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Palpatinism - fascism in space?

Posted: 2006-10-04 02:33am
by Naja
Palpatinism does indeed show some of the hallmark traits of classical fascism: state worship of a totalitarian, militaristic bureaucracy; nationalism (High Human Culture); and a limited form of state corporatism.

But at the same time, I'm sort of uncertain about that last crucial criterion. The fascist state controls, in the words of the economist Robert Locke, "the right 1% of the economy." As in, it is not laissez faire in that the state - through its deliberate organization of corporate monopolies - influences the largest amount of capital. But it is certainly not socialistic, since property is still bourgeois.

That said, I am not sure if the Galactic Empire exercised fascist control over its economy. We hear about nationalization quite a bit, and novels as far back as Shadows of the Empire have shown that the New Order wasn't averse to being in bed with scum-fuck megacorporations (Black Sun). But I don't think I've ever run into any instances where we hear about state-organized, corporate monopolies.

Could it be that the New Order is simply authoritarian-Keynesian?

Posted: 2006-10-05 06:20am
by NecronLord
He's outright based on Hitler. Of course it is.

If you must know, just about every corparation we hear of is either controlled by imperial supporters, or nationalised - as the CIS was, after the war.

Posted: 2006-10-05 06:22am
by K. A. Pital
Exactly. The GE is certainly 100% Mussolini-style fascism, and if we take the EU, it's an outright Nazi state. The GE are the Nazi in space.

Posted: 2006-10-05 11:46pm
by Eframepilot
There is one difference between The Galactic Empire and a typical fascist state: Palpatine proclaimed himself Emperor and became a true monarch. Most fascist heads of state go by the title "Leader"; even Augustus Caesar went primarily by "Princeps" or "First Citizen" which amounts to the same thing.

I would have preferred if the reorganization into the First Galactic Empire and the creation of a monarchy had been proposed by some puppet Senator, as that is how it would usually be done.

Posted: 2006-10-06 08:35am
by NecronLord
Mm. But that'd remove Palpatine from being the heart of evil, and that wouldn't work too well in the film, I'd say.

As for the monarchy - it's also important to note that noble titles are commonly used by the elite of the GFFA, even in 'democatic' contexts. Prince Organa, Princess Leia, Queen of Naboo, Count Dooku, etcetera. I'd imagine there's very little negative preception of noble titles, so, why not be Emperor? :wink:

Posted: 2006-10-06 07:19pm
by Tychu
NecronLord wrote:Mm. But that'd remove Palpatine from being the heart of evil, and that wouldn't work too well in the film, I'd say.

As for the monarchy - it's also important to note that noble titles are commonly used by the elite of the GFFA, even in 'democatic' contexts. Prince Organa, Princess Leia, Queen of Naboo, Count Dooku, etcetera. I'd imagine there's very little negative preception of noble titles, so, why not be Emperor? :wink:
exactly right, whats in a name, would a rose not smell as sweet. For Star Wars even though Amidalla was voted in she still was the "Queen"
as for real life Saddam Hussein even though he was "voted" in by his people for like 30 years he considerd himself the President of Iraq even though he wasnt really voted but the standards of other Parlimentary or Bicameral Congress' governments