The Justice League vs the X Men

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Sam Or I
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Post by Sam Or I »

Here is the Best chance the X-men have (of this current roster):

The X Men NEED to strike first simutanously:

Professor X attempts to confuse them long enough
Storm blacks out the sky, and covers the field in fog, and hit wonder woman with lightning multiple times. (3 lightning bolts have stopped her before). Take the chance with Cyclops, and hit Supes with everything he has (Hopefully his red solar ray will at least slow him down with no sunlight). Then professor X would have to put the flash in a coma. Rogue would some how have to touch the Martian Manhunter. Let Wolverine try to take Batman in the fog with his heighten senses. (Most evenly matched fight here) And Collossus would try and slowdown the Green Latern Long enough for the rest of the team to finish.

I doubt it would work, but it is the Best chance I see.
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Post by Dizzy D »

Ghost Rider wrote:
NeoGoomba wrote:Something just occured to me, although I don't know how accurate it is. But doesn't Rogue currently posess all the powers of anyone she ever absorbed at the same time? If so, she'd be quite the powerhouse, and may even equal Wonder Woman.

But again, I'm not sure how accurate that is, and I can't be arsed to look it up myself, so hopefully someone in the know can correct me if I'm wrong :P
Nope...she only has temp powers...and at point was overloaded with their memories.
No, her powers did mutate during her time on X-treme and she started to display the powers of everyone she ever absorbed (she had to wear glasses against her optic blasts and she displayed Wolverine's bone claws), but she burned out those powers and is on leave for the moment (Apparantly lost all her powers, but since she's coming back within a couple of months, she will probably return to the status quo)
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Post by Dizzy D »

Sam Or I wrote:Can Cyclops take out superman with a single blast? We know red sun light weakens him (Didn't Lex try to creat something like that at one point), what about a concentrate blast from Cyclops? Or if it makes him more powerful, hhave Rogue absorb the powers, and cyc, blast her.
His optic blast *might* hurt Superman if he channels other persons (he channeled the Phoenix-force once in an optic blast to attack Darkseid in Teen Titans/X-men, his son Nathan to destroy Apocalypse and the complete population of a planet to destroy the hand of a Celestial) but he is NOT going to hit an object that is flying around at close to lightspeed.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Eh...which is why I left it out(I remember Claremont doing something, but only use it in cases of actually discussing history...this would be basically saying Superman would revert to Electric Red/Blue in the middle of battle)

And while Sam or I you're trying the reason how the X-Men could win...I even pointed out the intial what they might be able to do, is that your scenario regards the JLA as basically standing there, and honestly that would be as bad as if someone brought up the X-Men just standing there.

Literally the X-men don't have enough power...and Rogue being their strongest with Xavier but neither capable of really doing much beyond taking one or two members down...doesn't help that 4 of them are of near equal power and each of these four could probably take down this squad of X-Men(Being Superman, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, or WW...Flash could concievably do it...but it's a bit harder, and Bats, well not in an open field.)

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Post by SirNitram »

It was a mismatch from the start. If it were, I dunno, Apocalypse and Onslaught and Phoenix it wouldn't be as bad, but.
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Post by Dizzy D »

SirNitram wrote:It was a mismatch from the start. If it were, I dunno, Apocalypse and Onslaught and Phoenix it wouldn't be as bad, but.
Indeed there's a reason that the classic crossover was X-men/Teen Titans and not X-men/JLA. JLA/Avengers should be more interesting. Can't wait for that one.
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Post by Sam Or I »

[quote="Ghost Rider"]Eh...which is why I left it out(I remember Claremont doing something, but only use it in cases of actually discussing history...this would be basically saying Superman would revert to Electric Red/Blue in the middle of battle)

And while Sam or I you're trying the reason how the X-Men could win...I even pointed out the intial what they might be able to do, is that your scenario regards the JLA as basically standing there, and honestly that would be as bad as if someone brought up the X-Men just standing there.

Literally the X-men don't have enough power...and Rogue being their strongest with Xavier but neither capable of really doing much beyond taking one or two members down...doesn't help that 4 of them are of near equal power and each of these four could probably take down this squad of X-Men(Being Superman, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, or WW...Flash could concievably do it...but it's a bit harder, and Bats, well not in an open field.)[/quote]

I know, I am stretching, but hey, that seemed to be the point of the original Post. What era of JLA are we talking, maybe pit wolvie against the Green Latern in his yellow uniform LOL? I know they don't stand a chance, but if I was them, that is the strategy I would use.
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Post by lance »

The versions of the JLA is important. The X-men have a chance if it is the cartoon version, and maybe the lowest comic versions.
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Post by Stravo »

Speaking to the Avengers/JLA crossoiver mentioned earlier, I would LOVE to see an all out brawl between Thor and Superman. Any thoughts on whether Mjolinir's magical properties would make the hammer more effective against Superman?
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Post by NeoGoomba »

Stravo wrote:Speaking to the Avengers/JLA crossoiver mentioned earlier, I would LOVE to see an all out brawl between Thor and Superman. Any thoughts on whether Mjolinir's magical properties would make the hammer more effective against Superman?
Superman isn't especially weak against magic, its just that he's AS weak against magic as almost all non-magical based heroes/villains. It should work the same against Superman as it would against Iron Man.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

NeoGoomba wrote:
Stravo wrote:Speaking to the Avengers/JLA crossoiver mentioned earlier, I would LOVE to see an all out brawl between Thor and Superman. Any thoughts on whether Mjolinir's magical properties would make the hammer more effective against Superman?
Superman isn't especially weak against magic, its just that he's AS weak against magic as almost all non-magical based heroes/villains. It should work the same against Superman as it would against Iron Man.
If they kept to that...seriously

There are two schools of thought of Superman vs magic.

What you said and The "Superman and Magic is about as bad Kryptonite" (literally he goes all sorts of weak and can't do jack against *magical* Iron chains...even though MM or WW can break them.)

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Post by NeoGoomba »

Ghost Rider wrote:If they kept to that...seriously

There are two schools of thought of Superman vs magic.

What you said and The "Superman and Magic is about as bad Kryptonite" (literally he goes all sorts of weak and can't do jack against *magical* Iron chains...even though MM or WW can break them.)
That sounds like Marvel writing to me :P
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Post by Skelron »

From the rumours I've heard on JLA/Avengers the big Thor moment with a JLA character is not going to be Sup's which has been done... but with Wonder woman, they want to have Thor God of Norse Myth meet Wonder Woman with the powers of the Greek Myths...

My problem is Thor KNOWS the Greek God's, hell Zeus is like a second father to him, and thinks Thors a top block, in Spiral he's the only one of the Higher council that didn't truely want a war with Asgard.
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Post by Skelron »

Oh and on the topic if it's the Cartoon JL, I give it too the X-Men. Why because I think any JL where the Green Lantern uses the power ring to make little more than energy fields deserves to go down hard. I mean in the eppisode where they met a comic book worlds heros and that team had a green lantern like character the freaking fake GL was more green lantern than the real one!

All the others, well I love the X-men, my favourite team vastly prefer them over most of the JLA, but really the X-Men can't win.
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Post by Superman »

Magic to Supes is not like Kryptonite. Superman is no more vulnerable to magic than any normal human. He is simply NOT immune to it.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Superman wrote:Magic to Supes is not like Kryptonite. Superman is no more vulnerable to magic than any normal human. He is simply NOT immune to it.
Like I said before...if only writers kept that in mind.

They literally there are two schools of thought to it.

1. Magic and Superman: is literally Magic and Everyone else. He can be hurt because he has no immunity to it.

2. Magic and Superman: is Magic fucks Superman like a cheap $2 Whore. If it's magical he's vulnerable to all it's effects more then anyone else...regardless if it's coffee or a bullet.

It varies upon which writer believes what...just like some writers can't remember if Mxy is magical or scientific(he's the later...he uses a tech beyond us much like Kadabra...he is not a magcial being which Loeb and few others got wrong because it sounds better to wank to)

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Post by thecreech »

Magic can be used to help superman though right? I seem to remember that Dr. Fate has used Magic spells on superman before.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

thecreech wrote:Magic can be used to help superman though right? I seem to remember that Dr. Fate has used Magic spells on superman before.
Yeah both Dr Fate and couple other higher DC mages have done this...mostly to insure his poewrs work the same in a magical enviroment.

Which makes him somehow being stupidly weak being exposed to Magic somewhat a dumb idea.

Technically DC should've adopted the whole he's no stronger against magic then a normal being as the canon some bad whimsy of writers when they can't think of something to pit him against.

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Post by Smiling Bandit »

Hey, its not the X-Men's fault that DC writers had to make all their character superwankers.

This is quite funny, too, since the DC writers had to conveiniently forget half the powers their cvharacter's had every single issue, else the heroes would have won too easily. People complain about the cartoon "pussifying" the characters, but they had no choice. The full-power characters are simply one rung lower than cosmic being.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Yes, and Marvel never overrates their characters to doing anything remotely super powerful. :roll:

I mean let's not forget Marvel forgets how much the Avengers/X-Men/Hulk/Surfer/Spiderman varies in powers and that America can provide androids that can pack more power then most tanks as a POLICE force.

Saying DC is doing wild power variables with their characters and saying Marvel is free of fault is truly pot calling kettle black

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Post by Crazedwraith »

Sam Or I wrote:Here is the Best chance the X-men have (of this current roster):

The X Men NEED to strike first simutanously:

Professor X attempts to confuse them long enough
Storm blacks out the sky, and covers the field in fog, and hit wonder woman with lightning multiple times. (3 lightning bolts have stopped her before). Take the chance with Cyclops, and hit Supes with everything he has (Hopefully his red solar ray will at least slow him down with no sunlight). Then professor X would have to put the flash in a coma. Rogue would some how have to touch the Martian Manhunter. Let Wolverine try to take Batman in the fog with his heighten senses. (Most evenly matched fight here) And Collossus would try and slowdown the Green Latern Long enough for the rest of the team to finish.

I doubt it would work, but it is the Best chance I see.
My sugestion would be similar to this, except i would switch the roles of Rogue and cyclops.
I think that cyke's blast would have more chance of Martian Manhunter (although i,ve only seen this character in the JLA cartoon and know nuthing about it.)
Once Rogues absorbed Supe's powers and rendered him camatose. She can then speed-blitz the rest of the JLA.
Personally i can see a rogue/supes mid-air fight in my mind's eye. Rohue would be getting the worst of it, then get angry and yell "
alright the glovers are comin' off suger!"
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Post by Enforcer Talen »

Im thinking justice league will take it. from the flash comics I used to own, he could basically stop time, and cover a few hundred miles while everyone else was about to start a blink. green lantern and superman have been seen at similar speeds.

prof x starts his first thought, then is decapitated. same with everyone except rogue, who is wrapped in i-beams.
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Post by Superman »

You know, Flash has always been sort of overlooked. I know he had a TV show but it didn't last long. I think he's a cool character that should have had some movies or something. His personality is alot like Spidey's.
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Post by Superman »

Oh and to comment on what Ghosty said: You want to talk about varying power levels? How about Juggernaut? He's flattened the Hulk with little to no effort, he's hit Thor over the head with his own hammer and I believe he's even taken Gladiator (may have to double check on that last one). Later on we see Spiderman knock him down with a punch, we see Cyclopes and Wolvie work him like he's nothing, and then Thor kicks his ass.

Let's not even get into Hulk's varying power levels...
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Post by NeoGoomba »

Spidey knocked Juggs on his ass twice I believe... :P
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