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Vote on Forces of Corruption's canon status!

Posted: 2006-10-21 05:27pm
by 000
Alright, it's just a little opinion poll, but it'd be good to get the word out. We don't want to stinkin' criminals fighting the Empire and mucking with the Eclipse! So go to and vote! Let your voice be heard! I don't know why I continue to use exclamation marks!

(Reposted from TF.N, since I'm lazy)

Posted: 2006-10-21 06:23pm
by VT-16
Do what now?

I personally don't have a problem with a third party, even if they'd never actually grow to threaten the entire galaxy like this game pretends. Tyber Zann and the Eclipse prototype already got mentions outside the game (in an article in Insider 89), so there's little else to say. In a way, I'm almost glad they branched out in the GCW era, it's about time we see more of the galaxy in one era, rather than snippets in several.

The only solid strange thing about this game that has irked me so far, is the appearance of a nigh-intact Death Star wreck. Now, we all know the DS blew up into many small pieces, but this game has a storyline level over Yavin with DS wreckage and parts of the sphere appear to have formed back together again. Looks creepy and spooky and all, but is that even possible? Is the DS's mass big enough to pull itself partially together again?

Posted: 2006-10-21 08:35pm
by Ritterin Sophia
I didn't know about the DS wreckage, one would think the Empire wouldconfiscate it and recycle what materials they could.

Posted: 2006-10-21 08:50pm
by Darth Fanboy
I just chalk up the Criminal side of that game to game mechanics and not worry about it. Unless some idiot (Karen Traviss, KJA, Michael Stackpole...etc...) tries to retcon it into something more precious to me later.

[supershadow]Besides, it's not like Lucas will be adding in Tyber Zann's fleet into Episodes 7-9 ;-).[/supershadow]


To clarify the OP, there is a poll going on at the main page of asking fans how much of "Forces of Corruption" should be included in the canon. 58% of people have voted to include as much of it as possible in the poll, which means 58% of respondents are the same knob gobbling whores that will latch onto any crumb of EU they can get.

Posted: 2006-10-21 09:08pm
by Ghost Rider
I'm with the thought of "Does it matter?". It's new material and the only canon I really care about wondering is the TV show...though I doubt even that will supercede the movie.

And as for DS reforming or collecting it's parts....remember where it blew up and you'll see why that's likely impossible.

Posted: 2006-10-21 10:17pm
by evangelion1
maybe the armour and everything blew away and left the frame almost intact?

Posted: 2006-10-21 10:25pm
by Ghost Rider
evangelion1 wrote:maybe the armour and everything blew away and left the frame almost intact?
You cannot be this stupid.

Posted: 2006-10-21 11:20pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
evangelion1 wrote:maybe the armour and everything blew away and left the frame almost intact?
Oh boy, dartboards. Who else likes dartboards?

I love dartboards because then I can see people brainstorm incredibly retarded crap like this...

Posted: 2006-10-21 11:24pm
by Havok
evangelion1 wrote:maybe the armour and everything blew away and left the frame almost intact?
Uh... maybe they are just kidding? :roll:

Posted: 2006-10-22 07:08pm
by nightmare
The expansion pack isn't even released yet. Way to early to decide anything about it. Besides, strat games like Rebellion and EAW rewrites galactic history if you want it. The normal way to handle games is that you take the things that match up/are uncontradicted by higher sources and disgard the rest. In Rebellion's case, the new ship types survive, but little else.

Posted: 2006-10-22 09:41pm
by RedImperator
evangelion1 wrote:maybe the armour and everything blew away and left the frame almost intact?
Did you watch the same movie I did? The Death Star got blown totally apart, and Yavin's gravity would prevent it from reforming. At best, it's been reduced to a ring of metal debris around the gas giant in Yavin IV's orbit. And since to my knowledge stories set on Yavin IV after ANH don't have bits and pieces of the DS raining down on the moon like meteors, most of the wreckage probably spiraled down into the gas giant's atmosphere.

Posted: 2006-10-23 12:16am
by 000
Yep, Yavin gobbled up what remained of Death Star (I, Jedi), while what little was left was salvaged by the Empire (Marvel Star Wars, tentatively) or landed on Yavin IV (I, Jedi).

Anyway, to clarify my slightly uninformative original post, Forces of Corruption is probably the worst game continuity-wise since... well, Empire at War. Were it treated like Rebellion as some have suggested it wouldn't be much of a problem, but the issue here is that the storyline of the campaign will be treated like any other canonical source. Which is insane, since it involves a crime lord no one's heard of squaring off against both the Rebel Alliance and the Empire, possessing all sorts of exotic nonsensical technologies, and trying to snatch Eclipse or a predecessor away from the Empire. I can tell you without playing the game that the story is ludicrous. Even the units are insane-- I played the demo, and the criminals have these absurd tanks that take down AT-ATs like nothing. Plus, ManDal Motors, a company nationalized by the Empire, is pumping out capships for this Zann character capable of going man-a-mano with ISDs.

So bleh, I say, to the Infinities bin with this mess. It's rarity that we get a chance to vote on such a thing, even in a setting like this where the results likely won't matter, so I figured I'd pass along the word in case others felt the way I do.

Posted: 2006-10-23 12:29am
by Jim Raynor
I voted for "Only things like the units and characters should be considered part of continuity." Without the stupid wanky parts of the game (like trying to jack a fucking Eclipse), Tyber Zann could be a decent new character. I also support more capital ships and military units in SW, for greater diversity.

"The basic storyline, but without a lot of the gameplay elements, should be included" is unacceptable, because it includes the aforementioned Eclipse plot.

Unfortunately, the majority of people have voted for "As much of it as possible should be included," which means that they want the storyline AND the gameplay elements to be canon. It is sad that a lot of fans out there will lap up any shit they're served, as long as it has the SW brand name on it. Looks like Zann and his Eclipse are staying.

At least we know the gameplay elements won't be canon anyway. We already have confirmation that game mechanics aren't canon, and it's not like LFL will be changing its policies because of one little poll.

Posted: 2006-10-23 12:44am
by 000
Yeah, I definitely don't mind all the new units. Diversity is a good thing. The storyline, though, is stupid. Where the hell is Zann getting all the personnel, for one thing?

I just hope they don't get butchered in the databank like the units from the original game did.

Posted: 2006-10-23 03:41am
by VT-16
is pumping out capships
Actually, they solved that with the company being Mandal Hypernautics. Probably some scam name to keep circumventing Imperial regulations.
like trying to jack a fucking Eclipse
Empire's End sadly set a standard.

I do see some sense in the Zann Consortium. There's been plenty of vague references in both the movies and the EU to people and organizations who've conducted shady business or built up private armies (Bespin's clients in ESB, Kamino's clients in AOTC etc.) yet haven't been focused on until now. And the business of giving "protection" to systems that have no interest in getting involved in the GCW, isn't too farfetched.

They specified that his forces are expensive, and therefore more rare than either Imperial or Rebel material, so gameplay aside, you would "realistically" not see them too much on a galactic scale.

Posted: 2006-10-23 08:49am
by Vympel
I voted for units and such only. I can't believe the majority of idiots want "as much as possible"- as if the continuity wasn't cluttered enough already without this crap.

Posted: 2006-10-23 11:58am
by nightmare
Well, the only problem with "as much as possible" lies in the given interpretation... not much is possible in my opinion.

The good news is that Lucasarts has made continuity a higher priority than before. Hiring Leland Chee was one of the first steps, but it doesn't end there it seems. Might even consider that we get a say in the matter positive. Too bad that democracy has its limitations...

Posted: 2006-10-23 12:13pm
by K. A. Pital
This game should bite the dust. The EU continuity is so crapped already, why add even more nonsense? The whole Tyber Zann Eclipsewank and the DS remains are outrageous, blight upon common sense and also really, really fucking up the existing continuity line... especially that Death Star crap, that's just against supreme canon, I mean the movies... WTF...

Posted: 2006-10-23 12:27pm
by Mange
Stas Bush wrote:This game should bite the dust. The EU continuity is so crapped already, why add even more nonsense? The whole Tyber Zann Eclipsewank and the DS remains are outrageous, blight upon common sense and also really, really fucking up the existing continuity line... especially that Death Star crap, that's just against supreme canon, I mean the movies... WTF...
Yes, I think that they're trying too hard to include everything in the canon.

Posted: 2006-10-23 01:57pm
by K. A. Pital
I think that they're trying too hard to include everything in the canon
I was kind of glad when this whole revision mess started (make the Ex 19km, denounce WEG, etc)... but then somehow they decided that including stupid and very stupid stuff is fine. And writing stories for the whole sake of sating an ego of someone who messed the continuity up (Traviss) was the last drop in this bucket. Or I thought so. Forces of Corruption is just another bitter end.

Posted: 2006-10-24 01:42am
by Connor MacLeod
On the plus side, maybe this means there is more than one Eclipse-class (It was IIRC baiscally a one of a kind flagship before.) This may mean that its more "common" like the Executor is or represents a distinct class line.

(gotta find some way to look at it positively, I suppose.)

Posted: 2006-10-24 01:54am
by VT-16
Actually, there were two before, getting progressively dumber endings.

Eclipse (Dark Empire) - Swallowed by Force-enduced wormhole.

Eclipse II (Empire's End) - h4X0r'd by R2-D2, crashed into Galaxy Gun upon exit from Hyperspace.

The Eclipse prototype (EAW:FOC) - Who knows. Maybe Zann takes it to the Planet of 1000 Orbital Mirrors and....


Posted: 2006-10-25 05:48pm
by Thanas
I am of the opinion that this utter waste of a story should be flushed. There are so many ways to play a cool crime lord, but going after the ubership is not one of them. It just steals the coolness of the character (if he had any to start with), because stealing the Emperor's playthings will get you noticed. And if you get noticed, you're going to get hunted down. Which does bad things for the crime business.

Actually, it just shows how utterly retarded that Zann character is. "The Galaxy will fear me"....really? Most likely the Imps would die laughing as

a) Crimelord tries to override Imp codes (including the secret Emperor codes hardwired into any Imp computer)
b) Crimelord tries to escape with huge ship
c) Crimelord tries to man that huge ship, because, its not like people need to be trained to operate such hardware
d) Crimelord tries to supply that ship without getting noticed. Remember what happpened to Admiral Harkov, who couldn't even supply one VSD without major Rebel assistance? And even then the Imps noticed it.
e) Said Crimelord tries to become the ultimate power or tries to strongarm planets? Ridicoulus. Nice way to inform the Imp Navy where their ship went. Nevermind the fact that core worlds defences > Eclipse. That ship is not a torpedo sphere.
f) Crimelord tries to build a secret fleet which is strong enough to threaten the Imp Navy....seriously, my head hurts.

Posted: 2006-10-27 11:27am
by Pelranius
I have the feeling that Zann is going to end up like Zaarin.

Zann: Fire the superlaser at the Executor!

*Eclipse bridge starts to depressurize*

Zann: Oh kriff!

Afterall, we do know that Lucasarts will NEVER recycle a game storyline or plot device.

Posted: 2006-10-27 11:47am
by VT-16
I've seen some pictures of the end-scenes following the story campaign.


Apparently, the Dathomir Witch Silri (one of Zann's henchmen) uses the Sith Artifact (holocron) Zann stole from Jabba years before. It summons what appears to be a Star Map. She then travels to a specific world, and encounters what I guess is Darth Revan's final resting place, complete with thousands of Sith Troopers frozen in carbonite Terracotta Army style.

At least that's what the pictures show. Have no idea of the larger context.
