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Outer Rim customs competition

Posted: 2006-09-06 12:31pm
by VT-16
Didn't know whether to post this in AMP or here, but since it might have a degree of officialness about it, I thought here might be best.

It's basically a competition by Petroglyph (the team behind EAW) to see who can draw the best "customized" vehicles in SW. Three categories: Capital ships, starfighters and ground vehicles. The winner of each category gets some kind of sound card and 300$, I believe. One entry per category per contestant.
The deadline's been extended to the middle of the month, so if anyone here has some art-skills, go for it! 8) ... ustoms.php

Perfect opportunity to make a customized version of a non-regular ship, like Giel's battleship or the Vengeance-type. They didn't say stick to the regulars.. 89

Posted: 2006-09-06 12:46pm
by Bladed_Crescent
VT-16 wrote:They didn't say stick to the regulars..[/qipte]
Petroglyph wrote:Here is your opportunity to Pimp Out your favorite Star Wars Empire at War capital ships, fighters, and other planetary crafts!
Too bad this doesn't take into the expansion pack - I believe it's got an Eclipse prototype? It would be interesting to see a pimp job on something like that.

I so want to see a purple SD with fuzzy dice painted on the dorsal hull, though.

Posted: 2006-09-06 01:43pm
by VT-16
Oh? Just the ones in the game? Well, what about the Arc Hammer? Or is it just the units from the regular game? :?
Would be fun to see a customized SD resemble the original version of Vader's command ship (the one that was of a similar size to the ISD but faster). :)

Posted: 2006-09-06 02:12pm
by Bladed_Crescent
I thought the Arc Hammer was a space station? I think it'd be hard to make it fit into one of those categories. Unless you mooshed it in real tight.

(I'm just going by the EU; I have the game, but haven't played the campaign - the Galactic Conquest missions keep calling to me).

[qoute]Would be fun to see a customized SD resemble the original version of Vader's command ship (the one that was of a similar size to the ISD but faster[/quote]

Which one was this? If I recall correctly, his first command ship was the Exactor (or the Executrix - I can never remember), one of the first ISDs. Then he had Devastator, which I thought was slower but more powerful. And we all know what comes next. :)

Posted: 2006-09-06 02:22pm
by Isolder74
The Arc Hammer was a light cruiser that carried Dark Troopers into battle as part of the Dark Trooper project. It was a way to run tests on the hardware without having to resort to a base that rebels could spy on. It could be moved at random helping keep Rebels from finding it.

But it like all ships needed resupply allowing Kataran to arrange himself a way there.

Posted: 2006-09-06 02:35pm
by Bladed_Crescent
Ah, okay. Thanks.

The More You Know.

Posted: 2006-09-06 02:56pm
by VT-16
Which one was this?
The one that never got made. :P

Before they decided to make his command ship for ESB big, they wanted it to be the same size as the ISDs, but faster.

Posted: 2006-09-12 10:51am
by Cykeisme
Isolder74 wrote:The Arc Hammer was a light cruiser that carried Dark Troopers into battle as part of the Dark Trooper project. It was a way to run tests on the hardware without having to resort to a base that rebels could spy on. It could be moved at random helping keep Rebels from finding it.

But it like all ships needed resupply allowing Kataran to arrange himself a way there.
All true, but the Arc Hammer didn't just carry Dark Troopers into battle. It has labs, factories, everything on it: research and development for Dark Trooper droids and exoskeletal suits was performed on it, as well as complete assembly lines for manufacturing those designs. That's probably the reason it needed so much resupply.

Apparently it made random jumps into deep interstellar space, and the only ship that would redezvous with it was the Executor. I guess the Empire figured that no one would be crazy enough to try infiltrating the Executor, what with Darth Vader and all. Kyle Katarn's badassery is supposed to be partly from his strength in the Force, though, so that might explain his success.