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Randy Stradley Interview

Posted: 2006-10-18 10:05pm
by Lord Poe
Excellent interview here: ... radley.asp
I can’t think of any where I’d want a crossover. I’ll tell you what I would like, though: for every author to treat the SW galaxy as if it were actually as big as a galaxy.
Oh, yeah, and I’d make the Mandalorians extinct. One Boba Fett is very cool. Several thousand of them is not. Just saying.
Guess he's a Talifan!

Posted: 2006-10-18 10:51pm
by Ritterin Sophia
I like the clones, I can understand them learning something of Mandalorian culture from Kal Skirata and Walon Vau, I hate that Boba is being used as a main character leading the Mandalorians and making the clones number only in the couple millions. Boba Fett is a three time supporting villain, keep him that way!

Posted: 2006-10-18 11:01pm
by 000
Randy is, and always had been, the man.

Remember when he killed off a bunch of bucketheads-- twice-- over a fan's whining? :lol:

Posted: 2006-10-18 11:40pm
by Fingolfin_Noldor
A shinning example of an excellent author who writes good excellent work and stories that still entertain and not throw bullshit around.

Posted: 2006-10-19 12:11am
by Ender
000 wrote:Randy is, and always had been, the man.

Remember when he killed off a bunch of bucketheads-- twice-- over a fan's whining? :lol:

Posted: 2006-10-19 12:41am
by 000
Back during the height of the Clone Wars multimedia campaign, a poster on the boards was particularly vocal about his desire that Mandos be included in the Republic comic series, and to be given a good showing when they did appear.

Stradley got sick of the whining, and the end result was that the persistant fan got his way, although not in the manner he wanted. In Republic #65 Commander Bly was introduced. His first words? "The Mandalorians are in full retreat, General Secura."

Two issues later, a panel featured a good look at a bunch of dead Mandalorians lying around a Geonosian hive. No explanation was given at the time; later, in an interview, the artist said he was told to put them in by his editor to tweak a fan.

Posted: 2006-10-19 12:55am
by Stofsk
I like this Stradley fella.

Posted: 2006-10-19 01:07am
by Ritterin Sophia
Are these the Mandalorians that fought AGAINST the Republic, or Clones?

Posted: 2006-10-19 01:07am
by Old Plympto
000 wrote:Two issues later, a panel featured a good look at a bunch of dead Mandalorians lying around a Geonosian hive.
Awesome! I only read that issue a couple of days ago and was wondering why that Jedi Master was in the chamber in the hive with a bunch of dead Mandalorians. It might have been created just to tick off a fan, but that panel itself is a fantastic in-universe backstory that's worth a thousand words.

Posted: 2006-10-19 01:55am
by Jim Raynor
000 wrote:Back during the height of the Clone Wars multimedia campaign, a poster on the boards was particularly vocal about his desire that Mandos be included in the Republic comic series, and to be given a good showing when they did appear.

Stradley got sick of the whining, and the end result was that the persistant fan got his way, although not in the manner he wanted. In Republic #65 Commander Bly was introduced. His first words? "The Mandalorians are in full retreat, General Secura."

Two issues later, a panel featured a good look at a bunch of dead Mandalorians lying around a Geonosian hive. No explanation was given at the time; later, in an interview, the artist said he was told to put them in by his editor to tweak a fan.
Anything to counteract the rampant Mandalorian wanking is good in my book. :lol:

Posted: 2006-10-19 02:45am
by VT-16
I remember the Free Comic Book Day story he made this year, "Routine Valor". The entire story was simply about Commander Cody and a squad of clones taking out one AA cannon. One cannon, manned by three B-1 droids and he loses everyone in the squad during the action. So much for clone superiority. :P

Going through the interview, these parts win:
Randy Stradley wrote:The only way to avoid continuity pile-ups is to spread the story to other characters.


Our guiding philosophy is something that Mr. Lucas himself said (and I paraphrase), “It’s a big galaxy. Every story doesn’t have to involve the same characters going to the same places.”

Posted: 2006-10-19 09:50am
by Ryushikaze
I like this guy. He sees the same issues with the EU I've been having.

I also really like his free comic book day comic. Very good use of visuals, not a lot of dialogue, and decently realistic presentation of the dangers of being a soldier in any war.

Posted: 2006-10-19 11:47am
by FTeik
Randy Stradley - Paul Urquhart interviews Randy Stradley, Editor of the Star Wars line at Dark Horse Comics.
Published October 17, 2006.
Paul Urquhart? Wasn't that one of the aliases of Arkady Hodge?

Posted: 2006-10-19 12:16pm
by Vympel
Good to know someone knows what the fuck they're doing. His eye-rolling at Traviss' "Clones in love" storyline was priceless. His view of the Clones was the correct one.

Heck, noone seems to have gotten the message from RotS except him.

I also agree with him on this:
Not necessarily. I just think that stories which don’t fit the “facts”-- either because the facts have changed with the release of the Prequel Trilogy, or because they just never made much sense in relation to the reality portrayed in the films -- should be jettisoned. However, before the fanboys start jumping, let me quickly point out that what I want has nothing whatsoever with how LF deals with its continuity.

Posted: 2006-10-19 12:39pm
by 000
FTeik wrote:Paul Urquhart? Wasn't that one of the aliases of Arkady Hodge?
Paul Urquhart's TFN handle is Thrawn McEwok, yes.

Posted: 2006-10-19 12:45pm
by Mange
Randy Stradley wrote:Oh, yeah, and I’d make the Mandalorians extinct. One Boba Fett is very cool. Several thousand of them is not. Just saying.
I couldn't agree more. I've grown extremely tired of the Kli..., the Manda..., oh, I'm sorry, the Mando'ade and the attempts of creating a fullblown Mandalorian language. It's my impression that alien languages have been used for effect, character and distinction and not used in a way which requires you to leaf the pages to a dictionary. Furthermore, I don't see a need for a seperate Mandalorian language and I don't care much for the portrayal of the Mandalorians. If people likes it, power to them, but I sure don't.
Lord Poe wrote:Guess he's a Talifan!
:lol: Well, it's not easy to forget the last shitstorm...

Posted: 2006-10-19 12:49pm
by 000
I like the bucketheads as bad guys back in the Old Sith Wars era. These newfangled angsty Norsemen of the Traviss era are really damn annoying.

I'm also of the opinion that Star Wars should use real world languages as alien languages wherever possible. Makes things easier.

Posted: 2006-10-19 04:15pm
by Publius
Mange wrote:I couldn't agree more. I've grown extremely tired of the Kli..., the Manda..., oh, I'm sorry, the Mando'ade and the attempts of creating a fullblown Mandalorian language. It's my impression that alien languages have been used for effect, character and distinction and not used in a way which requires you to leaf the pages to a dictionary.
Speaking as a language professional, Mando'a is offensively stupid. It is not a language, merely a slapdash cipher without genuine structure or pattern. It is insulting to actual linguists.

Posted: 2006-10-20 10:06am
by Mange
Publius wrote:
Mange wrote:I couldn't agree more. I've grown extremely tired of the Kli..., the Manda..., oh, I'm sorry, the Mando'ade and the attempts of creating a fullblown Mandalorian language. It's my impression that alien languages have been used for effect, character and distinction and not used in a way which requires you to leaf the pages to a dictionary.
Speaking as a language professional, Mando'a is offensively stupid. It is not a language, merely a slapdash cipher without genuine structure or pattern. It is insulting to actual linguists.
I agree, it's more of a code than a language.