn't the ENTIRe passage relating to Ozzel, but the majority of it, especially those involving the key points of his competence:Cite them.
"Those who did possess official rank often felt resentment toward the Dark Lord. Quite often they felt his evil wrath as well. One such foolish Imperial Officer was the late Admiral Ozzel."
"Many speculated that certain older ties between Military command and Ozzel's bloodline were responsible for his appointment as commander of the fleet that was to hunt down and destroy the elusive Rebellion. Another theory seems more credible, however. This fleet was the personal instrument of Darth Vader, but it had to be given a military commander besides the Dark Lord to appease the high-ranking members of the general staff."
"But despite the tremendous resources at his disposal, Ozzel preferred a more personal approach to the problem. He followed up any substantial leads personally. This often meant diverting the fleet on less than productive forays."
"Lord Vader did not put up with these indulgences for long, however. He began to restrict Ozzel's involvement so that he was a mere figurehead to relay orders to the rank-and-file. Ozzel lacked the common sense to konw when to keep his opinions to himself, arguing with Vader over the decision to investigate the Hoth system."
Star Wars encylcopedia: page 223:
"Admiral Ozzel was contemptuous of the Rebel Alliance and didnt see it as a credible threat. His contempt led to sloppiness: he brought the task force out of hyperspace too close to Hoth's sensor range, thus alerting the Rebels."
Behind the Magic:
"Admiral Ozzel, Piett's direct supervisor, was not as wise. In fact, Ozzel Continually displeased Lord Vader. First, the inept commander failed to recognize the Rebel presence on Hoth. Next, he botched the initial invasion of the ice planet and inadvertently allowed the REbels time to raise their planetary defense shield." ... index.html
"Ozzel was a by-the-manual type officer, with little imagination. He initially disregarded Captain Piett's report of life-signs in the Hoth system. When Vader decided to follow Piett's leads, Ozzel brought the Imperial fleet out of hyperspace too close to the system."
And: ... el/eu.html
"Given his ineptness, many wonder how Ozzel had achieved his rank. Some speculate old ties between his influential family and the military cemented his advancement in the Navy. The Ozzels are a long line of land-owners on the Imperial Academy world of Carida. Ages ago, Mann Ozzel organized the trading of many of the world's mineral rights, gaining the Ozzels considerable wealth."
Rather conclusive I'd say. Not only was Ozzel inept, his "rise to power" was due to family/political connections (not an unheard of happening in a military, I imagine) but he REPEATEDLY pissed off Vader with not only his behaviour, but his actions and decisions. This was NOT a "spur of the moment" thing - this was a progressive series of events that culminated with his execution. Were Vader prone to the "temperamental pycho"mentality youa ttribute to him, I don't think Ozzel would have lasted that long.
These are not "subjective interpretations" - these are demonstrable facts.
For that matter, when did we ever have "concrete specifications" on the warships? They're little more than aggregate details pieced from various sources, and in some respects are still subject to contention. They're far less objective than Ozzel's performance!
No, the weapons counts as we know them are (since we don't always have direct access to the models or clear-cut images of them, save for some of the large guns and the SWICS) We have observable proof of Ozzel's incompetence in canon, as well as substnatiating proof from the EU. I remind you that *you* are the one who continually operates on the assumption that Vader was murderous and that his judgement of Ozzel was entirely subjective.The firepower of a warship and actual models are less subjective than what a murderous Sith Lord thinks?