Thanos' Snap - Plants and Animals?

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Thanos' Snap - Plants and Animals?

Post by Crazedwraith »

So in Infinity War do people thing Thanos' Snap affects plants and animals, or only sapient life? (Because I got into an argument elsewhere and want validation, lol)

My theory has always been only sapient life because that's the only way Thanos' plan can make half-way sense. If he deletes half of people's food crop and animals at the same time as he deletes them, then their resources have not increased so his own professed logic for his plan goes away.

Plus we don't see any plant life snapped even though a big chunk of the snapping scene takes place in a forest, in fact I'm not aware of any plants or animals snapping or unsnapping in any of the depictions of the event.

On the counter side. People say Thanos will kill 'all life' so of course literal all life is meant. And there's birds seen when Ant-Man says the unsnap works. You can hear birds go at the start of Endgame apparently. And the directors apparently have said plant life went. (I can't confirm the last two)

Now my final thoughts are, if you didn't include it in the movie you can't say it 'really happened', they didn't show it, and it doesn't really make sense. Whereas to me Thanos snapping half of sapient life makes sense, it least in the context of his madness.

P.S. Yes Groot got snapped, he's sentient, I mean apart from him.
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Re: Thanos' Snap - Plants and Animals?

Post by GuppyShark »

Endgame birds are heard, not scene. There is a backdrop track of quiet bird calls, then when the snap happens it changes to wind and distant thunder.

There is what appears to be a flock of birds in the distance seen after, but they're just dots going down into trees, it's the entire flock making this move so unlikely to be snap dust. More likely they are sheltering from the incoming weather change.

Anyway, I think he had to at least snap the livestock, if not wild animals. Having double the meat/dairy animals available to the population out of nowhere would result in massive oversupply and wastage, not exactly the careful use of resources Thanos claimed to want.
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Re: Thanos' Snap - Plants and Animals?

Post by Crazedwraith »

GuppyShark wrote: 2021-04-29 12:53pm Endgame birds are heard, not scene. There is a backdrop track of quiet bird calls, then when the snap happens it changes to wind and distant thunder.

There is what appears to be a flock of birds in the distance seen after, but they're just dots going down into trees, it's the entire flock making this move so unlikely to be snap dust. More likely they are sheltering from the incoming weather change.
Hmm, I rewatched Hawkeye's opening scene, have to turn the volume up really high to hear any bird song. I didn't seem any brids but I can see some dust post snap, but I'm nit sure if that's birds or the floating remains of his daughter though.
Anyway, I think he had to at least snap the livestock, if not wild animals. Having double the meat/dairy animals available to the population out of nowhere would result in massive oversupply and wastage, not exactly the careful use of resources Thanos claimed to want.
But the remaining people would definitely have enough to survive, which I think was his chief aim. Like I said if you're at starvation level and you take half the people and half the food, not much good is down.

The problem is that Thanos' plan is crazy, so the exact level of crazy that seems plausible to people varies. I can see Thanos thinking half the population is good, but not halfing the resources as well.
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