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How much can I sell these artifacts for?

Posted: 2006-10-07 12:39pm
by Shroom Man 777
My dad asked me and my mom to look for his mini-Uzi, and along the way (we haven't found it yet), we picked up a proverbial gold mine of shit from the dusty corners of our house! Jewsus!

I think I may have found something SW fanatics would pay their souls for!

Get this, its a 24 Page Read-Along Book and Record! It's got pictures, its got a summary of the story, and at the last page its got a 7 inch 33 1/3 RPM long playing read-along record! The back says its a word for word story narration, with dramatic character dialogue, authentic sound effects and musical backgrounds!

I've uncovered a shitload. Star Wars (not A New Hope!), Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi! Hell, I think there's also a Raiders of the Lost Ark and we've uncovered a few children's thinggies too!

Guys, if I sell this will I get enough money to retire before I even hit twenty? How much can I sell this for?

Oh man, I'm gonna be sooo rich!

Posted: 2006-10-07 02:06pm
by Deathstalker
Check Ebay. I don't think the read along books are that valuable, but they are worth a few dollars. I have the tape based set with all the movies and some extra stories.

Posted: 2006-10-07 02:28pm
by CaptainChewbacca
If they're mint, they might get about $40-$50 each (the read along books).

Posted: 2006-10-07 03:34pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Yeah, we have the Read-Along books for the trilogy and Raiders, (and Temple of Doom maybe) along with Gremlins, Star Trek TMP and TWoK.

I saw them in a collectable price guide while at my sister's place. They're not worth anything valuable, like $5-6 each.

They sold tons of them back in the day, so they're virtually worthless because everybody owned them.

Posted: 2006-10-07 03:56pm
by Death from the Sea
I think you should take them to the Antique's Roadshow and get them appraised....

or e-bay them.

Posted: 2006-10-08 09:55am
by Shroom Man 777

Oh well, if I can find a good player thinggy, at least I'll have some way of spending the time.

Posted: 2006-10-08 12:50pm
by LordShaithis
I had the audio-tape Read Along for Temple of Doom. I listened to it so many times that it's burned into my brain.

"You will know it is time to turn the page when you hear the bullwhip crack, like this..." *whip-crack* "Let's begin now." *cue Raiders March*

Hell yes.

Posted: 2006-10-08 02:41pm
by Aaron
Keep them as a novelty for when you have kids and they get old enough to ask what a record is.