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Kill a Sith lord
Posted: 2006-10-26 11:58am
by Sarevok
You are a top mercenary in the SW galaxy. You have access to the best equipment available, except for ysalmari. There is a bounty on a Sith lord in hiding and you find your self in the same area as him. However you do not have any ships or vehicles or allies with you. If you delay to gather allies or ships he will flee. Using only what you can carry yourself can you take down a Sith lord ? Note the Sith lord is around Dooku's level of power.
Posted: 2006-10-26 12:39pm
by Shroom Man 777
I'd blow him up with a modified proton torpedo set to omnidirectional explosion. What's the yield of a prototorp? Megatons? Gigatons? I'm sure it'd level an entire area. I'd just launch it from very far away, have the warhead home in on a beacon I've placed on the spot the Sith Lord would be, and poof.
Posted: 2006-10-26 12:48pm
by Molyneux
My immediate thought is "Nuke."
Posted: 2006-10-26 01:07pm
by Shroom Man 777
Wait. We could also try killing the guy in his sleep. With a nuke.
Posted: 2006-10-26 01:09pm
by Darth Wong
Bounty hunters do not enjoy immunity from the law. They are supposed to operate discreetly, so if you lob a WMD into a city in order to kill this Sith Lord, you will be hunted down like a dog. You certainly won't get your bounty, because you'd be arrested and executed the instant you showed up to collect it.
Posted: 2006-10-26 02:38pm
by Lancer
Some concealed, limited-radius thermal detonators set to detonate via remote control, placed in a somewhat isolated area that the Sith-in-hiding frequently passes through (perhaps the corridor to his apartment, along with some concealed holdout blasters set to be triggered by the detonation of the thermal detonators.
Posted: 2006-10-26 02:40pm
by Ryushikaze
Sleeping Jedi +Deadly gasses would be your safest best bet, methinks.
Granted, it relies on him not waking up in time, but an agry, half awake sith is still preferable to an awake, angry sith.
Posted: 2006-10-26 03:38pm
by Havok
Are there single man operated proton torpedo launchers in the SW uni?
Posted: 2006-10-26 03:50pm
by Ryushikaze
Yes, though their canon status is laughable, at best, coming as they do from the RPG.
Posted: 2006-10-26 04:30pm
by Darth Yoshi
Jedi Outcast does have rocket launchers, but there's the question of whether or not weapons introduced fall under game mechanics.
Posted: 2006-10-26 05:24pm
by Vehrec
Gas, and lots of it. Or, lure him into a trap, and set off shaped charges that turn him into pulp. Or use forcefields to pin him down, and then gas and use the shaped charges.
Posted: 2006-10-26 05:30pm
by Fingolfin_Noldor
There are unfortunately techniques to deal with poison gas, as KOTOR II showed. An old technique to be sure.
But well, if the fella has a fair degree of prescience... it will be hard to catch up unawares.
Posted: 2006-10-26 05:40pm
by Molyneux
Darth Wong wrote:Bounty hunters do not enjoy immunity from the law. They are supposed to operate discreetly, so if you lob a WMD into a city in order to kill this Sith Lord, you will be hunted down like a dog. You certainly won't get your bounty, because you'd be arrested and executed the instant you showed up to collect it.
The OP says 'mercenary'...and if he's in hiding the same way Yoda was, nobody's going to care if I leave him a nuclear surprise. If he's hiding in a city, obviously that's not an option; in that case I'd go for remote-sniping the bastard, with several droid setups spaced randomly around where he's going to be, each setup rigged with a fairly powerful explosive just in case.
Posted: 2006-10-26 06:31pm
by Noble Ire
Molyneux wrote:There are unfortunately techniques to deal with poison gas, as KOTOR II showed. An old technique to be sure.
And, of course, TPM.
This question really depends upon the power of the Sith lord in question. If it's your standard, Sith Empire-esque commander, then it shouldn't be particularly hard to kill him, assuming he has limited fore-knowledge of your intent and you don't get very close; a multi-shot sniper rifle, explosives, and automated blaster drones used in tandem would likely be enough to kill him. Attacking while he's asleep would be the best option, as his reaction time might be effected (if his short-term precognition worked at all), or barring that, out in the open with little cover as to prevent him from escaping. Poisons and traps alone wouldn't work, for reasons previously mentioned, but it shouldn't be too difficult to bring him in if one is appropriately equipped.
However, if the Sith lord is indeed a powerful one (around Dooku's level, as the OP dictates) then a kill would be far more difficult. The principles of distance and remote attacks stay true, but actually suprising and disposing of him without either undue collateral damage or more than just one merc is far from a sure bet. His precognition might very well be able to pick up on virtually any trap and even the most distant sniper (Force senses work in space combat, after all), and his speed and detection ability would likely mean that one would only get one chance to attack before having to flee for their life. The previously strategy might still work, but if you really want to ensure that the Sith doesn't come out alive, I'd strap on a few thermal detonators and a dead-man's switch; Sith generally kill at close range.
Posted: 2006-10-26 07:37pm
by Civil War Man
Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:There are unfortunately techniques to deal with poison gas, as KOTOR II showed. An old technique to be sure.
But well, if the fella has a fair degree of prescience... it will be hard to catch up unawares.
The trick would be not to use inhalation-dependent poison gas. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan beat gas by holding their breath, and the Exile by creating a pocket of fresh air, but hopefully that won't work against contact nerve gas.
For me, I follow the HK-47 guide to killing Jedi. Rule Number 1: No blasters. Rule Number 2:
Posted: 2006-10-26 07:38pm
by Knife
Per RotS, all you need is roughly 30 competent infantry men to surround tha bastard and overwhelm him with blaster fire.
Posted: 2006-10-26 08:04pm
by Noble Ire
Knife wrote:Per RotS, all you need is roughly 30 competent infantry men to surround tha bastard and overwhelm him with blaster fire.
Note the stipulations of the OP; the mercenary in question has no allies. Just as a lack of a ship (and common sense) precludes orbital bombardment, this singularity precludes a massed assault (excepting one involving automated weapon emplacements, which are far less reliable).
Posted: 2006-10-26 08:39pm
by Knife
Noble Ire wrote:Knife wrote:Per RotS, all you need is roughly 30 competent infantry men to surround tha bastard and overwhelm him with blaster fire.
Note the stipulations of the OP; the mercenary in question has no allies. Just as a lack of a ship (and common sense) precludes orbital bombardment, this singularity precludes a massed assault (excepting one involving automated weapon emplacements, which are far less reliable).
I'm not sure, though, if that precludes subcontractors if you can find them on planet.
Posted: 2006-10-26 08:45pm
by Cos Dashit
Everyone is mentioning killing him in his sleep; a Sith around Dooku's level would most certainly sense the danger and awake wiith his lightsaber flashing.
And how would his room be entered? Through the window? If a Force-user of that power couldn't sense that, even in sleep, for shame.
Re: Kill a Sith lord
Posted: 2006-10-26 08:46pm
by Cos Dashit
Sarevok wrote:You are a top mercenary in the SW galaxy. You have access to the best equipment available, except for ysalmari. There is a bounty on a Sith lord in hiding and you find your self in the same area as him. However you do not have any ships or vehicles or allies with you. If you delay to gather allies or ships he will flee. Using only what you can carry yourself can you take down a Sith lord ? Note the Sith lord is around Dooku's level of power.
Does the kill need to be quiet, or can there be many big bangs?
Posted: 2006-10-26 09:52pm
by Ziggy Stardust
Palpatine was able to kill his master in his sleep, but that likely involved the use of Force-enhanced stealth of some sort, so it's probably not an option for a mercenary.
Have there been any other instances of Force users being caught sleeping? I can't think of anything off-hand.
Posted: 2006-10-26 11:30pm
by Patrick Degan
If the Sith lord in question tends to leave his ship unguarded, I'd rig a simple explosive with a contact-fuse somewhere around one of the landing struts; the charge itself placed to blow the engine. No electronics, no mechanism complicated enough to fail before triggering. Nothing that he might sense beforehand. Catch him completely unawares.
Posted: 2006-10-26 11:54pm
by Havok
Knife wrote:Noble Ire wrote:Knife wrote:Per RotS, all you need is roughly 30 competent infantry men to surround tha bastard and overwhelm him with blaster fire.
Note the stipulations of the OP; the mercenary in question has no allies. Just as a lack of a ship (and common sense) precludes orbital bombardment, this singularity precludes a massed assault (excepting one involving automated weapon emplacements, which are far less reliable).
I'm not sure, though, if that precludes subcontractors if you can find them on planet.
The OP says if you take the time to gather allies the Sith Lord will flee. Seems like that would also eliminate the time needed to set up automatic weapons emplacements. Also I doubt mercanries routinely carry around those handy devices or WMDs, for that matter
Seems like you better be good at hiding your feelings and emotions and hope this particular SL isn't to swift with the precog.
Posted: 2006-10-26 11:57pm
by Havok
Cos Dashit wrote:Everyone is mentioning killing him in his sleep; a Sith around Dooku's level would most certainly sense the danger and awake wiith his lightsaber flashing.
And how would his room be entered? Through the window? If a Force-user of that power couldn't sense that, even in sleep, for shame.
Dooku himself probably doesn't sleep. something I would believe he picked up from Sidious. But, if Plageius slept I would imagine that other SLs also sleep.
Posted: 2006-10-27 02:11am
by Winston Blake
One idea would be to track his movements, then set up a missile launcher that can home in within a few seconds and cover the area he's in with FAE bomblets. An FAE blastwave is very hard to hide from, since you can't just take cover like with shrapnel. He'll probably only have a few seconds of precog anticipation, by which time he's toast (or at least wounded enough to be finished off).
Sending a second missile to flood the area with nerve gas is optional, as is negotiating with the contractor least likely to care about civilian casualties.