Solauren wrote:Even with a magic vulnerability, Superman is still going to dictate how this goes.
Why? We haven't seen any offensive magic from the White Walkers in GOT/SOIAF yet.
Yeah, the White Walkers are obviously magic. As are their reanimated corpse soldiers. But that's it. They can make dead people stand back up and work for them, and can turn babies via touch.
Superman can just stay at range and vaporize the entire White Walker army.
We've seen offensive magic from the Children of the Forest, but I doubt they'll be wiping fireballs at the guy dealing with the White Walker problem....
What about Melisandra?
Now, for the others:
Lois Lane at Winterfell: Assuming they believe her story, I can see the Starks taking her in, and Catelyn refusing to let her near Sansa and Arya. "Bad influence" and all that. However, if she ends up helping with the Stark kids, Bran might not climb the tower and get tossed off.
Unless she goes to King's Landing with Ned Stark, and takes up the investigation for him, I can't see her making a lick of difference in the overall timeline.
That sounds about right.
Probably better for her if she doesn't get too involved in the investigation, at least until she reconnects with the others. She's competent, but she has a bit of a tendency to get in over her head (see her first scene in
Batman v Superman), and she's in an unfamiliar world that isn't particularly female-friendly to boot.
Wonder Woman with the Dothraki: Bit of a Wild Card here. IF she ends up working with the Dothraki, when Danny comes to Westros, she's got a nice bit of punch added to her armies. Not that she needs it... If she doesn't, then in the end, unless she kills Danny or the dragons, I can't see much of a difference.
I wonder if she might just largely sit things out. She seemed to be pretty much retired in Batman v Superman, and it took an apocalyptic threat (Doomsday) to get her back in action.
On the other hand, I dare say she'll have the easiest time fitting into a pre-industrial society, given her origins.
Batman + Alfred in King's Landing:
Oh god, this is funny.
First, Alfred is an old man in a city full of filth and disease, and will likely get sick very quickly.
I suppose that's a valid concern, although Batman and Alfred will at least have knowledge of modern hygiene that I doubt the locals possess.
So, w'ere left with a 40+ year old man, dressing up as a Bat, in a middle ages kingdom, without resources or knowledge of the city. He's going to run out of gadet's pretty quickly, and need to actually work. He has no marketable skills besides beating people up.
Well, ability to beat people up is always in high demand.

Although while Affleck Batman is willing to kill, I very much doubt that he would do so for money, which severely limits his utility as hired muscle.
However, recall that Batman has no real compunctions about breaking the law to further his crusade against crime, ironically enough. I wouldn't put it past him to simply rob for a living for a while if he had to. Particularly the Affleck Batman, who's ruthless streak goes beyond that of a number of other incarnations and who acknowledges to Alfred that they're criminals in the film.
I would not be surprised if Vaerys figures out who he is, and sends a bunch of gold cloaks to deal with this obvious mad-man.
I know Vaerys is supposed to be good at his job, but this
is Batman we're talking about. He's not exactly new at covering his tracks. And for that matter, since he has no Bruce Wayne public persona to maintain here, I wonder if he might just take on the mantel of the Bat full time, relying on a trusted proxy like Alfred to handle any public business he might have.
Also, up until Batman starts interfering in politics, why would Vaerys care? I may be wrong, but I'd think some guy beating up crooks in back alleys isn't really his top concern. If anything, it might be seen as beneficial by some authorities, if it keeps the criminal element in line.
I mean, if Batman starts unmasking the Lannisters' plots or something, sure. Then he's a political problem. But up until that point, is the Bat likely to be a big concern for Vaerys?
Batman is not going to make a lick of difference to Westros beyond beating people up in King's Landing.
Depends on a lot of factors, I think. But yes, this scenario, in which he is benefit of his Wayne assets and most of his tech., doesn't really play to his strengths.
Realistically, for Batman to make any difference, he's got to take over Littlefinger's business empire to he has money and access to information. (Mind you, do that, and convert his tech to middle ages level stuff, and we've got something to work with. Not much, but still, enough he could be a point of concern in King's Landing).
What are Littlefinger's assets? I know he deals in prostitution, but I have a hard time seeing Batman running brothels.
From the Xanatos in Game of Thrones thread, I gather that the best place for a businessman of no noble family to set up is probably Braavos. I could see the Bat relocating (or sending an emissary, Alfred or otherwise, to act on his behalf), using crime to acquire the beginnings of a fortune, and then trying to rebuild the Wayne business empire to fund his activities.
But really, I think the Bat's first priority is going to be to try to figure out how he got to another reality and weather he can get home. His loyalty is to Gotham, that's where his mission is. He'll probably step in to save innocents if he happens to encounter a threat, but I expect he'll spend a lot of time acquiring resources and then using them to research magic to see if he can figure out how the hell he got to Westeros and how to go back to his reality. Even if it turns out to be a dead end.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver
"The greatest enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan."-General Von Clauswitz, describing my opinion of Bernie or Busters and third partiers in a nutshell.