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Viscount stats unveiled; SSD mess resolved

Posted: 2006-10-19 02:28pm
by 000
The stats for the Viscount-class Star Defender have finally been released-- and she's 17 klicks in length!


Also, even more interesting:
The ship was colloquially known as a "Super Star Destroyer" because the Imperial Navy listed it as a "Super-class Star Destroyer" in budget requests to hide its true nature from the Imperial Senate. Even the ship's size was reported incorrectly to conceal its role from oversight committees. Although the official designation was changed by the time the Executor was operational, the phrase "Super Star Destroyer" stuck, and it was even applied to later vessels such as the Sovereign-class and Eclipse-class.

Re: Viscount stats unveiled; SSD mess explained

Posted: 2006-10-19 02:41pm
by Annatar Giftbringer
000 wrote:The stats for the Viscount-class Star Defender have finally been released-- and she's 17 klicks in length!


Also, even more interesting (regarding the Executor-class Star Dreadnaught):
The ship was colloquially known as a "Super Star Destroyer" because the Imperial Navy listed it as a "Super-class Star Destroyer" in budget requests to hide its true nature from the Imperial Senate. Even the ship's size was reported incorrectly to conceal its role from oversight committees. Although the official designation was changed by the time the Executor was operational, the phrase "Super Star Destroyer" stuck, and it was even applied to later vessels such as the Sovereign-class and Eclipse-class.
Ah well, I guess that's one way to explain the differances over the years... :)

Re: Viscount stats unveiled; SSD mess resolved

Posted: 2006-10-19 02:52pm
by Mange
000 wrote:
Also, even more interesting:
The ship was colloquially known as a "Super Star Destroyer" because the Imperial Navy listed it as a "Super-class Star Destroyer" in budget requests to hide its true nature from the Imperial Senate. Even the ship's size was reported incorrectly to conceal its role from oversight committees. Although the official designation was changed by the time the Executor was operational, the phrase "Super Star Destroyer" stuck, and it was even applied to later vessels such as the Sovereign-class and Eclipse-class.
That is what I would call a somewhat satisfying retcon (unlike a few other "retcons" which have seen the light of day, especially in the last year). However, they haven't done anything about the size of the crew or the armament (granted, the latter could be a game convention).

Posted: 2006-10-19 02:55pm
by VT-16
Hah, finally, the Super-class is no more, it was all disinformation. This will be a day long remembered.... on Wookiepedia.

Also, the Viscount? :shock: :shock:

Posted: 2006-10-19 03:16pm
by Master of Ossus
Thank you, Wizards of the Coast! And LucasFilm/Licensing/whoever else was even remotely involved in this.

Posted: 2006-10-19 03:23pm
by 000
Looks like Sterling Hershey is the fellow we have to thank most for this particular coup.

Good job, man!

Posted: 2006-10-19 03:25pm
by White Haven the most elegant solution they could possibly have pulled off. +2 Cool Points.

Posted: 2006-10-19 03:29pm
by Dark Primus
The 250 turbolaser figures are the old figures for the Executor, the current canon figures I have seen poststed says 5000 turbolaser weapons in overall strength, so I imagine the Viscount Star Defender would have similar numbers.

Posted: 2006-10-19 03:29pm
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Yay.. .finally a Star Dreadnaught for the Rebels...

The retcon is great. And now to shaft it down some of the WEG lovers...

Posted: 2006-10-19 03:30pm
by 000
I like how, in the end, it all boils down to Arhul needing to do his research better.

Even Voren would be ashamed.

Posted: 2006-10-19 03:33pm
by apocolypse
Master of Ossus wrote:Thank you, Wizards of the Coast! And LucasFilm/Licensing/whoever else was even remotely involved in this.
Indeed, and as mentioned earlier this is one of the better retcons I've seen in a while.

Posted: 2006-10-19 03:59pm
by Publius
000 wrote:I like how, in the end, it all boils down to Arhul needing to do his research better.

Even Voren would be ashamed.
This is not the only time their work has been lackluster. The Essential Chronology and The New Essential Chronology are filled with shoddy research, questionable glosses, and outright misrepresentations. They are not hisorians so much as they are spin-doctors; in the Imperial Sourcebook they outright admit to simply copying and pasting uncorroborated documents.

Posted: 2006-10-19 04:12pm
by VT-16
Very classy solution all-round. 8)

Viscount article updated, now over to the Super-class article. 8)

Posted: 2006-10-19 04:37pm
by Jim Raynor
Holy shit! :shock: Damn, it's not often that we get such cool official updates/retcons. "Star Defender" minimalism (remember how recently it was implied to be approximate in size to a Star Destroyer?) and the "Super-class" bullshit have been destroyed in one fell swoop.

Some of the stats are still off though. 144 TIEs on the Executor have been reconfirmed (after Saxton tried to make it more ambiguous by mentioning that the ship carried "wings" of fighters). 216 New Republic fighters (which take up a lot more space than TIEs) being able to fit on a smaller ship because of supposed engineering advances makes little sense. But oh well, this was an awesome update overall. One step at a time guys, one step at a time. :)

Posted: 2006-10-19 05:06pm
by VT-16
Yeah, the overall info is so good, let's not waste away the good-will. ;P

I've updated both the Viscount and Super articles now. Phew. :)

Posted: 2006-10-19 06:02pm
by Fingolfin_Noldor
VT-16 wrote:Yeah, the overall info is so good, let's not waste away the good-will. ;P

I've updated both the Viscount and Super articles now. Phew. :)
What articles?

Posted: 2006-10-19 06:38pm
by VT-16
On Wookieepedia. The Viscount-class Star Defender and Super-class Star Destroyer articles there have been updated now. :)

Posted: 2006-10-19 07:17pm
by Covenant
I never liked the SSD bloat, and had long since been confused as to why people said there were Star Dreadnaughts and Star Cruisers and whatnot when it seemed like 'Stardestroyer' was an imaginitive classification for all uberhuge mile long behemoths due to the 'Stardestroyer' and 'Super Stardestroyer' classifications. But this retcon completely satisfies me, and provides a lovely bit of insight into the Imperial approvals process. All in all, an excellent explination, and brings the idea of Star Cruisers/Dreadnaughts/Frigates and whatnot in line with the SSD classification.

Posted: 2006-10-19 07:42pm
by Ritterin Sophia
Perhaps this will lower the small amount of animalism I've seen against SWRPG players around here?

Posted: 2006-10-19 08:02pm
by Old Plympto
General Schatten wrote:Perhaps this will lower the small amount of animalism I've seen against SWRPG players around here?
I'm a SWRPG player and I prefer WEG's system to WOTC's system.

You're generalizing the "animalism" as you put it.

First there's the disagreement with the licensed creators who try to expand on and propagate mistakes made by WEG. This thread's a testament to how the licensees are finaly seeing the light and making amends.

Then, there's the general idiocy of the SWRPG players themselves who not just hang on to old WEG stats that says an Executor is 8,000m long or ignore the HTL batteries of Star Destroyers, or the fact that the Sith Infiltrator travelled quickly from Coruscant to Tatooine (almost half a galaxy) in less than a Tatooine day, but they are vocal about defending these erroneous facts and deride anyone who alter the stats to fit the movie evidence over the internet.

These guys, they're gonna probably be getting the brunt of the "animalism" around here as long as they keep up the idiocy and I'm not shedding any tears over them about that.

Posted: 2006-10-19 08:04pm
by Batman
General Schatten wrote:Perhaps this will lower the small amount of animalism I've seen against SWRPG players around here?
We behave like animals towards SWRPG players? :wtf:
I take it you mean 'animosity'.
And frankly I'm far less concerned with the Viscount having more fighters than the Executor than I am with the fact that a ship that can house 1000s of fighters without effort has that few.

Posted: 2006-10-19 08:48pm
by RedImperator

Posted: 2006-10-19 08:55pm
by Ritterin Sophia
Yes, I'm sorry, Animosity; I really need to lay off Vampire the Masquerade...

Posted: 2006-10-19 11:27pm
by Fingolfin_Noldor
McEwok's brain is suffering from Buffer Overflow :lol:

Posted: 2006-10-20 12:13am
by Connor MacLeod
Note that given the statements made in Vector Prime, the Mediator-class ships mentioned in the first novel (and showing up in some of the later references) are probably around 8.5 km long (half the Viscount's length/size.)